Anybody else having freezing issues?

Or is IT coming....
I played it for like 4 hours straight last night. I was very impressed. I kept doing shuv its instead of Kickflips. It was pissing me off, but I finally got mykickflip noseslides on this sick ledge.
Man I love this game..but this one part has me stumped..any help is appreciated

I need help with the Danny Way Challenge..it seems like we will both bail..but I will start back @ the top..and He will continue from Down below..its annoyingas hell..
Originally Posted by Datnggag

Man I love this game..but this one part has me stumped..any help is appreciated

I need help with the Danny Way Challenge..it seems like we will both bail..but I will start back @ the top..and He will continue from Down below..its annoying as hell..
The easiest way I found to do this one was to go down the middle ramp slowly and do a small tweak and land that, then you will build lots ofmomentum for the next jumps. My biggest problem was bailing at the beginning (seems like I could never land off the ramps), but doing a small trick works andgives you speed. Build up lots of score from the different jumps following and if your score is high enough just go straight to the exit because once you gothrough that the session is over no matter where he is.
my game freezes sometimes too.. but how many of you guys actaully completed all these challenges? im having trouble beating the pro, San Van a Slamma ( i cannever land coming down) and those damn own the spots... do i have to complete all the challenges to win the game..?
Originally Posted by eteam o2

i don't have the patience to beat the G.I.R.L. challenge.

yo man, youtube the challenge. there' s a glitch where if you get a rail and put it infront of the ramp, they can't make it.

I did it because i beat the %%$+ and for some reason this is the only challenge where "A" is retry and not continue. so it didnt even count smh
Man, this piece of crap froze on me like 5 times in the first 3 hours I bought it.
I cant believe I'm the one who started this thread and I STILLhaven't even gotten this game yet SMFH. but I finally ordered it from Amazon the other day so I should be getting it soon. cant wait
i just picked up skate2 yesterday. i never played the original skate but,
is this game hard or am i just a str8 n00b? idk, i mean ive been free skatin for the most part, and ive only completed a very few things.... idk what challengeor task it is, but its when you gotta "own the spot", then "kill the spot" then beat your personal best score. my question is how many damntimes do i gotta do that? i beat my best score once, then again, then i had to do it again(?) then it got too hard and i just get pissed and quit.

lol im really still like in the beginning of the game
Originally Posted by GFlower8

i just picked up skate2 yesterday. i never played the original skate but,
is this game hard or am i just a str8 n00b? idk, i mean ive been free skatin for the most part, and ive only completed a very few things.... idk what challenge or task it is, but its when you gotta "own the spot", then "kill the spot" then beat your personal best score. my question is how many damn times do i gotta do that? i beat my best score once, then again, then i had to do it again(?) then it got too hard and i just get pissed and quit.

lol im really still like in the beginning of the game
you don't have to keep beating your best score. aslong as you kill the spot once you're good
foreal? cuz when i press pause it shows the option to "quit challenge". so im assuming that its still going on, cuz usually won't it go to alittle cut scene or different screen when your done?
its the area with the abc letters.. idk.. oh well.

at me downloadin the fantasy factory
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