***Official Political Discussion Thread***




Where’s the part where we work with THEIR countries to help fix THEIR problems and it’s not only on US?
That what option 1 is, we have to do it though. It can’t be a passive “Hey Country X be better cause we say so” for example there are countries that we give significant money too now for a variety of purposes and no one treats it like Welfare because it’s not framed that way by the media.

Also if you look at history it’s clear WE as a country created a significant amount of THEIR problems. So your tone comes off as well hollow.
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Nobody expects the Senate to convict and remove. You'd have to be Trump-level delusional to think that. I would hope you dont ascribe that level of delusion to anyone in here. Not even Dwalk disingenuous ***.

very much seeing people think this will lead to his removal fromOffice

This won't backfire at all...


I mean... he kinda has a point.

to Bolton, everything looks like a nail, and he wants to hammer everything

We’d definitely be a more aggressive state of Boltonwas in charge
I mean... he kinda has a point.

to Bolton, everything looks like a nail, and he wants to hammer everything

We’d definitely be a more aggressive state of Boltonwas in charge

He hired a guy who everyone said not to hire because he begged him for the job. And everyone knew that he was a guy looking to start a conflict.

He said he was going to only hire the best people.

Stop it.
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So no short term memory come November folks. Remember each and every person who assisted in the Trump cover up. If they are up for re-election vote their *** out, plain and simple.

This won't backfire at all...


Notice how everyone begs him for a job, what kind of nonsense is that, lol. Not only that, but everyone around him says how horrible he'd be yet the stable genius still hires said person anyway. Doesn't look like a genius move to hire incompetent people, unless he himself is just as incompetent :lol:
That what option 1 is, we have to do it though. It can’t be a passive “Hey Country X be better cause we say so” for example there are countries that we give significant money too now for a variety of purposes and no one treats it like Welfare because it’s not framed that way by the media.

Also if you look at history it’s clear WE as a country created a significant amount of THEIR problems. So your tone comes off as well hollow.

I don’t agree that WE created a SIGNIFICANT amount of THEIR problems.
So no short term memory come November folks. Remember each and every person who assisted in the Trump cover up. If they are up for re-election vote their *** out, plain and simple.

lol let me grab a tin foil hat. You’re buying the media propaganda hook, line, and sinker.

We all know democrats don’t give a **** about protecting the constitution, this entire impeachment farce has always been about getting trump. So much so the democrats made political errors that will cost them.

impeachment is the house’s prerogative and acquitting trump is the senate’s. Let me remind you the Clinton was acquitted by the senate with the assistance of republicans. Clinton has an easier perjury case as well.
lol let me grab a tin foil hat. You’re buying the media propaganda hook, line, and sinker.

We all know democrats don’t give a **** about protecting the constitution, this entire impeachment farce has always been about getting trump. So much so the democrats made political errors that will cost them.

impeachment is the house’s prerogative and acquitting trump is the senate’s. Let me remind you the Clinton was acquitted by the senate with the assistance of republicans. Clinton has an easier perjury case as well.

I'll never pretend like Dems aren't on some ******** just like Repubs are. Neither party has clean hands. The issue here is whether or not the President committed an impeachable offense or not. I won't blindly be loyal to anyone, if they're corrupt and evidence presents itself that they are then get them the **** out. That's how I feel about.

So if you want to speak to the matter at hand, be objective and ask yourself if Trump is guilty of what he's being accused of, and are the Republicans covering up for him. That's what it all boils down to.
I'll never pretend like Dems aren't on some bull**** just like Repubs are. Neither party has clean hands. The issue here is whether or not the President committed an impeachable offense or not. I won't blindly be loyal to anyone, if they're corrupt and evidence presents itself that they are then get them the **** out. That's how I feel about.

So if you want to speak to the matter at hand, be objective and ask yourself if Trump is guilty of what he's being accused of, and are the Republicans covering up for him. That's what it all boils down to.

well you did by accusing the senate of a potential cover up. That word along with “urgent, bribery, and quid pro” we’re tested by democrats in focus groups for one reason. It’s working.

trump is not guilty of anything. The transcript was very clear.
well you did by accusing the senate of a potential cover up. That word along with “urgent, bribery, and quid pro” we’re tested by democrats in focus groups for one reason. It’s working.

trump is not guilty of anything. The transcript was very clear.

Ok, my bad I get it now. I thought you were serious, but you're obviously trolling. Silly me >D
Oh is this communistic Chinese forum? Where you can’t think differently? Where can I find the Hong Kong sub section where they are proud to raise the US flag?
AMEN. This libby echo chamber is nothing but a cesspool of rotten commie ideology and liberal conjecture and innuendo. If you don't think like them, you are an enemy of them. They are the enemy of OUR President Elect Donald J Trump. Tell them more alt truth bombs, comrade! #PerfectCall #BuildTheWall
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