:::[Official] San Francisco 49ers vs. St Louis Rams @ Edward Jones Dome 12/02:::

Cut Akers now. Lets him find another way out of StL. We play for the damn field goal in both overtimes and he screws us both times by missing them. :smh:
This had to be the worse play calling ive seen in quite some time... In over time they were playing for field goal position during all possessions... This was our perfect time to make some room for 2nd seed being that the Bears lost
Forgot to also say, our o line got their *** handed to them and Delanie has dropped way too many passes recently...
Whole bunch of CRAP these last 2 quarters
SMH at Delanie Walker dropping that TD pass....Kap threw a perfect ball. This loss is on the coaches/, just terrible.
Idk if anyone else has noticed but we havent had more than a 2 game winning streak all year. Every third game has been either a loss or tie :smh:
PLAY CALLING, CK's inexperience (are we sure we want CK to gain experience during this superbowl run?), Akers, Delanie :smh:

EDIT: We need a change of pace back, why isnt LMJ out there? Does he really not know the playbook? Hunter was in there his rookie season and LMJ should be used as a quick back too. Gore having all these carries and a back up in Jacobs doesnt cut it. Run game looked horrible today.
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Atrocious playcalling and coaching by Harbaugh today.  Colin is NOT without fault of course but this was probably the worst game Harbaugh has coached thus far for us.  As far as Colin goes, these type of games are going to occur as he gains experience.  It is what it is but I would still rather go with Colin over Alex Smith. 
We got cute again today. These trick plays don't cut it. And why would we do that when it's deep in our territory? Can't blame Kap for that.
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