***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This has happened in the past already until the civil rights movement took place. Politics are predictable. It’s all reactionary. Trump isn’t breaking new ground on any fronts. His openness to being an idiot is the only thing he’s got over anybody.

what the republicans are doing now is what they’ve been doing for generations.
Feel like you’re skimming my post or something. In the grand scheme of things, Trump is a useful idiot. However, he’s laid the groundwork for a much smarter person with a better understanding to come along and actually enact much more damage on this Democracy. Republicans weren’t willing to remove him when he was bribing foreign powers to investigate political opponents. He tested the limits of our checks and balances, and even in some instances, the court didn’t reject his authoritarian actions, they simply sent him back to find a better justification. More importantly, they’ve poisoned the root of the tree, with almost a quarter of Americans falsely believing that an election was stolen. The ramifications of that have the potential to be huge.

The demographics of this country are shifting in ways that we’ve never seen before. I don’t think it’s as simple as “the republicans are doing what they’ve always done”. The senate is the least fair representative democratic body in Western civilization — and things are likely going to get worse. 30 million more people voted for Democrat Senators than Republicans and they’re still in the majority. Democrats lost state legislative bodies and didn’t even pick up Senate seats that we were expected to pick up. So the maps will be gerrymandered like hell and Republicans will pick up more seats over the next decade. So yea, this thing is a bit more dire than you portray it as. We are living under minority rule with things likely getting worse.
I just find it hard to believe that trump would be able to actually steal this election or set up a dictatorship...These are the same guys that held a press conference at four seasons landscaping...

Plus I think there is way too much at stake for that to actually happen. I feel like this is just another con he's doing to get his followers riled up and start his news network and take their money.
People are way too shortsighted if they think this is purely about Trump. Sure, Trump lost and this is done. But what about the next guy who is smarter, more eloquent, with a better understanding of how things actually work? The Republican Party has already shown that they’d cower to Trump. What do y’all think happens when the next guy steps in?
Feel like you’re skimming my post or something. In the grand scheme of things, Trump is a useful idiot. However, he’s laid the groundwork for a much smarter person with a better understanding to come along and actually enact much more damage on this Democracy. Republicans weren’t willing to remove him when he was bribing foreign powers to investigate political opponents. He tested the limits of our checks and balances, and even in some instances, the court didn’t reject his authoritarian actions, they simply sent him back to find a better justification. More importantly, they’ve poisoned the root of the tree, with almost a quarter of Americans falsely believing that an election was stolen. The ramifications of that have the potential to be huge.

The demographics of this country are shifting in ways that we’ve never seen before. I don’t think it’s as simple as “the republicans are doing what they’ve always done”. The senate is the least fair representative democratic body in Western civilization — and things are likely going to get worse. 30 million more people voted for Democrat Senators than Republicans and they’re still in the majority. Democrats lost state legislative bodies and didn’t even pick up Senate seats that we were expected to pick up. So the maps will be gerrymandered like hell and Republicans will pick up more seats over the next decade. So yea, this thing is a bit more dire than you portray it as. We are living under minority rule with things likely getting worse.
Let me start by saying you are correct with what you’re sayin. I’m saying that this has been going on all the time but it’s just now highly publicized. When have republicans ever led the majority? 20 years ago? Yes trust is a useful idiot but he’s also an idiot idiot. Had this of been someone of actual intelligence they’d be problems but now, naw. Why is he firing anyone now? Well it could be him, the idiot, with a master plan OR he’s just throwing a fit against anyone talking against him.

as for the poisoning of the American people, I don’t see the difference. They hung people from trees and held parties around it. This is NOT any worse.

it’s not wrong to be cautious about this stuff, won’t fault anyone, but trump has done ONE thing consistently the past 40 years, and that’s FAIL
In a few years Americans could be living in a country where:

- the US House of Reps will be controlled by a party that gets less than 50% of the votes
-The Senate is controlled by the party that gets fewer votes
-A President that got fewer votes
-A court system where most judges (including the Supreme Court) were appointed by Presidents and Senate that got a minority of votes
-An nearly 40% of Americas living in states where their State Congress/Assembly is controlled by a party that got fewer votes.
-No Voting Rights Act in place.

The risk of minority rule is not something far off in the distance. It is a few years away from becoming reality.
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Let me start by saying you are correct with what you’re sayin. I’m saying that this has been going on all the time but it’s just now highly publicized. When have republicans ever led the majority? 20 years ago? Yes trust is a useful idiot but he’s also an idiot idiot. Had this of been someone of actual intelligence they’d be problems but now, naw. Why is he firing anyone now? Well it could be him, the idiot, with a master plan OR he’s just throwing a fit against anyone talking against him.

as for the poisoning of the American people, I don’t see the difference. They hung people from trees and held parties around it. This is NOT any worse.

it’s not wrong to be cautious about this stuff, won’t fault anyone, but trump has done ONE thing consistently the past 40 years, and that’s FAIL
You’re not reading my posts at all because you keep referring to Trump when I’m talking about the threat of the future. :lol: The fact that Trump was able to pull this off should terrify us all about what the future could hold.

What does hanging people from trees have to do with 1/4 of Americans believing a crazy conspiracy theory that voter fraud won an election across multiple states?

This is not about Trump. It’s about the future of our Democracy, which we are under threat of being under minority rule in. SOON.
In a few years Americans could be living in a country where:

- the US House of Reps will be controlled by a party that gets less than 50% of the votes in Housecaes
-The Senate is controlled by the party that gets fewer votes
-A President that got fewer votes
-A court system where most judges (including the Supreme Court) were appointed by Presidents and Senate that got a minority of votes
-An nearly 40% of Americas living in states where their State Congress/Assembly is controlled by a party that got fewer votes.
-No Voting Rights Act in place.

Minority rule is not some far in the distance risk. It is a few years away from becoming reality.

You’re not reading my posts at all because you keep referring to Trump when I’m talking about the threat of the future. :lol: The fact that Trump was able to pull this off should terrify us all about what the future could hold.

What does hanging people from trees have to do with 1/4 of Americans believing a crazy conspiracy theory that voter fraud won an election across multiple states?

This is not about Trump. It’s about the future of our Democracy, which we are under threat of being under minority rule in. SOON.
I get the threat of the future. Again, I’m saying they’ve laid the groundwork for generations now. Bush jr is arguably just as a useful idiot as trump. He was just a more likable idiot. AGAIN, nothing new here.

my point about people hanging people is that these idiots have been who’ve they’ve been for hundreds of years. You can blame any number things for these people to believe the BS. They’re just not smart people. AGIAN idiots are nothing new

You said minority rule is becoming the norm. again, nothing new. Republicans have disproportionately represented less people yet held more power since the inception of the EC.
In a few years Americans could be living in a country where:

- the US House of Reps will be controlled by a party that gets less than 50% of the votes in Housecaes
-The Senate is controlled by the party that gets fewer votes
-A President that got fewer votes
-A court system where most judges (including the Supreme Court) were appointed by Presidents and Senate that got a minority of votes
-An nearly 40% of Americas living in states where their State Congress/Assembly is controlled by a party that got fewer votes.
-No Voting Rights Act in place.

Minority rule is not some far in the distance risk. It is a few years away from becoming reality.
I was thinking about this earlier today, how dangerously close we are to the edge and how democracy in america might not make it to 2030 if we don't start fixing **** NOW. Even with the Biden win, I've still been stressing out over my future here.
Dems won’t strong arm the way Republicans do because too many of them actually benefit from Republican policies. Until Diet Republicans like Manchin and damn near corpses like Feinstein get booted, they’re never gonna take a bold stance collectively.
Why they won’t is a mixed bag but the point is they dont. The heart of equal democracy is give and take from all sides. Dems don’t take anything
In a few years Americans could be living in a country where:

- the US House of Reps will be controlled by a party that gets less than 50% of the votes in Housecaes
-The Senate is controlled by the party that gets fewer votes
-A President that got fewer votes
-A court system where most judges (including the Supreme Court) were appointed by Presidents and Senate that got a minority of votes
-An nearly 40% of Americas living in states where their State Congress/Assembly is controlled by a party that got fewer votes.
-No Voting Rights Act in place.

Minority rule is not some far in the distance risk. It is a few years away from becoming reality.

I fully expect republicans to pull a bunch of Wisconsins whenever/wherever/however all over the place as things start slipping

especially if they lose these 2 Georgia runoffs
This comes down to Democrats handling their business while in power. They don’t. They need to strong arm the way republicans do. Change rules, kick people out, etc. their good guy/do thing the right way attitude gets little to nothing accomplished
What can you do in power without control of the Senate? We’ve already seen this show. Biden will basically be an executive order President until 2022 and we’ve already seen that the House is likely to flip then.
What can you do in power without control of the Senate? We’ve already seen this show. Biden will basically be an executive order President until 2022 and we’ve already seen that the House is likely to flip then.
You’re right, but that’s their job. Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t know where they can take a loophole and flip it or where they can get someone booted from office. Republicans seem to figure that out though. It’s frustrating
You said minority rule is becoming the norm. again, nothing new. Republicans have disproportionately represented less people yet held more power since the inception of the EC.
The country is more diverse than its ever been. White people will be in the minority by 2050. It’s never looked like this. The world has also changed dramatically. Republican rule is also shifting even worse with respect to what that means for the country.
Let me start by saying you are correct with what you’re sayin. I’m saying that this has been going on all the time but it’s just now highly publicized. When have republicans ever led the majority? 20 years ago? Yes trust is a useful idiot but he’s also an idiot idiot. Had this of been someone of actual intelligence they’d be problems but now, naw. Why is he firing anyone now? Well it could be him, the idiot, with a master plan OR he’s just throwing a fit against anyone talking against him.

as for the poisoning of the American people, I don’t see the difference. They hung people from trees and held parties around it. This is NOT any worse.

it’s not wrong to be cautious about this stuff, won’t fault anyone, but trump has done ONE thing consistently the past 40 years, and that’s FAIL
Famb, nah, you are mistaken. When it comes to the GOP, it is worse, it can still get worse.

I think dudes are talking about how our political system functions and the norms that support them, and not society in general. Yes, today is better than the Jim Crow Era, but the thing point is trying to drive home is the GOP is more committed to authoritarianism more to today than any time during the modern era. And that is dangerous too for the country.

Things are getting worse, and can still get worse.

The GOP has been slowly becoming more and more **** over the decades. Every decade the sink lower and lower. But now:

-No real ideological diversity
-They are gerrymandering more
-Engaging in voter suppression more blatantly
-The Senate has a bigger white rural tilt
-Conservative judges are more reactionary
-The Electoral College Advantage for the GOP is growing
-They are becoming more hostile to liberal democracy

From Nixon to Reagan, to Gingrich, o Bush, to McConnell, to Trump. At every step the GOP has chosen to become more reactionary, more liberal, more oppression, more partisan, more hostile to democratic norms. They are only one iteration away from becoming a full-blown authoritarian.

Someone that pops a perc every night to calm their nerves is an opioid addict. Someone that pops multiple Oxy pills a day is an opioid addict.

But one is worse than the other.

Welp, we are saying that shooting heroin in a back ally is coming next.

The real difference is that in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, the electorate could punish Republican bad behavior if they wanted to, soon they might not be able to. The Democratic Party was incentivized to become a party of civil rights and diversity. Soon they might be incentivized to move away from these positions.

Soon every marginalized group in America will be living under a government completely unresponsive to their needs. Coalition building will not work as a political tool. The gains people fought for in order to destroy Jim Crow America, will be slowly rolled back. So yes **** has been horrific in the past, **** is bad now, but it can get even worse.
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