Goodness! What happened to WKHS?

And now THCB popping. And I considered selling this today to fund other purchases. Glad I held

I don't trust THCB for ish. **** might still end in the red...smh
SQ earnings were fire. If you remove bitcoin revs it doesn’t look as exciting, but bitcoin is the on ramp that drives CashApp usage and they will raise costs eventually there and offer other products. Their CAC for CashApp is <$5 that’s insane. Such a long runway for growth. Long and will get longer at some point. Just need to find a way to move money.

follow a trader who did something interesting today. He sold his HAAC to raise cash and bought HAACW instead to create leverage. I’m gonna look into the redemption rules but I might do the same to get more SQ and maintain my HAAC exposure by buying warrants and exercising down the road. Just want to know my timeline to exercise.
From what I can gather its the rising rates/expectation of rising rates that are throwing off the DCF pricing models forcing a lot of rebalancing.

I heard something interesting yesterday, we are seeing a last leg up of the reflation trade. Rotation into areas that have lagged the rest of the markets rebound. Oil, commodities, materials, industrials, travel, financials.
Made some quick bread off OEG.
Copped TSLA partial and more CCIV at 33.

Account got more in the chamber for the rest of the week.
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And think about how the vast majority of the people you know use Venmo. CashApp still has such a long runway to go from a user standpoint. Plus it’s utilized in SMB for payroll and things like that in addition p2p payments, bitcoin and stocks. And eventually they’ll expand their offerings to lending, options trading, etc.
Jack is always forward thinking. Gives whatever he does great long-term outlook. And he’s willing to switch course too to the next trend without emotionally tying himself to past ideas.
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