I use regular white and black and add duller to get my desired matte sheen. Haven't tried angelus flat paints yet but in my experience flat acrylics are often too matte for midsole application
Thanks for the info fam. So do u mix the duller with paint or do you apply it after paint has dried?
Thanks for the info fam. So do u mix the duller with paint or do you apply it after paint has dried?

No problem man. I always mix it in with the paint. There was a thread recently on ISS on some dude who applied it afterwards to a pair of custom royal 1s and it was way too glossy
Do any of you gentlemen know what I can do to fix this?
Got some cool grey 3's that need a midsole repaint. I have the angelus grey paint but I think its too dark. Is there a specific color mixture of other paints I need to get the correct color grey of the midsole??
Coo, im def gonna try that. should i go with a 50/50 mix ratio

I think that's too large of a ratio bro. I usually only add a couple drops of duller to my paints and it gets it to near favory sheen. I suggest starting with one or two drops and test it then keep adding until you get it right
I think that's too large of a ratio bro. I usually only add a couple drops of duller to my paints and it gets it to near favory sheen. I suggest starting with one or two drops and test it then keep adding until you get it right
Thank you for the knowledge, much appreciated
Don't know if this is the right thread to post in, but if somebody knows redirect me please 

My cousin wants me to paint the PL on her concord lows like these but she doesn't want me to use a glitter- based paint 

Any suggestions? 
 Could I paint the PL like they did in the video and just add another layer of glue mixed glitter on top?

Hey guys i have hella trouble takin the donors off for my infrareds these have been by far the hardest i cut it off and put boiling water but its not workin i have a heat gun but am afraid it'll f up the midsole
Hey guys i have hella trouble takin the donors off for my infrareds these have been by far the hardest i cut it off and put boiling water but its not workin i have a heat gun but am afraid it'll f up the midsole

Does your heat gun have variable temp control? If so then hit the midsole with 450-500' F. Don't worry about burning the midsole bc you'd have to keep it pointed at one concentrated area for a while to actually burn it. I work with that temp all the time and have never burned any of my midsoles just remember to not keep it pointed at one area for too long
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