I'm not getting ahead of myself, because this ***** *** company has already survived a couple damning reports. Bet the stock MOONS tomorrow because "embattled founder resigns so board can focus on current goals" or some dumb **** like that.
**** it I'm buying more puts tomorrow. Will roll my existing contract into a longer dated, lower strike put around December. That should give the DOJ enough time to run their investigation and shut down this dumb ******* company for good. LETS RIDE.
Hoping TSLA and ORCL bring the tech sector back from the dead this week. Holding a $505 NVDA call expiring on Friday.

NVDA tanking pre-market @ $478 right now...

But this market might hit a circuit breaker this week because of RBG. I think I’m selling today. Letting go of U, FROG, VRM, SNOW, and probably OKTA. Watch this be the bottom :lol:

looking to replace them with ESTC TTD TSLA (as a trade) if the opportunities hit.
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Boy, all these 2021 LEAPS I'm bag holding...

I think I might just need to take the Ls on them

They've been bleeding heavy and recovery isn't looking great even with 4 months left on most of them.
The last 22/25 times futures were red 2-3 months before election there was a change in president. No idea if that includes the obvious two terms already served.
Glad I took out around 75% of my profits from my savings account aka AAPL but this thing dropping this much sucks. I’m still up, but if I break even I’m gonna sell and just rebuy it at the lower lows. Need to get better at selling at better times even for long term holds.
NKLA been magnetized to the 33-34 range all week. Wonder if algos are pumping at that 33 mark or what's going on. Something has to give soon, lawsuits are starting to drop now. Only catalyst not priced in is partnerships ending or Trevor fleeing the country being confirmed.

You called it :lol:.


TechCrunch just took down their tweet about him being arrested.
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