***Official Political Discussion Thread***

they were interviewing someone on CNN. he was around her when she got shot. he said they kept telling the police officers something like: "we're not here for you, we'll make room for you to walk out, just let us in"

Oh all I gotta do is not do my job to protect these congressmen and women? Say no more.
Elaine Chao probably resigning because her husband wants her to over the GA seats and not yesterday
i see this was already posted, but it can't be stressed enough

They're in full effect defense mode today at work.

Their included talking points:

Not as bad as what BLM did to the country.

Only one building and not that much damage was done.

Not many issues were caused compared to the riots.

No where near the harm or serious bodily injuries as the BLM riots.

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25th amendment is almost impossible because republicans won’t do it but an (another) impeachment can and could make it so he can never run again
Can they start impeachment now but essentially drag it out over the next year (with Biden as president and senate control) and basically have full investigative power on everything trump has done? That seems like a good way to go. Would also jeopardize everybody else who has colluded with him and also weaken his ability to pardon anybody now, right?

They probably can't get the votes to remove him from office but the Republicans couldn't stop the investigation either. I don't know how it goes once the person has left office.

I actually used to follow Snowden. I did and still do believe he did the right thing.
But I had to unfollow him a while ago because I realized that he be on some bs heavy.
Anytime a white person faces any consequences he's got an issue with it.

My sister had dinner with Elaine Chao once. Her advice to my sister was "Marry the right man and you can have everything you want." Feminist icon. Hate to see her go.
Can they start impeachment now but essentially drag it out over the next year (with Biden as president and senate control) and basically have full investigative power on everything trump has done? That seems like a good way to go. Would also jeopardize everybody else who has colluded with him and also weaken his ability to pardon anybody now, right?

They probably can't get the votes to remove him from office but the Republicans couldn't stop the investigation either. I don't know how it goes once the person has left office.
Was listening to an interview about that. If they wait until he’s out of office it comes close to breaking laws.

bottom line, taking him out of office is a long shot at best and most likely won’t happen because republicans won’t let it.
Maaaaan f all this impeachment talk, repubs ain't got the heart, plus he only got 2 weeks.

many (centrist) democrats are part of this too. they protect each other. they will disguise their cowardice by choosing not to make waves "for the sake of the country"

acknowledging this monster as the treasonous pig he is is admitting the failure of the govt

similar reasons why kkkops don't get swift justice for their violent behavior. protection of status quo
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