What was he really going to say though? Either he lied or admitted that this is a all fake nonsense.
The thing is he could do an offering and pivot the business towards being an e-commerce business for gaming that integrates esports and mobile competitions. Or he could buy bitcoin and become a miner. There’s stuff to discuss at least. **** leadership. Back to $50 is my guess.
One reason I love wsb, they dissected the **** out of the 10K. 9 board members, out of 13, are retiring or resigning from the board this year, potentially by June. That leaves 2 incumbents from before Cohen bought his way in and added two of his people to the board too. Theres going to be a complete overhaul of this company. Honestly, it might not mean survival, but it damb sure means the guys are trying to survive and thrive. Hope they execute their vision.

Also they reiterated they have enough cash and credit to fund operations for a minimum of a year. Hopefully they just rip off the bandaid and make a secondary offering, to secure the future of the company or pay off long term debt, but it sounds better than it did last year. Idk, I'm not buying anymore and I would still not encourage anyone else to, but GME might not be in such a dire situation anymore.
Jeffries gave them a $175 price target 😂

trimmed my CURI in half at 17 to raise cash and be flexible. .8% position now, 2% cash position
Lot of beta there. You're gonna be ****** on any weakness. Welcome to the club :lol: if you're comfortable with your risk, ignore it, otherwise, manage your positions.

I personally am letting the market scale me out of **** with bad buys. I already trimmed TWLO down to a starter from my bad buys at 340 and 345. SQ will be trimmed robotically as well with one trim hitting and more at 215.5 and 214.5. Letting the market take me cash in certain places where I was green and with size.
Think I'm going to be deleting all apps :lol:

Once again, I have no cash on hand to buy any dips.

I hope this lasts no longer than a quarter. I need me a strong bull run after to make up for all this bleeding...smh
I think we may take out the lows. Obviously we could still make a higher low and trend from here but every bounce is being sold.
They had a guy on bloomberg saying if GME tries to do an offering they will 100% be facing a shareholder lawsuit, which is why they havent done it. Fwiw

In other news these china stocks are all setting up a h/s. SE and PDD off the top of my head as well as the top 30 china adr index. If it closes below the neckline I'm gonna have to exit china completely for the time being.
Looking at my now-untouchable portfolio....

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