Brizz whole excuse was corny. I ain’t even on social media like that but I follow battle rap heavy and I knew Mook’s mom passed away. But besides that bar alone isn’t what caused Mook to punch him and make Brizz run away off the stage holding his jaw.
The fact that he wasn’t letting Mook rap was the problem. I’m all for the charades when the actual person is rapping but when someone is causing a distraction while someone is rapping and doing extra **** is disrespectful to the person rapping and people watching.
It’s good when these battle rap “gangstas” get exposed too. Most of these dudes ain’t built like that. If you gonna talk tough make sure you can back it up. I honestly can’t stand watching some of these dudes who are obviously cotton soft talk tough. Take that to don’t flop or grind time B. URL is for the real ******.