I got a couple of 10-man college houses I know of :lol: nah you will find something, look at St. Paul specifically
We can’t send him to dinkytown :lol:

Yeah summit ave and crocus hill have what you’re looking for.

Southwest Minneapolis will have some big houses too
Are they that’s hilarious 😂😂
Ever since GME exploded and made a bunch of people money, the avg normies migrating from /stocks and /investing have made that place unbearable. "rEdDiT iSnT pRoFiTaBlE" like that's what's gonna determine trading price for a ******* social media app.
Ever since GME exploded and made a bunch of people money, the avg normies migrating from /stocks and /investing have made that place unbearable. "rEdDiT iSnT pRoFiTaBlE" like that's what's gonna determine trading price for a ****ing social media app.

Was any stock that they pumped profitable?
AMD with the blue skies breakout today. Beautiful chart and move. Missed my entry trying to be patient and then NVDA earnings blew up the dip. Still sitting on a rack looking to deploy it somewhere from the 529 money. Waiting on Apple to come down to 165 but just a slow bleed so far.
ZS earnings were solid, DBNR is down but numbers overall are very good. Some seasonality in guidance and everyone is guiding lower due to the Fed not easing yet. Grabbed some premarket. Down from my entry but I like this one long term.
Officially doubled up on my mutual funds I started in 2018

Helps me not hate my self as much for selling my crypto in 2018 and for missing out on every get rich quick moment of the last 10 years :lol:
I have my funds split 50/50 between VFIAX and VQNPX. I’ve made about 3x more on VFIAX so I’m thinking about just putting it all in there. It would bring my avg cost from $264 up to around $370. What do yall think? I would normally be against putting all my eggs in one basket but they both cover pretty much the same things anyway
I have my funds split 50/50 between VFIAX and VQNPX. I’ve made about 3x more on VFIAX so I’m thinking about just putting it all in there. It would bring my avg cost from $264 up to around $370. What do yall think? I would normally be against putting all my eggs in one basket but they both cover pretty much the same things anyway

I’d put it all in the Pelosi jackpot if I had funds, personally
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