***Official Political Discussion Thread***

-I don't know what you are talking about because you are being mealy mouthed. Like do you want to spit some diet Trump steez but don't want to come out and say it? Be specific from the jump if you want dialogue on a specific issue.

I am telling a plan that would work. At some point America needs to decide if they really want to address the undocumented immigration issue, or just want to scratch a xenophobic itch.

-Furthermore, as someone that is an immigrant, and is from the lower Americas, you can misssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss me with this taxpayer ****.

Taxpayers in America have funded tons of imperialistic and neoliberal nonsense that has destabilized the region. America help overthrow governments, American helped wreck people's livelihoods, exploited farmers, are all part of the issues that force immigrants to come to America can be traced back to America's meddling. So maybe it is time for America to help clean up the mess it had a hand in creating. America taxpayers have also funded governments that have failed to keep your damn guns in your own damn country. Lil kids are being slaughtered on my island with guns coming in from the US. Also the damn drug war causes so much destruction in the region, if fueled because of the American consumer base for drugs. Maybe if taxpayers would get their **** together on fund public health interventions to lower the number of uses which cripple the drug trade.

Your argument just sounds just like a white person in the suburbs complaining that they, as a taxpayer, should not be responsible for improving the material conditions in urban areas. Ignoring all the systemic factors at play.

So really famb, it is wild to me that someone would insinuate that America doesn't owe it to the region to help after all the nonsense they have done.

-Finally everyone pays taxes for **** they don't like, deal with it.
Miss ME with that diet Trump nonsense. I will vote for any Democrat that wins the primary regardless of their immigration plan. I'm just speaking electoral realities.

Also miss me with that whataboutism regarding our tax dollars. I don't want my tax dollars (anyones) going to fund a latin American country to solve THEIR issues while people are homeless here in our own country. This doesn't mean I am ok with my tax dollars subsidizing Halliburton or Bezos either.

Point blank, I would like a dem candidate to speak to how they intend to curb illegal immigration, how you can reform and reduce in a humane way without dog whistles and racial biases. The false purity tests on the left make this a nonstarter issue.....
Miss ME with that diet Trump nonsense. I will vote for any Democrat that wins the primary regardless of their immigration plan. I'm just speaking electoral realities.

Also miss me with that whataboutism regarding our tax dollars. I don't want my tax dollars (anyones) going to fund a latin American country to solve THEIR issues while people are homeless here in our own country. This doesn't mean I am ok with my tax dollars subsidizing Halliburton either.

Point blank, I would like a dem candidate to speak to how they intend to curb illegal immigration, how you can reform and reduce in a humane way without dog whistles and racial biases.
-Your voting habits don't shield your argument. There are tons of people with tons of regressive views on many issues that will vote Dem no matter what. You are using a classic conservative argument to criticize the Dems for not addressing the irrational fears of regressive voters. Your choices at the ballot box don't change that.

-It is not a whataboutism, I spelled out why America owes it to the region, how they help bring to reality the conditions people in the lower Americas face. You want to ignore that because it gets in the way of your argument. Their issues are partially because of American interference in the region. We gonna forget the role the US played in El Salvador's civil war? America and its taxpayers were real concerned with El Salvador's issues when they thought it would go Marxist.

-The Dems are talking about it how they will reform the system, they have spelled out how they can do it, you just want to handwave it for....."reasons".
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-Your voting habits don't shield your argument. There are tons of people with tons of regressive views on many issues that will vote Dem no matter what. You are using a classic conservative argument to criticize the Dems for not addressing the irrational fears of regressive voters. Your choices at the ballot box don't change that.

-It is not a whataboutism, I spelled out why America owes it to the region, how they help bring to reality the conditions people in the lower Americas face. You want to ignore that because it gets in the way of your argument. Their issues are partially because of American interference in the region. We gonna forget the role the US played in El Salvador's civil war? America and its taxpayers were real concerned with El Salvador's issues when they thought it would go Marxist.

-The Dems are talking about it how they will reform the system, they have spelled out how they can do it, you just want to handwave it for....."reasons"
I didn't mention my intentions to insulate me from criticism. That's why I am in here!

Owes it to the region? Prey tell which region we don't owe it to?

Dems have NOT mentioned how they will reform the system in accordance with existing national sentiment. That is literally my issue, they have only operated under a certain framework. Beating Trump >.
that’s how my family came here. Exactly as you put it.
tenor (1).gif
I didn't mention my intentions to insulate me from criticism. That's why I am in here!

Owes it to the region? Prey tell which region we don't owe it to?

Dems have NOT mentioned how they will reform the system in accordance with existing national sentiment. That is literally my issue, they have only operated under a certain framework. Beating Trump >.
Yes, America owes a lot of regions. And they should up their foreign aid to help those regions. Central America is a region where they have done some of their worst dirt. You keep want to act like Central America's issues are all theirs, which absolves America from the part they played and play in the regions instability.

The Dems are putting forward plans that have a chance of working. You are caught up with the fact they are not addressing the regressive views of a subset of voters.

You are operating under the frame of "Beating Trump>", Because you are not debating if their plans will work or not, you keep wanting to harp on what some voters want.

I will say it again, at some point America needs to decide if they really want to address the undocumented immigration issue and fix the immigration system, or just want to scratch a xenophobic itch.
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:rofl: fair enough, I know the debate in politics is strictly about the people with a darker shade than me.

My uncle came to America the same way. I know tons of immigrants that came from all over the world the same way. I worked in the Hamptons were every summer students from Jamaica, Russia, and Bulgaria overstay their work visas.

One of the reasons being the US immigration system is generally **** for everyone, so it seems more rational to roll the dice with overstaying, rather than waiting years upon years upon years just to get rejected on a technicality.

I just wish there was more honesty in our immigration debate. If the face of undocumented immigration were white Eastern Europeans overstaying visas, it would not be a major political issue. If the face were black Africans and West Indians overstaying, it would be a problem.

This debate is has more to with regressive white people's unease about America's changing demographics and less do with how many people we let in year to year.
Look there are maybe two realistic choices for immigration that aren’t human rights violations and just stupid like building a wall.

1) we make the countries where undocumented people live good enough they don’t come here

2) We do the status quo but stop ******* complaining about it cause we have a better option in 1) but we aren’t going with that option.
America should have an interest in improving the material conditions of these people for many reasons.

To be honest, I don't even like the "make their countries better so they won't come" frame.

The thing is many of these people have to choose between death or despair, or risking a border crossing. We need to help provide these people with options.

The option to stay in the safe and prosperous homeland, or chose to immigrate to America through a legal and relatively frictionless method.
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My uncle came to America the same way. I know tons of immigrants that came from all over the world the same way. I worked in the Hamptons were every summer students from Jamaica, Russia, and Bulgaria overstay their work visas.

One of the reasons being the US immigration system is generally **** for everyone, so it seems more rational to roll the dice with overstaying, rather than waiting years upon years upon years just to get rejected on a technicality.

I just wish there was more honesty in our immigration debate. If the face of undocumented immigration were white Eastern Europeans overstaying visas, it would not be a major political issue. If the face were black Africans and West Indians overstaying, it would be a problem.

This debate is has more to with regressive white people's unease about America's changing demographics and less do with how many people we let in year to year.

Too easy to unite the masses against a fake dark skinned boogeyman

Look there are maybe two realistic choices for immigration that aren’t human rights violations and just stupid like building a wall.

1) we make the countries where undocumented people live good enough they don’t come here

2) We do the status quo but stop ****ing complaining about it cause we have a better option in 1) but we aren’t going with that option.

Where’s the part where we work with THEIR countries to help fix THEIR problems and it’s not only on US?
Sean Hannity is going crazy how does he say this s**** and not laugh.

Ted Cruz looks great with a beard; he looks so much more commanding ,making me feel like this isn’t a coverup.
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