Official Rockets (55-27) Season Thread-5th place, HCA

^I was watching on the Kings broadcast (league pass) and they showed him knocking a clipboard out of an Assistant's hands (didn't see who) and papersfell on the floor.

Edit: well atleast thats what I think I saw, keep in mind i was really tired, so it might have been just a towel.
it was just a towel. then he was yellin at the refs when he waqs being escorted out
Damn I stand corrected, coulda sworn I saw paper and $#+% on the floor, oh well I believe you guys
i hope we do way better agaisnt the grizzlies than we did last time. Its just Rudy Gay and Milicic(sp?) was a problem for us
Dec. 4, 2007, 1:45AM
Rockets stars could use more help
McGrady, Yao carry burden when teammates miss

Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle

Of all the amazing things Tracy McGrady can do with a basketball, the one trick he can't perform is to put the ball into the hoop for his teammates.

"They've got to shoot it," he said.

And make it. Which hasn't happened nearly enough this season for the Rockets.

It's one thing to miss. It's another to lose confidence and become reluctant to pull the trigger.

"Absolutely. I see it every day," McGrady said. "Every game I see it. Guys are hesitant on the offensive end. The only thing I can do is keep advising them to shoot the ball."

McGrady and Yao Ming combined for 69 points Saturday night in Sacramento on 22-for-45 shooting. But the rest of the lineup was 13-for-37 from the field.
[h3]Inaccuracy established[/h3]The season is a little more than a month old, and the Rockets have firmly established themselves in the lower levels of the NBA, ranking just 22nd in shooting.
They are an even lower 27th in 3-point shooting.

"We're just not making shots," McGrady said. "Guys are getting shots. It's evident that teams are putting more focus on myself and Yao to try to take us out of the game and make those guys make shots. Right now, we're just missing them. We're shooting poorly from all over the place.

"I can go out and get 40. Yao can play great. It's really not going to matter. Until everybody else contributes, we get bench production, we'll be a mediocre team."

Shane Battier, Rafer Alston, Mike James, Steve Francis, Bonzi Wells, Luther Head. Not one of them is shooting 36 percent from 3-point distance.

"If you're missing shots, you have to do something different," coach Rick Adelman said. "You need to attack the basket more, which is one thing we haven't done."

Another part of the problem has been the Rockets' failure to embrace the motion offense.

"We don't take it to one more pass," Adelman said. "When you're not shooting it well, teams are going to adjust and take it to the good shooters.

"Even when we were 6-1, I was concerned that we weren't getting enough production from other people."

The Rockets are not getting enough of the hard cuts that are a fundamental part of the motion offense, the moves that create opportunities to go toward the basket and score.

They are quick to revert to what they know best. They simply dump it to McGrady or Yao.

"You tend to go with what you know is good," Adelman said. "In the long run, you'd like to see them be more facilitators, especially Tracy, where he can get guys other shots."
[h3]Good shots available[/h3]The Rockets keep saying the shots are good shots. They say they are familiar shots with maybe slight variations.
"Most of the 3s I got last season were late in the shot clock," Battier said. "Now, I'm getting shots much earlier in the possession.

"It's a different feel. You have to adjust. But as a shooter, you always feel that you're just a shot away."

Or many shots away?

"Come early in the morning before practice," Yao said. "Maybe stay for a half-hour and take a couple hundred shots, like I do every day.

"We need to repeat what we do every day with shooting the ball. Maybe not in the game, but you have to keep shooting in practice, before the game.

"Before the (last) game, I saw a lot of players doing this. I think we need more."

[email protected]
^The player that reminds me most of what that article is saying is definitely Scola. He needs to find that mid-range jumper more often, and shoot it, causehis jumper is money.
scola needs to shoot and take it to the hole. he does both pretty well. i think t-mac needs to sit down with him and tell him to relax when they're both onthe floor.
We have to win tonight at home and get W's against NJ, Toronto, and Philly. After that, we have a tough 3 game stretch with the Pistons, Mavs and Magic.
The Rockets have played the toughest schedule out of everybody probably.

Suns twice, Mavs twice, Spurs twice, etc.

With that said though, it's still been disappointing. And when the Rockets lose, they look bad.

But, I think the Rockets will start to turn things around starting Wed. against Orlando.
I don't want this to be the start of a losing streak. Adelman needs to do something because It isn't working now
Sigh, I have been Rockets fan since back in the day when my dad traveled to Houston for business and Pittsburgh nor Cincy had an NBA team. Gotta get thingsright with this team.

Good news is, I do have all 5 starting jerseys of the 94-95 championship team and WILL be framing them for my basement in my new house (still looking).Awesome. I mean, Otis Thorpe? Who has his jersey?!
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Sigh, I have been Rockets fan since back in the day when my dad traveled to Houston for business and Pittsburgh nor Cincy had an NBA team. Gotta get things right with this team.

Good news is, I do have all 5 starting jerseys of the 94-95 championship team and WILL be framing them for my basement in my new house (still looking). Awesome. I mean, Otis Thorpe? Who has his jersey?!

How much do you want for the Otis Thorpe? Don't tell me you gotVernen Maxwell's and Sleepy Floyd's too now...
At the Rockets performances lately. T-Mac can never stay healthy for a while, and Francis needs to hurry up and work himself into this rotation already!

Hopefully they'll get it together SOON!

On the other note, atleast them Mavs won.
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