Hi, still a bit of a newbie here. Question for the vets and those who have a good nose here.
How do you guys go about picking stocks? The sea is just so vast. It seems that the tickers mentioned are usually known amongst you guys.
Are these primarily tips, TA, FA or personal DD?
How do you determine the difference between a short or long hold? Or are these things just determined by your DD and limits previously set?
Im been making myself more familiar with Chart Patterns to understand good entry and exit points as well as when a ticker is moving past resistance, but again everything is just so vast. Im just having a hard time narrowing things and picking. Anaysis/Choice Paralysis
I have only invested in a couple stocks RN, 1 current position. Admittedly I was gaining on one and then lost a decent bit and shelled up in response to educate myself more.