:::[Official] San Francisco 49ers vs. Detroit Lions @ Ford Field 10/16:::

Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

I don't get it... Missed calls happen all the time
A missed block in the back, yea those go missed alot.  But to spot the ball 5 yards from where it was supposed to be spotted
  49ers got that TD by inches, that could have been the difference in the ball game.  It is done though and the 9ers won and Lions lost, there should be some repercussions to the officials though, that #*$@ is not acceptable.
yeah okay true but don't even try to tell me that DET was even attempting to put up points after that TD.
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

I don't get it... Missed calls happen all the time
A missed block in the back, yea those go missed alot.  But to spot the ball 5 yards from where it was supposed to be spotted
  49ers got that TD by inches, that could have been the difference in the ball game.  It is done though and the 9ers won and Lions lost, there should be some repercussions to the officials though, that #*$@ is not acceptable.
If only your head coach had a little red flag to challenge the spot of the ball at the time.  Would have solved all problems.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

I don't get it... Missed calls happen all the time
A missed block in the back, yea those go missed alot.  But to spot the ball 5 yards from where it was supposed to be spotted
  49ers got that TD by inches, that could have been the difference in the ball game.  It is done though and the 9ers won and Lions lost, there should be some repercussions to the officials though, that #*$@ is not acceptable.
If only your head coach had a little red flag to challenge the spot of the ball at the time.  Would have solved all problems.

Add in the fact that you can't place those 5 yards as the difference between a TD and a turnover on downs. Who's to say the 49ers wouldn't have picked up the first down regardless of where the ball was spotted? Nobody. Schwartz doesn't wanna sound like he's complaining, but, he is.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by airblaster503

How exactly did he show him up?  He acted unprofessional and tried to push Schwartz off like a chump and threw in an obscenity after that.  Schwartz had no choice but to retaliate.  Yeah I understand you 49er fans are trying to back your coach but c'mon man, to act like that was all cool for Harbaugh to act that way is ridiculous.  If this happened to a different team all you dudes would be singing a different tune, fact is Harbaugh is a chump and is always trying to throw in jabs to opposing coaches since his days at Stanford.  Harbaugh was wrong to act like he did, and Schwartz was wrong to react like he did, they both were in the wrong.  Personally watching NFL Monday Night pre game right now I agree with Ditka that coaches shouldn't even shake hands, neither one actually wants to do it so why feel obligated.
GREEN - Agreed.  But there is a difference between unprofessional and wrong.  There are some coaches that wouldnt have been offended, let alone react the way Schwartz did.

RED - Speculation.  Looked more like a back slap as in part of a handshake.  It was a little forceful though.

ORANGE - So Schwartz says.  Only clear obscenity caught on video came out of Schwartz's mouth.

YELLOW - He wasnt "wrong" for acting the way he did.  Should he be a little calmer and more level headed as a head coach?  Sure.  But hes a rookie head coach.  It was the biggest game of his life.  He beat an undefeated team.  In their house.  Cant fault the guy for being over excited.

I agree with all points.
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