***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Why are you trying to ruin my relationship with AOC fam?
Bae if you're reading this I swear I'm not cheating on you with her.
I really do take a spin class every tuesday and thursday after work.


What you are doing to a true conservative princess is deplorable. I could understand if you were stepping out on Tomi with Huckabae but a LIB, A LIBERAL, A LIBBIE SOCIALIST LIKE AOC is unacceptable.

Oh no.....what are we going to do now without Jake " I am concerned" Flake???

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I know everyone in here talks about policies and whatnot but I really believe that social media is going to play a large role in deciding who wins the next election. I do some social media work with a few pages (anti-trump) and you'd be surprised how much more people are engaged with memes than actual posts about policies :lol: The younger generation stays on IG all day and basically gets their news off of IG pages.

Not saying policies aren't important but if a candidate can put in work through social media they will gain a large audience of followers and potential voters, especially the 18-24 crowd... Just take a look at Beto and how he came out of nowhere. Yes, he put in the work on his campaign trail but he used FB to document it and became a star. Dude came out of nowhere and almost beat Cruz. Same with AOC...she knows how to take advantage of this space. Wouldn't be surprised if either of them ends up winning in 2024 if they were to run.

We just live in a different world right now where politics is becoming more of a popularity contest...
I have such an ambivalent attitude with social media largely because most the American public is so ill informed & it's used so effectively to spread lies/misinformation that people take as gospel. I mean look at the deplorables in here posting the stuff they do. They take it as factual info... :lol:
Ya'll gotta be sensible and realistic too. These folks are running for President of America, not black America.
Yeah, like I said before there’s a ton of people just not able to accept a female leader for whatever reason.
When mainstream declared the female vote was the most important, grizzly moms lost their **** over Sarah ******* Palin. They were probably praying McCain would keel over after a victory, so mommah bear could take over. Next mainstream media declared the black vote was the deciding factor, Tea Partiers started fawning over Herman Cain, who due to his darker skin, easily could out-black Barack.

All that matters is winning, so they can use their 2nd Amendment rights to protect unborn babies and continue saying the n-word and Merry Christmas.
Like I said, NT is a very sexist/misogynist place. :smh: I stopped going into the marvel, dc, & star wars threads (as well as others) bcs of it. Ish is crazy in there. Also very cultish in there. Like I can see posters that frequent those threads cutting up lil animals & ish in real life...

In any event, I'm proud to see the likes of Ilhan Omar, AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Deb Haaland, Veronica Escobar, & Sharice Davids... (did I forget anyone else?). An incredibly richly diverse group of women who should help balance out the white & too old contingent in congress.
I have such an ambivalent attitude with social media largely because most the American public is so ill informed & it's used so effectively to spread lies/misinformation that people take as gospel. I mean look at the deplorables in here posting the stuff they do. They take it as factual info... :lol:

It's crazy when I read through some of the comments on IG...Trump supporters are so uneducated, uninformed and just plain stupid that it's ridiculous :smh: They end up posting a whole lot of nonsense and really think they are "woke" The DMs and emails I get range from straight up hilarious, to racist/homophobic to death threats lol. They really are a bunch of clowns...

Really thinking about starting a pro-trump account just to make money off these fools :lol:
It's crazy when I read through some of the comments on IG...Trump supporters are so uneducated, uninformed and just plain stupid that it's ridiculous :smh: They end up posting a whole lot of nonsense and really think they are "woke" The DMs and emails I get range from straight up hilarious, to racist/homophobic to death threats lol. They really are a bunch of clowns...

Really thinking about starting a pro-trump account just to make money off these fools :lol:
I know there's a contingent of hilly billy/redneck/back water followers or his that just don't know better & just love his facist broad strokes approach to politics, but the alarming thing is the college educated portion of his base. Objectively, almost everything the deplorable in chief says is a lie yet they eat that ish up like gospel.
It's crazy when I read through some of the comments on IG...Trump supporters are so uneducated, uninformed and just plain stupid that it's ridiculous :smh: They end up posting a whole lot of nonsense and really think they are "woke" The DMs and emails I get range from straight up hilarious, to racist/homophobic to death threats lol. They really are a bunch of clowns...

Really thinking about starting a pro-trump account just to make money off these fools :lol:

I imagine there are uneducated, uninformed and just plain stupid supporters of all parties. I have seen hilarious to racist/homophobic to death threats from supporters of all parties. Clowns are everywhere. And you can certainly make money from all manner of clown.
I know there's a contingent of hilly billy/redneck/back water followers or his that just don't know better & just love his facist broad strokes approach to politics, but the alarming thing is the college educated portion of his base. Objectively, almost everything the deplorable in chief says is a lie yet they eat that ish up like gospel.

You ain't lying :smh: I see a lot of comments from the 18-24 crowd that support trump that just repeats what he tweets or whatever Fox News reports. Whenever there is some factual negative news against trump they disappear for a few days and once he posts something about the wall they start commenting about the crisis with the all mighty #MAGA hashtag. No discussions or proof just a whole bunch of "if you don't like it here then leave!" along with libtards, snowflakes, and liberal tears.
BTW, it's interesting that Washington & Oregon are states that allow parents to opt out of vaccinations & they're experiencing a measles out break. Last Friday, the Washington governor declared a state of emergency bcs the states has 35 confirmed cases of measles & 11 more suspected cases.
Welcome to the NW. Dip ****s out here are dumb enough to get measles and then go to a Blazers game :stoneface: No one knows the actual number of infected right now.
I imagine there are uneducated, uninformed and just plain stupid supporters of all parties. I have seen hilarious to racist/homophobic to death threats from supporters of all parties. Clowns are everywhere. And you can certainly make money from all manner of clown.
Amen. Clowns on both sides. Equally. And good people. There are good people on both sides. The side with protesters and the side with Nazis. Both equally clowns. Equal in all ways. If the Dimocrats weren't so fascist we'd be back to having OUR America, and that's why us TRUE MERICANS will continue to protest. Civilly and respectfully of course. With flags and torches and cars of all manner, so long as they were built bought in MERICA.
I imagine there are uneducated, uninformed and just plain stupid supporters of all parties. I have seen hilarious to racist/homophobic to death threats from supporters of all parties. Clowns are everywhere. And you can certainly make money from all manner of clown.

Man, please :lol: The majority of the time the liberal posters use logic and facts to discuss a topic and at times will even check you and ask for a source or link to make sure people aren't posting fake news. The right just name calls and posts links from right-wing conspiracy pages. Just the other day I had a comment about how bad terrorism is in Europe and all of the recent hijackings caused by terrorists from Syria :lol: Dude posted a masked-link to the plane crash from Seattle a few months back and the missing MH370 flight from some weird website... When confronting the poster he claimed that CNN is fake for no reason. Both sides are NOT the same on social media...
Man, please :lol: The majority of the time the liberal posters use logic and facts to discuss a topic and at times will even check you and ask for a source or link to make sure people aren't posting fake news. The right just name calls and posts links from right-wing conspiracy pages. Just the other day I had a comment about how bad terrorism is in Europe and all of the recent hijackings caused by terrorists from Syria :lol: Dude posted a masked-link to the plane crash from Seattle a few months back and the missing MH370 flight from some weird website... When confronting the poster he claimed that CNN is fake for no reason. Both sides are NOT the same on social media...

I imagine that your personal views play into how you view a lot of posts. There are certainly people that post conspiracy/fake pages from both sides. And claim that news that does not support their narrative is "fake."
There is no such thing as a good deplorable.

Fascists... :lol: Do you even know what the word means? Frickin' deplorables...
Fascist means Dims want to give my hard earned money to illegal immigrants for free health care and welfare drugs. NOT IN MY BACK YARD.
Jeez dude... I'm not even going to correct you. Stupid is as stupid does... Ya'll really like showing how stupid you are.... You serious with that post? If so, you may need to read a book about the different types of government if you know how to read. :smh: As the famous Korean grocer said in Menace II Society... "I feel sorry for your mother..."

And speaking of female presidents, or chancellor in this case, Germany's Merkel has been widely derided in her country for her inclusion of immigrants but here are some facts that were just released -

- 3/4 of the new immigrants have done or doing German courses.
- 33% have learned to speak German or very good German, up from 18%.
- 35% are working officially. There is a large contingent working "under the table" but that data isn't available.

And most importantly, from 2011 through 2016, immigrants/migrants have added €35 billion to the German economy.

Source - @DIW_Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research)
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I imagine that your personal views play into how you view a lot of posts. There are certainly people that post conspiracy/fake pages from both sides. And claim that news that does not support their narrative is "fake."

My personal views have nothing to do with stupidity... If I had the time I would post some screenshots... You can tell right away just how ignorant they are :smh:
My personal views have nothing to do with stupidity... If I had the time I would post some screenshots... You can tell right away just how ignorant they are :smh:

True enough, I am just stating that you can find equally ignorant screenshots from supporters of both parties.
There are certainly people that post conspiracy/fake pages from both sides. And claim that news that does not support their narrative is "fake."

"Certain people" doesn't seem like a nice way to refer to your president

Ain't that right aepps20 aepps20 ?!?
the thing with Trump...

I don't even care what his policies are because disagreements on policies is always going to be there. Me and my girl can't even agree on furniture. Politicians gonna politic -- I accept that.

What angers me is how unqualified he is. He knows NOTHING. This dude is winging his way through a presidency. Facts and truth have no place in this admin. Those that enable him are the worst kind of people.
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