Official San Francisco 49ers Off-Season Thread (5-7): Let's get ready for the Draft!

Why did you go on a streak on showing mad love to the Raiders then a couple weeks ago you go in each of their threads to bash them?

& who the hell needs 5 sns?

Anyways notes on this long weekend:
[h1]Niners bench Isaac Bruce[/h1]
Posted by Mike Florio on November 13, 2009 7:30 PM ET
Last month, 49ers receiver Josh Morgan opted not to join in Brandon Jones' public pissing and moaning about rookie Michael Crabtree walking through the door with a starting job.

This month, Morgan is being rewarded for his silence.

Coach Mike Singeltary said Friday that Morgan will join Crabtree in the starting lineup, and that veteran Isaac Bruce will take a seat on the bench.

"He's still going to play," Singletary said of Bruce, per Kevin Lynch of the San Francisco Chronicle, "but the time has come to see what Josh Morgan can do as the starter. [Bruce's] time will be limited."

Other notes from Singletary's day-after press availability can be seen at the Chronicle.
I never heard Brandon Jones publically *****ing and moaning about Crabtree. Not that it really matters much. Jones should never have been signed to begin with.Who is he to %!!## about anyone?
Met Patrick Willis today at Fedex. cool dude
Alright guys, we are pretty much out of it.

I hope we see some Nate Davis in the upcoming games.

We SHOULD not draft a QB, let Alex Smith play out his 2 years because we got more needs onthis team that needs to be addressed.

We have 2 picks in the first round, CAR needs to lose a couple more games,

We go O-line and help in our secondary, what ever best rated player is available goes at each slot.

If we are really gonna give Gore 9 !@+!*+% carries a game, trade him. We'd be fools to keep him.

With that said, we also gotta look at a Special Teams / WR / PR / KR type player and this draft has plenty of them.

I'd expect to draft another RB, Coffee just isn't that dude.

*Let me add Sing & Raye will stay, hopefully they will learn from this season. The last thing we need is more $*+$$%* musical chairs with thisorganization. We should have expected growing pains, and we got it.

*Vernon Davis grew up this year, thanks to Sing. Time to build on his impressive Pro-Bowl year and come with it again year after year.

*Crabby getting in the fetal position and embracing himself for a hit
Why would you want to see Nate Davis in some of the upcoming games?

Alex Smith is FINALLY playing at a good level consistently and you want to hinder that progress by throwing in a rookie QB? Awesome idea.

QB at the moment is not a position of need which is excellent for the 49ers allowing them to use their 2 first rounders on other areas. I would go best playeravaliable with the first pick no matter who it is (Rolando McClain, Joe Haden, CJ Spiller) and then go with need with the other first.
Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

Why would you want to see Nate Davis in some of the upcoming games?
Why not? We drafted him for a reason.

These upcoming games are pretty much meaningless.

If it means seeing Nasty Nate in the 2nd half or the 4th quarter ... we gotta see why he's wearing a 9er uni.

Alex Smith is FINALLY playing at a good level consistently and you want to hinder that progress by throwing in a rookie QB? Awesome idea.

I mean really?

You think puttin Nasty Nate in for a quarter or a half would hinder the progress of Alex Smith?
We should go Alex Smith he's the best we have. Is the season over yes. Should we tank it and throw in Nate Davis no.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

I hope we see some Nate Davis in the upcoming games.

We [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]SHOULD[/color] not draft a QB, let Alex Smith play out his 2 years because we got more needs on this team that needs to be addressed.

If we are really gonna give Gore 9 !@+!*+% carries a game, trade him. We'd be fools to keep him.

*Let me add Sing & Raye will stay, hopefully they will learn from this season. The last thing we need is more $*+$$%* musical chairs with this organization. We should have expected growing pains, and we got it.

*Crabby getting in the fetal position and embracing himself for a hit
Red - If you want Alex to stay and you want him to play out his contract he needs all the snaps he can with this offense to build on for nextyear. Remember he's only started 6 games, and this is yet another new offense. If we do plan on keeping Raye around he needs all the snaps he can get. Whylet a rookie, who's not going to see a meaningful snap for a long time take time away from the person who is going to lead the team next year? That makesno sense.

Purple - Trading Gore is dumb. If we're going to be a passing team Gore fits in the offense fine. Dude is a monster as pickin up blitzes which we'regoing to need and is also second on the team in receptions. Dude catches the ball great out the backfield. He can do what we need him to do in passingsituations. We definately need to keep him whether we're a run first team or not.

Blue - I do agree they should both stay. Although they've made many mistakes, Sing is a rookie HC and Raye was only doing what Sing wanted him to do. Theyneed to stay for our offense to progress. But they need to make up their minds on what kind of offense we're going to be.

Green - That was a %#!$* move.
I think you witnessed what Crabtree's hold out did in terms of overall progression.

Not sure if he'll always be a B when going to get hit, but one has to think that if he got knocked around earlier in the season he'd be a bit moreaccustomed to it.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

Why would you want to see Nate Davis in some of the upcoming games?
Why not? We drafted him for a reason.

These upcoming games are pretty much meaningless.

If it means seeing Nasty Nate in the 2nd half or the 4th quarter ... we gotta see why he's wearing a 9er uni.

Yeah we drafted him for a reason. You have to remember we drafted him in the 5th round. You don't draft a QB in the 5th round expecting him to startanytime soon. He hasn't even learned the whole playbook. As far as these games being meaningless you're absolutely wrong. They might not mean much asfar as playoffs go, but they mean a lot for our offense. If you want our offense to succeed in the future with Alex, there needs to be some kind of continuity.The offense needs all the snaps they can get with all the first teamers. To take Alex out would hinder the progress OF THIS OFFENSE.
Color coded nice

I think you guys are missing the point with seeing Nate Davis taking snaps. In no way did I imply for Nasty Nate to start games, I hope we see him in upcominggames meant if it was a quarter a half, whatever.

Gore is that dude, its just an idea I threw in there. How many years do you think he has left?

He tends to get injured every year.
You have your QB for the near future and want to throw in Nate? For what, he's still learning. He doesnt even practice in the QB position, he lines up as areceiver in practice most of the time.

Cut B.Jones, Roman straight bums. Draft someone in the secondary and OL with the 2 first picks. No need for a QB

Sing/Raye must make better decisions. Timeouts play calling (although getting better) etc are pathetic.
I mean, I think the score should help dictate whether or not Nate gets snaps. If you're down 17 in the 4th, then go for it.

I'd tend to lean toward Alex keeping the majority because it'd be nice to see his chemistry with Vernon and Crabtree continue to develop.

Just give the guy the same offense and OC next year for christ sake.
Gore is a better pass blocker than he is a runner it seems. I dont't think its all on him but with the O line playing a little better these days Idon't understand what the issue is. He is averaging just under 5 yards a carry but you really wouldn't know it. Take out the game aganist the Seahawksat home and what has he done. He'd be lucky to rush for 900 yards this year

Allen Rossum sure would took nice returning punts instead of the bums we continue to put out there.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Color coded nice

I think you guys are missing the point with seeing Nate Davis taking snaps. In no way did I imply for Nasty Nate to start games, I hope we see him in upcoming games meant if it was a quarter a half, whatever.

Gore is that dude, its just an idea I threw in there. How many years do you think he has left?

He tends to get injured every year.
Hey, I'm excited about Nate Davis as much as you and I think he can be our future QB but to give him snaps right now is a bad idea right now.I mean, dude doesn't even take practice snaps right now. He plays receiver during weekly practice. This offense was spuddering out of control earlier thisyear. We, for only for two games have resembled a competent offense. We need to build on that by letting all the important plays play.

As far as Gore goes, if we play a pass happy offense his career will be considerably longer.
Bro I know this Alex Smith subject is a very touch situation for you, I hate to take the bottle away from the baby for a second, but I see no harm in lettingNasty Nate play in a quarter.

How are some of you guys misinterpeting what I'm saying? We got the guy a couple posts saying "alex smith is our future qb and throw nate in there blabla bla" you're acting like Smith is getting benched the whole year. I have repeatedly said if Nate has an oppertunity to get in their for a quarter -PUT HIM IN.

Why should Gore's career take a backseat to this offense? What's the point of paying him the amount he's getting for him not to utilize his talent,which is run the damn ball.

Gore is a beast on blitz pickup, something you can't depend on with younger backs but like I said I'm throwing ideas out there. His health will alwaysbe a factor.

Just got my lineup butchered, I'm heated
im all in for winning the rest of remaining games...but we should start losing to move up acouple spots in the draft
we need to mature in the off season bulk up and improve on everything that we did this year
i think smiths our guy, next year if he doesnt take us to the playoffs then cut him
Why the hell would you put him in for a quarter? Just to throw him out there? Dude doesn't even know the playbook yet.

We're going to cut Shaun Hill and Nate will become the back up QB and get more reps in training camp/pre-season but as far as this season he's goodright where he is with a clipboard in hand. He'll be ready to compete and push Smith next year but as of now he's still learning.

If he has a chance to play in the 4th, I truly expect to see him out there.

Show me an updated article saying Nasty Nate doesn't know the playbook, I'll wait.

I think lining Davis as a wideout is for him to understand where people are suppose to be and how the offense is suppose to be ran. That shouldn't takeanything away from him being a QB.
Originally Posted by bright nikes


If he has a chance to play in the 4th, I truly expect to see him out there.

Show me an updated article saying Nasty Nate doesn't know the playbook, I'll wait.

I think lining Davis as a wideout is for him to understand where people are suppose to be and how the offense is suppose to be ran. That shouldn't take anything away from him being a QB.
It does take away if he isnt getting any throws in.
Is it difficult to be a quarterback and not get the chance to throw many passes during practice? "Of course, it's frustrating. But it's my job. I'm third on the depth chart. I do everything I can to help the team."

BTW he knows the playbook but not entirely
Davis said in training camp that his goal for 2009 was to learn the entire offense. And how is that going? "I'm getting there," he said, adding that Hill, Smith, offensive coordinator Jimmy Raye and QBs coach Mike Johnson have helped a lot. His learning will continue with an important offseason. "I'll be here a lot and get the offense down to a science.
Then to say Nasty Nate doesn't know the playbook is foolish.

We're almost at the end of the season - for him to play in a 4th quarter game in which has no effect on our playoff hopes shouldn't be a bad thing.

Just like any other professional sport, you draft a high upside player, your playoff hopes dimish - they play you at the end of the season to see what theyhave. No harm in that.

Golden Tate entering the draft
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Then to say Nasty Nate doesn't know the playbook is foolish.

We're almost at the end of the season - for him to play in a 4th quarter game in which has no effect on our playoff hopes shouldn't be a bad thing.

Just like any other professional sport, you draft a high upside player, your playoff hopes dimish - they play you at the end of the season to see what they have. No harm in that.

Golden Tate entering the draft
I completely ignored your other childish comment because it was pointless. I'll leave the immature remarks to you. As far as the offense isconcerned, it's pointless to throw to play your 5th round third string QB when your starter for next year is in his first year of what has been his sixthoffense and has only started 6 games this season. It's not hard to comprehend that the offense needs continuity in order to get better. You want to seewhat Nate Davis has? That's fine. That's why you have preseason. I don't see how "I'm getting there" means he knows the playbook? Ifanything it means he doesn't. Which was my point. Matt Maiocco was right about 49er fans and their pipe dreams about Nate playing anytime soon. The offenseneeds to get better, and me saying they need all the snaps they can get in order to progress is an understatement.
this is where its getting a little weird.

Continuity in offense? For gods sake, I stated Davis should get a quarter to play if he gets the chance. How in the world does that break any continuity theteam may have?

He isn't going to start nor take smiths job. So in our last games coming up and its a blowout and Davis has the oppertunity to go in and play in the 4thqtr, he shouldn't because it will disrupt any continuity the offense has?

Clearly, this is a very touchy subject if that's the case.
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