Stopped in NPA at 12.75 from 12.70 entry, bidding 12.15 to jump back in. Want flexibility and selling ideas I don't love. Took PLTR off for that reason.
GRWG earnings tomorrow afternoon. Anyone still on this stock? I cant imagine they'll have a bad report, but we know how the market reacts to good news. Anyone buying under $50?

I think I'll sit on the sidelines until after earnings and then reevaluate.
Th is is exactly why I don’t trade the bounce off the support line period

KBNT company to watch but not top pick because of its size and lack of revs. Lmk if you want the CEO interview.

I'd love to see the CEO interview.

I recently put this on my watchlist and they have earnings on the 25th.

Main metric I'm going to be looking into is their customer growth. That will tell a lot
I’m new to trading but I turned all the indicators off. I just use macd and look at the chart. Works way better for me.
GME all over the place before earnings report is released. They still need like a 10% jump to even get back to where the stock opened today though :lol:

I hope we ******* moon.
Not at all. Wow. Stock is being hit as anyone would expect. Down 12% in the minutes following the end of the call. This is why Cohen needs to hostile-takeover the company. Dumb *** CEO now refuses to have a Q&A section after the most volatile quarter of the company's life.
That was the craziest ER I have ever seen
It recovered the days losses then plummeted
I know whoever bought options before close was on a emotional rollercoaster
S&P down less than 1% but you wouldnt realize it looking at my watchlist, good lord today was bad, much worse than it looks.

Value/commodity/reopening plays have been stretched lately and it seems that rotation has lost its steam. Either this was an early week washout and the trend picks back up or we're going full on defensive here.

So mad I missed my INTC buy right before the close smh. Up 6% AH. I needed that after stops bled me out today.
I'd love to see the CEO interview.

I recently put this on my watchlist and they have earnings on the 25th.

Main metric I'm going to be looking into is their customer growth. That will tell a lot
Pm me I have to do it from my computer tomorrow

get used to the action. This is gonna last at least another quarter
Proteomics are going to be killer but we’re in the ground floor, he’ll probably the garage. CAPA could have its ILMN moment if their tech is as good as they make it seem. ARYA and SEER are the other ways to play. Really recommend starting here and diving down the rabbit hole
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