Going to start adding to long positions later this week if we drop a few more points. About 35% cash right now.
Think we continue to 280 and bounce back to 290 and that will be the defining moment of a nice buying opportunity versus us breaking trend.
Wow, falling so hard. We could see a small technical over-sold bounce, but won't it last unless the trade war de-escalates.

This could easily spark the next recession, so many companies rely heavily on China, once revenues and consumer spending decline layoffs are not far away and unemployment rising sharply off the lows nearly always guarantees a recession right afterwards.
Wow, falling so hard. We could see a small technical over-sold bounce, but won't it last unless the trade war de-escalates.

This could easily spark the next recession, so many companies rely heavily on China, once revenues and consumer spending decline layoffs are not far away and unemployment rising sharply off the lows nearly always guarantees a recession right afterwards.
Worst thing this idiot could’ve done. We’re ******.
Man, my dumba** got caught holding NVDA :smh:. Kinda want to take the L and just claim it on my taxes for next year, so I can at least free up some money for other trades.
Going to load up on more SQ been in it since the 20’s, and a few defense companies ktos,lmt, etc. The pharmaceuticals I’m in took a very small hit, but I just keep adding. Hoping the outlook on the earnings report are solid this week for those pharmaceuticals. Ocul, Eypt, Dova. The plans to retire by 35, or at least have the cash to retire by then. I don’t know how to play options or else I would, but I don’t have access to my account during work hours. So I play the long game haha
Want to take some of my savings and buy some S&P 500, but I want to wait and see how low it can drop :nerd:

Ninja lost the crown of most watched mins on twitch and left quick so he can be most watched on mixer

Probably made bank by switching
Want to take some of my savings and buy some S&P 500, but I want to wait and see how low it can drop :nerd:

How long do you plan to keep it in the S&P? If you have a longer timeframe, just put it in now and forget about it (or contribute more). It's impossible to call the bottom or top. Just keep adding on the dips.
I was gonna sell some stuff and out of nowhere he comes with this tariff crap and I got hit hard on some crazy stuff I was doing well with

How long do you plan to keep it in the S&P? If you have a longer timeframe, just put it in now and forget about it (or contribute more). It's impossible to call the bottom or top. Just keep adding on the dips.

Definitely long term. Just that feeling of buying a decent chunk and seeing a 5% dip :stoneface:

If not more :smh:
Definitely long term. Just that feeling of buying a decent chunk and seeing a 5% dip :stoneface:

If not more :smh:

I know the feeling. Buy in increments (dollar cost average) if you feel the market will correct itself or when it does. You have to stay invested for the power of compounding to work. Time in the market > timing the market.
Market hasn’t even had a 20% correction. If you go all in on this dip sure you might make some money but the risk/reward isn’t there. If you wanna put a portion in that would be smart but I personally see us breaking lower and this being a bounce to short more than one to add into. I think we gap fill and maybe run up a little bit more to 2950 before rolling over and starting a downtrend. If you’re a bull, adding on this dip is smart and wait for confirmation to add more. If you’re a bear, wait for a lil more bounce to add in.
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