***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The GOP knows they are ****** when the midterms come in 2018 and will be for the future so they're making cash grab for their donors and themselves. They're hope is that Americans forget what they're doing after a decade or so when they blame dems and the poor again when the government will be too broke to fund entitlement, social welfare, and healthcare programs for its people.
Trump displays all the obvious signs of having a drinking problem.


12 "diet cokes" a day, huh? He damn sure eats like a drunk with his 2 Big Mac and 2 Filet of Fish meals. Bruh probably has the worst gas.
The GOP knows they are ****ed when the midterms come in 2018 and will be for the future so they're making cash grab for their donors and themselves. They're hope is that Americans forget what they're doing after a decade or so when they blame dems and the poor again when the government will be too broke to fund entitlement, social welfare, and healthcare programs for its people.
yup. they are preparing for the future and know they can blame this on the dems when they take the house/senate back.

this is why we must VOTE REPUBLICAN up and down the ticket for the next 10 years. we must make sure the GOP retains control of both chambers and the presidency (Barson 2020!) so that we can blame them for this...
Why don't you read up on what happens in 2027 when those tax cuts expire but the corporate tax cuts remain in place. Wonder who holds the bag when our deficit explodes. Corporate tax loopholes are still there.

You realize they can make them permanent in 2027 right? They made the bush tax cats permanent. The sunset provision is only there because of the rules.
When someone in the barbershop spouting libertarian nonsense and you tryna decide if it's even worth debating.
Never discuss politics at the barbershop.

Sports is cool, cause ****** at the barbershop never know anything about anything. I can stomach that when it comes to sports, I can't stomach that when it comes to politics.:lol:

I'd definitely end up insulting someone.:lol::smh:
You realize they can make them permanent in 2027 right? They made the bush tax cats permanent. The sunset provision is only there because of the rules.
So your explanation for the GOP making individual cuts temporary and corporate cuts permanent, is that someone down the line could change the plan as it stands today and make it permanent.

Yet, this tax plan as it stands today is good for our country.:rofl:
So your explanation for the GOP making individual cuts temporary and corporate cuts permanent, is that someone down the line could change the plan as it stands today and make it permanent.

Yet, this tax plan as it stands today is good for our country.:rofl:

You're talking about potential problems...a decade from now. Meanwhile people are living paycheck to paycheck. This tax plan will provide relief. Even if temporary, it is better than nothing. Wouldn't you agree?
You're talking about potential problems...a decade from now. Meanwhile people are living paycheck to paycheck. This tax plan will provide relief. Even if temporary, it is better than nothing. Wouldn't you agree?
Not necessarily. I'm of the belief that this only compounds a problem that is very current...the middle class continuing to hold the bag for corporations that have no reason to expand and add jobs. Add to that that there is no compulsory wording that sets a standard or expectation for job growth from corporations and I truly don't see how this bill's goal is to create economic growth.

So in essence, this bill gives more power and control to corporations while not even attempting to hold them to some sort of standard or expectation of growth.

I couldn't care less about temporary relief when this cripples us now and down the line. And that's exactly how they want to sell it, to people like you who are more interested in getting what they want at the moment than having the foresight to see that this bill makes the issues we have bigger.
You're talking about potential problems...a decade from now. Meanwhile people are living paycheck to paycheck. This tax plan will provide relief. Even if temporary, it is better than nothing. Wouldn't you agree?

If people living paycheck to paycheck why didn't they concentrate the tax cut on the middle class and the poor? Didn't know corporations and high net worth individuals with a ****load of passive income were living paycheck to paycheck. It's only temporary right?
The GOP would need a supermajority in 2027 to make them permanent.

Some of the Bush breaks became permanent because the GOP and Obama cut a deal, and they got enough Senate votes.

So what's the GOP's plan, hope a Dem is in power and use the mess they created as a political weapon to attack the Dem......

Wtf I'm I doing. That is exactly what they are gonna do when the time comes :lol:

Mathew Yglesias called this tax bill exactly what it really is. It is a fiscal smash and grab by GOP on the American economy for their wealthy donors.
If people living paycheck to paycheck why didn't they concentrate the tax cut on the middle class and the poor? Didn't know corporations and high net worth individuals with a ****load of passive income were living paycheck to paycheck. It's only temporary right?
Well, when the corporations get the cuts, they'll increase their staff's salary, of course.

It's like some of y'all like being taken advantage of.:lol::smh:
The GOP knows they are ****ed when the midterms come in 2018 and will be for the future so they're making cash grab for their donors and themselves. They're hope is that Americans forget what they're doing after a decade or so when they blame dems and the poor again when the government will be too broke to fund entitlement, social welfare, and healthcare programs for its people.

And you know these cult members have selective amnesia when it comes to the BS they allowed the gop to get away with.

Dems gotta be ready to remind these fools every single time they try to pass the buck when ish hits the fan.
If people living paycheck to paycheck why didn't they concentrate the tax cut on the middle class and the poor? Didn't know corporations and high net worth individuals with a ****load of passive income were living paycheck to paycheck. It's only temporary right?

Let's keep it all the way real. Corporations were already paying way less than their actual tax rate. So, while there is a cut, it isn't as large as is being reported. I think that middle class families will appreciate the relief that this bill provides. Especially families with children. The idea of not giving them anything if corporations are going to get a huge cut doesn't make sense to me. It is very difficult to create anything that high net worth individuals won't be able to capitalize on. Many corporations moved to avoid taxes. The bottom line remains the bottom line.
Let's keep it all the way real. Corporations were already paying way less than their actual tax rate. So, while there is a cut, it isn't as large as is being reported. I think that middle class families will appreciate the relief that this bill provides. Especially families with children. The idea of not giving them anything if corporations are going to get a huge cut doesn't make sense to me. It is very difficult to create anything that high net worth individuals won't be able to capitalize on. Many corporations moved to avoid taxes. The bottom line remains the bottom line.

This statement looks like it was ripped straight from a GOP talking point memo that was distributed among party members when addressing constituent and media questions and concerns. You ain't fooling nobody bro.
Let's keep it all the way real. Corporations were already paying way less than their actual tax rate. So, while there is a cut, it isn't as large as is being reported. I think that middle class families will appreciate the relief that this bill provides. Especially families with children. The idea of not giving them anything if corporations are going to get a huge cut doesn't make sense to me. It is very difficult to create anything that high net worth individuals won't be able to capitalize on. Many corporations moved to avoid taxes. The bottom line remains the bottom line.

If corporations will make a way or high net worth individuals will capitalize on practically everything why make things permanently easier for them but on temp for those who are struggling?
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