Only thing I slightly disagree with is others catching up to them. Volkswagen is the biggest threat and the e-Golf cant go 100 miles, Audi is prohibitively expensive, and Porsche even more so. Tesla has an amazing first mover advantage that nobody can touch. The barrier to entry isnt just making electric cars, it's the unions that dictate labor, a wider breadth of product lines commanding more resources (money), and a lack of inherent brand trust/goodwill that Tesla has in spades.

I can't wait to buy back in after the inevitable price crash.

I'm not sure anyone is catching them anytime soon. Tesla is already outselling many "old" brands like Cadillac, Lincoln, Chrysler, etc. in the US.

New electrics don't currently have the same range as the Teslas. They don't have a networking for charging / supercharging. These old companies don't have the tech talent to maneuver as quickly as Tesla can. Not to say that Tesla is perfect by any means, I just don't think anyone else is even close. The Model S came out like 8 years ago, and in 2020 most manufacturers still can't even match the range / specs.

this one my baby.
There's an obvious bubble going on with the market, it's being fueled by central bank liquidity
I'm going to be selling off my stocks this month, I predict ATHs then a big crash soon
There's an obvious bubble going on with the market, it's being fueled by central bank liquidity
I'm going to be selling off my stocks this month, I predict ATHs then a big crash soon

FED still has Ammo left...QE 6, Zero rates....Negative Rates...QE 7
I'm still green when it comes to this stock stuff. I've been monitoring this thread off an on and coming to check it out whenever something major breaks like this Tesla rise. But Yeah seeing it now hit $900+ and being able to watch it live is pretty fascinating. But at the same time, I'm bummed I couldn't participate in the action. :lol:
There's an obvious bubble going on with the market, it's being fueled by central bank liquidity
I'm going to be selling off my stocks this month, I predict ATHs then a big crash soon

Yep. I'm just sitting back and enjoying the show for now.

When it's time to pay the piper and we see mass panic/hatred for the market, i'll be buying big again.
got in "late" at $564 (iirc)

Edit: just sold Dem lol

Congrats on near trip digit gain!
Did you sell entire position or staging out?

PBOC & FED not done "stimulating."
PBOC announce more market protective measures.
3pm to4pm is golden hour...stawks that are running, run harder.
Right on cue....

PBOC to do another reverse repo operation - Bloomberg

TSLA shares climb further on PBOC news.
Should I buy some Tesla stocks right now? What’s the call?
Jesus Christ. Stay the hell away from the ******* market please.
Id be selling 70% of my stocks at this point. A stock market crash is inevitable. This is topping behavior. Don’t short anything. Just get some cash on the sidelines and leave some running in case we continue breaking higher. This going to be a nasty crash when it happens in the next 3-6 months.
Sold my SNE calls too early today. Made a profit but left a lot on the table. Gonna get back in soon. I'm with Dan Loeb on this name.

Hoping for a gap up in TWTR on earnings but I'm holding my LEAP contracts regardless. Stock is going to $50 at least by next year.
Bought calls on SPY for the low
I think the market isn’t done with the run up

but I am a little salty at myself for not pulling the trigger on that TSLA call for 15,000

would have been a big flip going from .60 to 7.00 😳😳😳😳 would have sold within the 15 minute window seeing how the volume dried up after that

If I get another opp I will

was sitting in the car at the gym watching it happen but not joining in
Gotta have conviction if you believe. Honestly, buying one contract and risking $60 would’ve been worth it even though the run up was ridiculously unpredictable and illogical. Get it next time. You’ll have plenty of chances over time.
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