
keep pounding #NTMoneyTeam
Like アミーゴ アミーゴ says, so many increased in the after hours and pre market. Millions couldn’t buy in as it was rocket shipping up. So this works both ways. Between this quote and the guy talking about going to war, be careful out there. I dislike citron group with the rest of them. They manipulated many pump and dumps, which became dumps instantly when their bad news hit.
But back to the first quote, are people never supposed to sell and take profits? What’s the end game? All of this defies general logic. And wsb or other internet folks all aren’t buying the 1.2 billion volume involved. There are bigger players at play. It sort of feels like the group has lost immediate focus on their main pump. It’s sort of snakes into 8-10 others. I’m sort of waiting for them to dump GME and state where they are taking all their profits. But maybe that has happened
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I’m throwing another G at amc in the morning **** it
step 1 of averaging down in a torrential loser with no narrative or fundamentals
Kicking myself for not buy 1000 shares of NAKD at opening.
y’all are too predictable
Also to appease johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm I will be grabbing any and all dips of his stocks for the rest of the week. Lets break bread, BAYBEE
10 baggers in 10 years :pimp:
Do we buy?

Of-****ing-course we buy!!!!! To Pluto, and beyond.
yeah what can go wrong
100 thou or you ain’t got **** on the line
Seeing too many noobs walking into a trap

It's cute seeing WSB get publicity but they're not pulling the strings like they think they are

Media has nothing to talk about besides COVID now that Trump is out of office.
I see a bunch of people who will be blowing up their accounts in the coming weeks

buying as much TDOC under 265 as I can. While y’all buy garbage that’ll be bankrupt in a decade I’m buy the next trillion dollar company.
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This is exactly what's going to happen for you new people:

SPY is going to hit 380 today, good stocks will start to be on sale (probably a multi day sell off)
AMC and GME may go up a little higher
You're gonna think you're doing it
AMC and GME start to go lower
You're going to buy more
Market goes down 10%, great growth stocks pull back 15-30%
You're going to ignore the pullbacks in great growth stocks
Pro's buy the pull back
You average down again
Market reverses
AMC and GME are long term fading
You blew and up and missed the only big correction of the year

Don't be a fool. Buy and hold quality.
Through the first 10 big ideas for 2021 by Ark NVDA is directly or indirectly involved in 7 or 8 of them. Im increasing my position today because I believe this is a trillion dollar company at the forefront of their sector and the pick and shovels for a lot of these thematics. You can’t have deep learning, bitcoin mining, gaming, autonomous labor, full self driving, ARM processors without NVDA’s involvement.
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This is beautifully written but the influx on new traders, fomo concentrated stocks, Game has changed forever. Many will be left holding a bag of coal, while others will be in and out profiting chasing the next fomo stock.

This is exactly why johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm has been preaching this top for a couple days now.. this thread alone that for the passed few years barely moved a couple pages a week and yesterday alone it moved atleast 15 pages! And look at all the people coming in here saying I'm new but I'm in!.. definitely worrisome..
Let them do their thing. We’re all grown. Many who do these quick flips know what they’re getting into.
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Two weeks ago...
Lmao I was joking @skaterplayer808 those guys are idiots man

Tomorrow is another day and your chance to get in on the NT BULLDAWGS RUN - AMC, NOK and NAKD buy now. Not in on BB but action looks promising

And you wonder why I can’t take your posts seriously:rofl: No more asking for handouts in the SB thread. Time to pay resale :lol:
Quick question from someone who’s vaguely following the whole GME/WSB thing and still trying to understand the terminology and process of everything going on:

im on Reddit and the last few days browsing through WSB it’s been rocket emojis and hold HOLD HOLD. So my question to y’all is when is the breaking point do they all sell and cash out? Is there some kind of event or deadline where the price maxes out and they dump the stocks? When the hedge funds collapse? Thanks in advance.

Im not an expert but Ive been following Reddit as well and their plan is to Hold until at least Friday. Friday is supposed to be the deadline and the first short squeeze where Brokers have to return the Short Stocks they borrowed. Theyve been trying different ways to bring the price down like halting stocks, disabling platforms, trading after and before market hours.
Im not an expert but Ive been following Reddit as well and their plan is to Hold until at least Friday. Friday is supposed to be the deadline and the first short squeeze where Brokers have to return the Short Stocks they borrowed. Theyve been trying different ways to bring the price down like halting stocks, disabling platforms, trading after and before market hours.
Many of those people are going to hold as far as next week
The folks that bought in under $50 are sitting comfortable

there is no reason for anyone to play with the $500 price range even for fractional shares

there will be good stories of a good come up for those that are aware of what they are doing
And it’s going to be some horror stories as well
It also going to be some big winners that going to take that money and put it into some other penny stock and lose every dime

I’m just a option trader sitting on the sideline
Ready for the come up story and the train wreck

but with platforms bringing in restrictions where are
These buyers coming from
All I know is that it’s a super volatile market. Reminds me of crypto circa 2017.

have to be aggressive and take advantage when possible, only invest what you’re willing to lose and realize you could lose it all, take profits along the way and reinvest in more stable things.
Also I don’t think WSB is making this move like that at this point honestly
They got the party started and are doing creative things like telling their broker to not let people borrow their shares, but overall, this is hedge funds ******* with each other and someone is trying to drive up the price for that epic short from $1,000 to $5 which will happen. Nothing was solved by GME. They need to do an offering ASAP pay off all debt, close stores, restructure and then be at best a 25-30 stock in a couple of years.
All I know is that it’s a super volatile market. Reminds me of crypto circa 2017.

have to be aggressive and take advantage when possible, only invest what you’re willing to lose and realize you could lose it all, take profits along the way and reinvest in more stable things.
The only difference is there are some amazing growth stocks on sale right now that people in here who want a come up are avoiding in favor of garbage that’s at all time highs and unsustainable. SE 15% off it’s highs is a great opportunity. But y’all want to run around NAKD thinking you’re gonna get rich without knowing how to execute a damn limit order and it’s gonna backfire big time.
Who has the nuts to short GME right now? I'm not touching it just like I'm not touching that meme Tesla.
The only difference is there are some amazing growth stocks on sale right now that people in here who want a come up are avoiding in favor of garbage that’s at all time highs and unsustainable. SE 15% off it’s highs is a great opportunity. But y’all want to run around NAKD thinking you’re gonna get rich without knowing how to execute a damn limit order and it’s gonna backfire big time.
You mentioned TDOC at under $265. Any other gems?
Who has the nuts to short GME right now? I'm not touching it just like I'm not touching that meme Tesla.
Buddy did it yesterday (same buddy who made a huge loss of KOSS), he’s down $340 and the market hasn’t even opened yet :lol:

different level of balls/greed. I have no problem trying to be aggressive and make money on these meme stocks but I’ve been loading up on the crypto dip as well. Also wanna load up on these growth stocks
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