Official Raptors Season Thread [41-41]

OK, so Rasho out 1-2 weeks.... but im predicting that hes out for 3 or 4. He is getting older, and I think this might be something that might keep him out fora long while.

Moon has been outstanding thus far. Ill admit, I didnt think it would be good to pull him up. But im totally glad im wrong on that. he has been the mostexciting player on this team thus far this season. Hes adding a spark that we need.
Have fun coming back Joey.

Its sad to see Garbo get some good minutes one night, and have him sit the bench the next two games.

Honestly, the secret player that keeps this team going (aside from Parker) is Juan Dixon. Dude makes great decisions on the court, and seems to always make theplay that we need.

And how could I go without commenting on Bosh....
MAN UP DUDE! Bosh has to grow some and take it to the hole on O.
maybe it's just how angry i am with this team right now, but right now i would send bosh to LA in a second. him and ford is a fantastic offer and it wouldstill leave the team with a good amount of depth, a starter quality point, and a player who would step up in crunch time.



leaves the frontcourt a little on the shallow side (epecially in terms of size) but if bosh is only going to grab 6 boards a game, might as well.

but being as i hate kb tho i wouldn't pull that move.

im just an angry fan right now but i can't help it.
Mavs tomrrow night in Dallas. if there was ever a time to tighten up the D, its tomorrow night!

would kobe even want to play in toronto? not that this is ever gonna happen calderon for a rebounder..oh cant do that either cause his contractis too small you wont get value for the contracts..bargs is just a glorified radmanovic who gets more pt.Enough of people trying to push him as a startingcenter.Bosh is wearing himself out trying to rebound and play defense on the opposing team's best low post player.While pretty italian boy is chuckinthrees,Jamario Moon and delfino are out rebounding bargs.
^ but thats cuz Jamario is the only one showing enough emotion out there to win. Dude is trying his damndest, and earning ALL his minutes.

Would it put us at a huge disadvantage if we went like this:

for the starters? I know Jamario is 6'6, but dude can leap out of the building. How much at a disadvantage would we be at if we put Moon at the 4 spot...because we cant have Kapono on the bench because dude makes plays. He makes shots. He is alot better than what we all thought he would be coming into Toronto.
all I know is bargs is averaging 3.8 boards a game and nash is averaging 3.7..I mean cmon kyle lowry averages 4.1 boards per game and he's a foot shorterthan bargs.Kapono's job is to shoot so as long as he's hitting shots,whatever other positive stats he gives the raps is gravy.Moon is too skinny toplay the 4.
^ so last year Kidd averaged 9 boards and Yao averaged 8

We all know that Bargs strongpoint of his game is not on D. everybody knows that. Sure, if he improved that it would help a great amount, but nobody expectshim to board everything. Thats what we expect Bosh to do, and hes definately not coming through with that this year so far.

What we expect Bargs to do is shoot the rock, score points, make plays on O. he did that last year, and IMO there shouldnt have been a drop off in productionfrom last year to this year. Honestly, if we just fix up Bargs and Bosh's game(s), the raps will be 10 games over .500 (at least).

PS Juan dixon is too good to play limited minutes. whenever dude gets on the floor he makes great plays.
Gimme at least 5-7 boards per game yao was 9.4 vs j kidd's 8.6 last year and I wasnt about to use j kidd as a player who gets more boards than bargsbecause that just wouldnt be fair.How would you fix bargs and bosh's games? theyre both highpost players.And not to expect bargs to be a factor on d andthe boards is a waste of a #1 pick.How can a team invest a #1 pick and not expect him to not be a COMPLETE player.If you wanted to draft a shooter you can getone towards the latter parts of the draft or second round.Bargs is a #1 pick and needs to do it all.If not completely dominate in some aspect of theirgame..unfortunately bargs seems to want to dominate 3 point shooting.people need to quit making excuses for this dude.He needs to man up and help out on theboards and on d.Let humphries beat him up on the block all day in practice on rebounding drills.
If your asking me how I would fix Bosh's game, tell him to get his damn!@*@ in the key, and stay there. nothing outside. If he gets the ball from 13-17feet, you have to grind it in his head to go at every player. He is one of the fastest 4's in the leauge. He has to use that to his advantage.

Bargs - Dont force everything. let the game come to him. Dude will get a pass and jack up a shot in less than two miliseconds. possibly run a play where bargscan get the ball at the three, take two dribbles to the elbow, and pop a jumper from there. His shotting is a great asset to the team, but its the matter oftelling him when its a good shot and when its a bad shot. I sometimes get the feeling that Bargs forces the three so much that it becomes a liability to theteam. In that case, Smitch has to talk to him, tell him that his shooting can be better used if he takes those two dribbles inside the arc and pops a J there.Everybody knows that Bargs will stick the three. Now use that knowledge other teams already have, and surprise them by using a ball fake, jab step, anythinglike that, and take the ball to the cup.

I agree with Humph beating Bosh and Bargs on boards. there has to be something drilled into both of their heads about going to the basket and grabbingeverything that comes their way. Moon has that leap-ability to do that. Bosh did last year. I dont konw whats wrong with him this year, but he has to dosomething to step his game up on D as well. Block shots, hes doing much better. But boards, Bosh has to improve.
hahahahaha bosh has never been a low post guy.He's always been a high post face the basket player.I mean bosh just looks tired.The only time I really seebosh play they way he did last year is when rasho or humphries is in there for like 20 min a game taking the rebounding and defensive pressure off of bosh.whenu got bosh sitting 15 feet away from the basket and bargs sitting on the 3 point line thats just not good news for the teams rebounding numbers.The other teamsscouted the raptors and know wear out bosh down low cause there are no other low post threats out there.Even if the raps shoot 40% from the 3 point line thatmeans they miss 60% and its one shot and done.When the raps get hot its really hard to beat them but in a 7 game playoff series where defenses really lock downon defense without the ability to create second shot opportunities and bargs not being able to defensive rebound over stronger 5's the raps are gonna be introuble.At this point I think the raps would have been better off taking aldridge rather than bargs with bosh and aldridge playing hi/low and both playersbeing able to shoot from the midrange with the existing shooters on the outside.But then again I dont run the raps.
^ nah man, people dont realize how good Bargs can be. Even last year, compare Bargs stats and his impact on the team to Lamarcus. If you play Bargs at the 4and Bosh at the 5, you get the exact same high low post game that you would have with Alderidge and Bosh.

You do realize that Bosh can score in the paint? I mean, sure hes not as strong as other guys, but he has that quickness which makes him a step faster thanmost 4's and 5's. All im saying is use that to his advantage and pound that ball inside, get to the line (where he's hit around 30 straight rightnow... unless he missed the other night and i didnt notice). He did that last year, whats stopping him this year? Thats all Im saying.
goosebear10, watch that first half again, and watch how bargs and Bosh plays. Thats how they should be playing. Thats what I have been trying to explain.

Well, we gave up a 24 point lead. I dont care what anybody else says, it comes from the coach. If he cant do anything to motivate the players to play, then itstime for a new coach. I dont care what happened, a 24 point lead to a 7 point loss does not come down to reffing or things like that. It comes down tocoaching. Plain and Simple.
bargs was easily our best player in the first half of the game, then he gets benched for most of the second half? he was actually playing good man to man d ondirk too, maybe if he got to play in the third quarter dirk wouldnt have gone off like that. and when he finally gets put back in the game he gets no shotopportunities except on end of the shot clock, bailout attempts. what a crock of $%#%
uhhmm did u guys watch the second half??1 point???hahahahahahha I dont know He needs to step up on D for bargs his best D is his offense...I guess Im justhating on bargs cause people are getting on bosh..during the dallas game I see bosh going up against 2 or 3 white jerseys for rebounds.Moon crashes and parkeris good for long boards but bargs(and a some of the other players) spends too much time ball watching.Ill be more critical on bargs for rebounds becausehe's technically the center.It was like every time bargs switched off of diop(who guards himself on offense) to dirk,bargs had that oh crap look and dirkscored on him every time.Dude needs to dig in on d.
And to compare Aldridge to bargs last year isnt really a comparison because aldridge didnt get the minutes,but Ill take aldridge's 17.4 and 7.5 and notspectacular but decent defense over barg's ability to shoot 3's from the 5 spot but inability to guard a closed door or out rebound half the guards inthe NBA.Actually lemme correct 7 feet theres no doubt that bargs can out rebound most of the guards I previously stated but its more of a problem ofbargs not following his shots and hanging out on the perimeter when shots go up and him ball watching.
oh well tomorrow we'll probably really get on bosh and mitchell if the raps lose because bosh is supposed to get every rebound and mitchell is supposed toplay players who stand on the perimeter and wait for swing passes and cant guard a closed door.Its gonna get ugly tomorrow in here if the raps lose
^serious??Im gonna pretend you didnt say that..What I should probably make clear to u guys is that people are waaaay to easy on bargs and I just dont thinkpeople should be getting on bosh and mitchell so much..they deserve criticism but not as much as theyre getting.Dude is a great offensive threat when he'son..but he needs to do more than shoot.If I just wanted a shooter then the raps should have kept matt bonner.Bosh needs help down low plain and simple.Im moreconfident in the raps when I see rasho in there because I know bosh isnt the only one hitting the boards.after 1 year unless you have the personnel in the NBAyoure gonna get scouted and people will gameplan to take away your strengths.And for the raps its as simple as an off shooting night and crashing theboards.Limit possessions and slow down the game and the raps cant take more 3's to make up for the shots they many times this season have we seenandrea pump fake a 3 and try to drive in only to get called for a travel because he really hasnt developed that part of his game.At 21 he should be on par withmost ncaa sophmores and juniors who normally declare for the draft and take another 2-3 years to develop before they make an impact.Plus he's been playingpro in europe since he was what 17?18?That should be a natural part of his game at this point.This was the year he was supposed to be factor on the boards andon defense but instead he sits out on the perimeter and chucks 3's.Not that bosh is perfect either..quit jab stepping.. but at least I see him crashing theboards.
bargs is the second best post defender on the team after rasho, no question.

bargs perimeter play wont have any effect on his ability to grab defensive boards. if i'm not mistaken, his 5 boards tonight all came in the first half andthat is a decent amount to grab in two quarters.

you call him just a shooter? dude can drive, he's got good handles for his size and he's probably got better court vision than any other young big manin the league. and yes, he's a decent man to man defender, not elite, but he's better than chris by a long shot.
See, Relish always seems to come through with the un-biased information on Bargs. Dude is totally right. When Bargs was given a chance yesterday in the firstquarter, he did well. why he wasnt able to continue and sat on the bench until the fourth Q, is beyond me. Again, another reason why Smitch, IMO, is a horriblecoach.

Bargs is that dude. He has been struggling this year, but hopefully a positive from last night is that he gets out of his slump. Him and Bosh both.
I guess when you guard diop or dampier a majority of the time you'll look like a lock down post defender.Andrea got beat by dirk every time he switched orwas guarding him.Dirk missed a couple of uncontested shots in the lane with andrea watching from the freethrow line after getting blown by.In the 4th quarteroff of that turnover in the post on the diop breakaway andrea barely made it over the half court line.Same thing when howard blocked his 3 in the firstquarter.Dude had 5'5 jj barea on switches and what did andrea do?Rather than backing dude down he faces him up.Andrea sat till the 4th quarter because inthe second quarter when dallas made the push where was bargs? sitting on the 3 point line on offense and on defense back turned to the play holding hands withdiop while dallas was cutting up the lane and no help on the defensive backboards.Lets see when he guards stromile or gasol tonight because unlike dirk thoseplayers are back to basket type players who will pound down low and get touches unlike diop or dampier..well gasol will...stromile is inconsistent wherehe'll score 20 one game and 2 points the next so being that slomile scored 20 in his last game theres a good chance andrea will again look like a defensivesuperstar.
So question to most likely Apoc, cuz somehow he always knows whats up with injury status and whatnot.

I know Rasho is in Toronto, ready to play.

Whats the status on TJ?

And I would just like to point out, i really hate seeing Derrick Martin on the floor. Dude should just retire and coach the players. He has the respect alreadyfrom every player on that team, and they all listen to him. He should just move to the bench and coach.

Bosh and Bargs last night. They are looking much better now
Raps are showing a ton of inconsistency. Looks like this team is going to end up hovering around .500 the entire season.
^ yeah im thinking around there too, unless we can get a good quality amount of 5 win streaks in there a few times this year.
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