Yeah I’m trying to retire in 20 years in Santa Rosa and just make wine
Goals bruh

LVGO got the Motley Fool pump today. Really good read on them:
[5:09 PM, 5/28/2020] FrankC: Information is power, and it's a resource that is critical when it comes to health and wellness. When you step on a scale — daily or not — your brain is filing away a nugget of data that you instinctively compare to historical readings. Are you losing weight? Are you gaining weight? Should you take sugar-free gum and leave the cannoli next time?

Imagine what could be possible if we were just as meticulous with the crowdsourcing of that data. Now, let's raise the stakes by considering how powerful crowdsourced information could be if we had a better read on what was happening inside our bodies. We don't collect as many data points on that front. Maybe you get lab work done as part of your annual physical — and no judgment here if your last annual physical was back in 2016. The point is that we don't know as much about our inner workings as perhaps we should, and that's where information manipulated in a new way could be a literally life-changing breakthrough.

Livongo Health (NASDAQ: LVGO) pioneered a category it calls Applied Health Signals in late 2018. Addressing a market of 135 million Americans suffering from at least one chronic condition, Livongo's data scientists take a proactive approach to improving member outcomes. Using an AI+AI approach — aggregate, interpret, apply, and iterate — Livongo's platform derives signals from its devices, coaches, and web assets to drive behavior change. If this is starting to seem too conceptual, let's dial this all back. Grab a seat. Let me see your hand. Don't mind me as I prick your finger for a droplet of blood.

It All Started With Diabetes
Diabetes is a pretty big deal. There are an estimated 34.2 million people in the U.S. alone — 1 in every 10 adults — living with the chronic disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control's latest report. Diabetes is the country's seventh leading cause of death, even though nearly 95% of the diagnosed cases fall into the type 2 category, in which people can keep their blood glucose in check through healthy eating, exercise, shedding excess weight, and taking prescribed medications.

Founder Glen Tullman was inspired to start Livongo after seeing the struggles with diabetes facing his son, who was diagnosed with the condition when he was eight years old. What if you could leverage data science and machine learning to scale digital coaching for diabetes and other chronic conditions? A business model was born.

Livongo signs up insurers and large self-insured companies as clients, which in turn offer the platform to their members. Livongo had 1,252 clients at the end of March, an explosive jump from the 804 it had just three months earlier and an 84% surge from the 679 it had on its books a year before. The number of individual participants on the platform is growing even faster, as Livongo's diabetes members have roughly doubled over the past year to 328,000.

It's a win-win-win arrangement. What do members get out of this? Well, members on the diabetes platform receive glucose meters and test strips that they are all too familiar with for checking their blood sugar levels on a regular basis. However, these meters are connected digitally to Livongo's platform, so they receive personalized insights, 24/7 coaching support, shareable reports, and custom alerts. In the non-Livongo world, diabetes patients are largely on their own between doctor visits; it could be months, if not longer, before a medical pro checks in. With Livongo's data scientists on the case, users are given actionable insights when their glucose levels are on the rise.

The machine learning platform works. An average member's HbA1c reduction falls from a self-reported 7.8% at the time of registration — above the American Diabetes Association's target range — to 7.1% within the first three months, down to 6.9% withi…
[5:10 PM, 5/28/2020] FrankC: Read up is good if interested, love the expansion into depression think that's a homerun market to enter
[5:10 PM, 5/28/2020] FrankC: Cliff notes version: LIVONGO HEALTH IN 1 MINUTE


Livongo Health uses data collection and artificial intelligence to arrive at better outcomes for chronic conditions.


Livongo is a fast-growing player pioneering applied health signals, leaning on high tech to deliver better coaching through chronic conditions.
Diabetes was the first condition Livongo tackled, and the results are impressive.
The number of diabetes members on its platform has doubled to 328,000 over the past year, and Livongo is expanding into new categories.

Industry: Health Care Technology
Size: Mid Cap
Region: U.S.
May 27 Price: $53.40
Allocation: Many Fools choose to fill out their positions incrementally, starting with a small amount — 2% of their portfolio's overall value, for instance — and adding a little at a time.

Headquarters: Mountain View, Calif.
Website: Livongo Health investor relations
Market Cap: $5.7 billion
Cash/Debt: $368.7 million / $18.4 million
Revenue (2017/'18/'19): $30.9 million / $68.4 million / $170.2 million
Earnings (2017/'18/'19): ($16.9 million) / ($33.4 million) / ($55.3 million)
If COVID wasn't bullish enough, a new civil war might be just enough to push us to new highs

Buy everything !

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GAN looks so overvalued and bloated. How is this a $20 stock with the revenues they’re generating? Jesus. I’m all about growth, but I’ll pass on this one. Rather park my money elsewhere. Good luck to anyone. The idea is good, but too expensive even when you look ahead down the line. I’d need to see this around $10-15 to be interested.
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