the psychology of knowing u will have 4 vs just 1 after the split is making people want to jump into AAPL the thing is to hold after the split or not will it continue going up now that more ppl will be able to afford it. Also the release of the new phones in sept 2020
Yes. Upgrade cycle into the holidays will be MASSIVE.
Isn't Hindenburg another Andrew Left (citron) though?
They did the same with SRNE, but that didn’t go anywhere honestly.
For sure on both fronts, I personally don’t have the desire to deal with that potential risk and will be ok missing out on a $100 stock right now than see a 50% haircut. If it comes back to $12 and options come in, maybe I’ll jump back into a call or something as a lotto. But for now, I’m out.

added PD yesterday ah and today. Sitting around mostly and waiting for crwd to retrace hopefully.

nvta has been on fire lately.
My job gave everyone in the company a $1000 pandemic bonus today and I'm dumping it all on stocks/crypto. Decisions, decisions.
TSLA or leave the thread

I got stock in TSLA already. I'll be adding to my position.

:lol: you nailed it.

$1000 in bitcoin today will be $2000 at some point.
Yea I'll be adding to my position there as well.

Or just give it to charity because other people could use it more than you I would imagine
I actually can use it right now but I'm going to pretend like I never got it with my current financial situation. Let the funds grow and hopefully I'll be able to give back as well.
my company didn’t give us s*** and they told us not to take any office equipment home to WFH :lol: :smh:.
That's so ****** :lol:

Also in case it's not clear, I'm very happy and very lucky to be in a position where I can be in here talking **** and saying dumb **** like "gIfT cArDs CaNt BuY PtOn OpTiOnS." I've seen the effects of this COVID crisis up close and it's been a stressful time for everyone. I really do hope all yall are doing okay in these times. #NTFamily
Maaaan HEAR is steadily exceeding my expectations, got in around $10, and closing in on double. I'm reading 30 is possible, and whisper of 45 (pipe dream), but will see.
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