Official Revised LeBron X Thread: Pressures Launch 11/2 Details pg. 1

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What are you guys talking about? Lol
They look just like most the lebrons with jeans. You guysblind?
Slim jeans will do the trick though.
some pics i took with jeans
i'm not a skinny dude so i cant wear skinny jeans. pics are with levis 501s


I'm a large fella myself...pause...So my jeans are 501's too. Thanks for the pics, pretty much tells me exactly how it would look on me. They look ok with jeans, decent.
Love the 8 silhouette. They look just as good with jeans as the 8. I just hope they come correct with the 180 versions.
If those Jades are the same shade as the Grinches.. copped. Missed on Grinches while back but im too  stubborn to go back buy them now. 
Jez after watching the detailed review I must say, these were done right... I just can't see myself dropping $300...
still holding out for better color blocking like the photoshops but doesn't seem like it'll happen with what's been shown/described so far. |I
^ haha thats why I said a while back that the great photoshops set us up for disappointment because mentally we're expecting big things. Nike probably will have some dope CWs in store for us, but some of the PS were so nice, especially when the upper was 2 different colors. So far I haven't seen any with that type of color-blocking like that, which would be a damn shame if that trend continues...
still holding out for better color blocking like the photoshops but doesn't seem like it'll happen with what's been shown/described so far. |I

+1 I plan on at least picking up a couple pair of the X+ version but the color scheme and color blocking is going to have to blow my mind, which I'm sure is going to happen.
Love the 8 silhouette. They look just as good with jeans as the 8. I just hope they come correct with the 180 versions.

You guys are giving Nike an easy pass by rehashing an 'upgraded' version of an older model and charging more for it.
You guys are giving Nike an easy pass by rehashing an 'upgraded' version of an older model and charging more for it.

Giving them a pass because I like them?

The pricing pass has been given long ago. Spending 300 on sneakers is not unprecedented. Nike wants some of that.

People need to stop acting like Nike is in business to be fair. Either accept it and navigate accordingly or move on. None of this is new. They know "sneakerheads." It ain't about the price, its about making them as appealing as possible.

Sneakerheads, as far as Nike sees it, don't take stands. I can't tell the difference between a sneakerhead and a hypebeast these days.

Don't look to Nike for anything morally sound.
So with that logic if a shoe is appealing enough you won't mind paying $500 retail for them? Because I bet in a few years Nike can pull that off with the mentality you have. I'm not hating, I'm just asking. Where do you draw the line when you know cost of production is nowhere near what they charge?
So with that logic if a shoe is appealing enough you won't mind paying $500 retail for them? Because I bet in a few years Nike can pull that off with the mentality you have. I'm not hating, I'm just asking. Where do you draw the line when you know cost of production is nowhere near what they charge?

The line is drawn when you simply cant afford the shoe. There is literally no difference between buying the shoe for $500+ for retail and buying a shoe you missed on release day for $500+ from a reseller. Either way you spent $500 regardless who you gave the money. They will keep raising the price until they reach that ceiling where people can hardly afford to buy them from Nike therefore knowing they cant buy them from a reseller than lower the price just enough to bring the demographic that they overpriced back into the picture. This my dear friends is the "Sneakerhead Experiment" that we are all guinea pigs.
Well that's not to say the re-selling market won't go up with the prices as the retail prices soar. If they keep it limited and charge X amount of dollars for retail, the resellers will still buy and sell for X amount + how much ever they can demand depending on availability. Then people who really missed out on the retail cop are paying ridiculous prices. I'm just saying the more you pay retail, the more everyone loses.
So with that logic if a shoe is appealing enough you won't mind paying $500 retail for them? Because I bet in a few years Nike can pull that off with the mentality you have. I'm not hating, I'm just asking. Where do you draw the line when you know cost of production is nowhere near what they charge?
If they perform, i like they way they look, and i can afford it......... i wont mind to a degree. If they want me to buy the shoe at a higher price, they need to look better. Same with performance.
Well that's not to say the re-selling market won't go up with the prices as the retail prices soar. If they keep it limited and charge X amount of dollars for retail, the resellers will still buy and sell for X amount + how much ever they can demand depending on availability. Then people who really missed out on the retail cop are paying ridiculous prices. I'm just saying the more you pay retail, the more everyone loses.

No not necessarily, there has to be a price where people stop buying basketball shoe. The higher Nike prices retail the higher Resellers price the shoes on the aftermarket, eventually reaching a point where no sane person is going to purchase. That is assuming "Sneakerheads" are sane to begin with ya know. I think most of us are functioning on the assumption no matter what a "Sneakerhead" has to have the shoe they desire but I'm pretty sure there is a breaking point where Nike hits the very maxmium they can charge and still have people buy while forcing Resellers to price the shoe on the aftermarket JUST out of the reach of that demographic. Who knows really seeing as we are kind of nutty considering the fact most of us own 40+ pairs of shoes yet only have 2 feet...

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