Going to lock-in a few profits once GME breaks $10, fun ride from $4s. Good call from Will Meade on short interest alert well before the CHWY co-founder took a stake
I jumped in around $7, so profit is so so right now, but hoping it takes off further when Series X and S pre-orders start on the 22nd.
Well today sucked. Except for TSLA and PTON. Somehow NKLA is still above 33 and won't drop below. Glad I grabbed 10/02 exp instead of 9/25. Theta be ******* me rn but hopefully the pumpers give it up next week now that they got their premiums for the short term options.

Grabbed 5 shares of OKTA here at 198. Like the recovery and follow through past two sessions. Let’s see if we gap and go on Monday in tech. Leaders didn’t pull back and break down, showed a lot of strength past two days. Maybe an omen of what’s to come.
Grabbing 10 shares of ADYEY tomorrow. Have been watching it for a while and it’s crossing anew buy point. Should see 40-45 if it works. Using 34.80 as a guide for my risk.
Keep an eye on Tesla tomorrow over 456 and se over 150. Both can be big runners. Also keep an eye on the growth names for follow through again building off Friday’s moves (Etsy, okra, etc)
Keep an eye on Tesla tomorrow over 456 and se over 150. Both can be big runners. Also keep an eye on the growth names for follow through again building off Friday’s moves (Etsy, okra, etc)

Hoping TSLA and ORCL bring the tech sector back from the dead this week. Holding a $505 NVDA call expiring on Friday.
I plan on adding to my tesla tomorrow in order to round up to hole shares. I have a feeling battery day is gonna pump it some.
Not sure how credible he is, but the CEO of Entrata released these texts from a girl saying she was groped by Trevor Milton. He might really flee the country like noskey noskey said :lol:.

Saw the report, copied the tweet, came here to post and I got beat by 40 minutes :lol: :pimp:

Trevor can **** right off to jail and I hope he becomes an internationally wanted criminal to really amp his ******* **** boy record.

If this report is true and NKLA doesnt crater to the mid-teens tomorrow I'm ******* quitting anything related to stocks for the rest of the year.
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