anyone know how to get this stain off(the slight black mark) Im in the process of using Jason Markk, but it doesnt seem to be helping...
can anyone recommend a place around Los Angeles to glue the sole of the AJ IX and XI? need repair for my early 2k's cool grey IX and OG bred XI.
you could say "don't worry about it, just wear your shoes" to each and every post in this thread. give me a break

Uh.. Not really. A separated sole or scuffed leather is a lot different than an iron on jumpman logo inside your shoe
Uh.. Not really. A separated sole or scuffed leather is a lot different than an iron on jumpman logo inside your shoe
its debatable, but I know where you and other people stand on this. i do what I want though, could give a **** what you or anyone else thinks. theres a few in here that can help me out.... so save your breath.

one could argue that its absolutely ridiculous to tell someone to shut up and wear your shoes until the insole logo rubs off.... and then turn around and ask for help on how to prevent his shoes from CREASING or SCUFFING when he WEARS them. It's the same dam thing.
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Get emotional all you want, I gave my input on helping with your request pages ago. I just think it's senseless to worry about the inside of the shoe. It happens to every single pair and doesn't make you want em any less does it? Sure doesn't lower resell value.

On to the next topic please
Get emotional all you want, I gave my input on helping with your request pages ago. I just think it's senseless to worry about the inside of the shoe. It happens to every single pair and doesn't make you want em any less does it? Sure doesn't lower resell value.

On to the next topic please
no one is emitional, just hard headed. i understand the logic of not wanting to worry about the insole logo's.... I mean, duh.. its on the inside of the shoe where your foot rubs. of course its gonna rub off with wears. I get it.

But I still want to protect it. It is what it is.
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"This shoe was balled in....... stayed correct on the inside. Whoever had this shoe, thank you."

although, on second thought... he might be trying to show testament to the quality of nike samples on that one.
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Whats up everyone maybe I can be some assistance when it comes to protecting the logo on your insoles...Now yes I am new to NT but I am no stranger to sneakers and the sneaker culture...Now like many of you I have OCD when it comes to my sneakers lol so Im real big on cleaning, maintenance, and keeping my shoes "like new" as possible...So after scrolling through pgs of this thread I seen the ppl talking about how to protect the logos on the insole often...Well heres my method and this is what I been using for 3yrs now...I just use regular plain insoles that you can get for a couple bucks at any walmart or maybe dollar store, CVS etc.  you buy them and cut them to the shape of your foot and you should be good to go... the pair in the pics below is the same pair I've used for 3 yrs so they hold up pretty well. I just change them to whatever sneakers I wear that day and Im good to go... They work well and do not leave residue or anything. The part that touches the insole is like a rubber material (2nd pic) so it wont pell off the logo or stick to it..but I would advise to take them out after every wear bc although residue don't build up lint from your socks will..so take them out and kinda of dust them off. I am a true sz 11 with wide feet and they are still pretty comfortable even on top of the shoe insole...so its really no discomfort with them in I took a pic to show the thickness of the insole...I just recently cut off the toe box on the insole bc I started to use sneaker shields and they still work great. With this Method all of my insole look brand new and all of my logos and Jumpmans are still intact!

Hope this helps
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^^ thanks for posting. I figured extra insoles would slide around if they arent the perfect size. but I didn't realize they have rubber on the bottom.
^^ thanks for posting. I figured extra insoles would slide around if they arent the perfect size. but I didn't realize they have rubber on the bottom.
Yeah No problem and I haven't experienced them moving around on the inside at all...let me know how this works out for you
thats gonna leave residue once the heat of your foot on a warm summer day rubs on it. painters tape did and it has a lot less adhesive than packing tape. i'm trying to avoid adhesive all together.
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so why not use replacement insoles as suggest yesterday?

just pull the insoles out and replace them with your own. not like the glue they use is super strong these days. my 13' Taxi 12s barely have glue under the insoles for whatever reason.
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Is their any finisher or coating I could put on the shoe I repainted to make it look more glossy and dark like the og factory paint? I used angelus military blue
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Is their any finisher or coating I could put on the shoe I repainted to make it look more glossy and dark like the og factory paint? I used angelus military blue
Angelus makes acrylic finishers ranging from flat top, matte,satin,gloss and high gloss
Who said anything about taking off the tape? :lol: well I just plan on wearing them like that. I'll try taking one off to see if it peels it off
Who said anything about taking off the tape?
well I just plan on wearing them like that. I'll try taking one off to see if it peels it off
fair enough. i'd rather rub the logo completely off from wear, than keep a piece of tape on it forever... thats just me tho.
I wouldn't wanna change the insole of my shoe everyday either though. Ehh it's just a logo anyway. It's really only worth preserving on OGs or shoes with cool designs
Started the gluing process of my 2002 cool grey IXs which the outsole completely came off.


On the left shoe, I am using what I have always used for the last 20 year! A shoe repair glue from Taiwan since I was a little kid. The only down side is it dries yellow where the shoe-goo dries clear. I will probably try shoe goo on the right shoe to see how they hold up.


I'm also using box tape instead of shoe laces to put pressure on the glue. This way you can pull and apply pressure and just stick it to the midsole without the laces destroying the shape of the shoe.

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