What is the effect of a recession on all those companies who have used the Trump tax breaks to purchase their own what is now a premium price?
All this stimulus added to the deficit. Forget the repo market contagion, were the biggest culprit of it all. Borrowing money and adding to our debt. God bless America.
I know I'm oversimplying this, but what's stopping the government from throwing mad $$$$ to SK, bring in their experts who implemented drive-through testing and do the same thing here?

- Virus contained
- Economy saved
What's y'all 401k strategy? I'm basically the following. My strategy is to stay aggressive and try and keep fees to a minimum. 100% stock no bonds.
-60% S&P 500 fund
-30% International equities fund
-10% Emerging markets fund
^ my contributions are currently stacking in a money market fund that ill exchange for multiple investments/funds down the road. But not trying to lose 0.20 on every dollar I put away right now
What's y'all 401k strategy? I'm basically the following. My strategy is to stay aggressive and try and keep fees to a minimum. 100% stock no bonds.
-60% S&P 500 fund
-30% International equities fund
-10% Emerging markets fund
I'm changing mine dramatically after today. Will leave 50% SP500, 20% target date fund, 10% bonds, and 20% cash. Will reevaluate in a few months depending on what the market does.
DCA through a recession would probably beat most attempts at beating/timing the market right now, unless you have a lot of skin in the game or close-ish to retirement.

Not taking any shots, if your strategy works, more power to y’all :nthat:

I still have cash on hand, but i believe i’ll definitely add and DCA every paycheck. I hate trying to time the market.

FWIW, Iceland’s Central Bank just cut rates too...

Trying to put a down payment for An apartment for September but concerned a recession will cause layoffs and put me in a financial hole. Smh
Trying to put a down payment for An apartment for September but concerned a recession will cause layoffs and put me in a financial hole. Smh

You can't live your life worried about a potential layoff because it can happen at any time even when the economy is good. If this apartment is going to make you house poor, then I wouldn't take that risk right now.
What happens when all the pamping doesn't work ?

We're about to find out.

Lots of begging from Trump & Admin for FED action....FED awfully quiet...just REPO increases done quietly at night.
Perhaps in their next meeting in coming days...they'll fire a cannon or bazooka. UK & EU & Japan cutting too.
Until FED action...we drop.
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