***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Kinda hoping that Trump goes out kicking and screaming.

Need him to be escorted outta the White House on national TV like:

As Twitter is pointing out, this isn't just Trump getting defeated and getting kicked out of the White House. It's Jared, Ivanka, Melanoma, Don Jr, Eric, Stephen Miller, Bill Barr, Betsy Devos Bae, Mark Meadows, Benjamin Barson, Louise DeSad, Mike Pence, Steve Munchkin, Elaine Chao, Kayleigh MyEnemy, Jason Miller, Hope Sucks Hicks, Wilbur Ross, Mike Pompeo, Scott Atlas, and more.

They're out.

Hopefully they get prosecuted for their crimes shortly thereafter.

Joker Jared
Incestual Ivanka
Melanoma Melania
Dumb Don junior
Excuse Eric
Squidward Stephen
Bum Bill Rosannes (lookalike husband) Barr
Biatch Betsy
Maggot Mark
Baby Ben Carson
Clueless Louis
Dense Pence
Steve Dunkin Munchkin
Blame Elaine Chao
Kurupt Kayleigh
Jason Kruger
Hope the Dope
Shill Wilbur Ross
Sike Mike Pompeo
Shot Scott Atlas

And who could forget those other 🤡s

Apple Sarah Huckabee
Salty Sean Spicer

And more....

Joker Jared
Incestual Ivanka
Melanoma Melania
Dumb Don junior
Excuse Eric
Squidward Stephen
Bum Bill Rosannes (lookalike husband) Barr
Biatch Betsy
Maggot Mark
Baby Ben Carson
Clueless Louis
Dense Pence
Steve Dunkin Munchkin
Blame Elaine Chao
Kurupt Kayleigh
Jason Kruger
Hope the Dope
Shill Wilbur Ross
Sike Mike Pompeo
Shot Scott Atlas

And who could forget those other 🤡s

Apple Sarah Huckabee
Salty Sean Spicer

And more....

I have seen zero trump signs today :pimp:

Even when I stopped by my gf's crib earlier. She got neighbors that had signs up before the election. They took them all down :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Bruh I live in central PA right now which is a literal representative of who elected trump in 2016. HUUUGEEE signs everywhere, especially homemade ones because people poor as ****

ALLL them ****s down :rofl:
Trump and his people right now:

At the risk of coming across like a wet blanket: when you've got privileged people like Dave Wasserman trolling on twitter on Election Day, like this is a laughing matter, it emphasizes how disparate the stakes of this election truly are.

For millions of people, this isn't Lakers vs. Celtics: it's life vs. death. It's solvency vs. bankruptcy. It's asylum vs. deportation. It's bodily autonomy vs. subordination. It's hope vs. fear.
It's difficult to overstate just how excruciating each passing and perilous moment of uncertainty can feel to those of us who've already accumulated an unbearable amount of anxiety.

I know that everyone has different ways of handling tension, and many people in related professions are eager to pore over and assess the trove of data in real time, but I would in all cases urge consideration over flippancy or detachment.

The election still isn't over and, most critically, neither is the work.

We can't relax. We can't relent. We can't lose sight of how dire this is, and shall remain.

Where's Methodical Management Methodical Management ?

Sure he has something to say about this election. And dwalk.
As you might imagine, this is an extraordinarily busy and challenging time.
I've still been here, but I haven't been able to keep up with the thread at its current pace.

While I haven't been able to keep up with this discussion in a way that would prevent me from merely adding redundant points/information, I am aware that Dwalk has "apologized" for his Trump support.

I will add a small amount of commentary on that below, but given his propensity for recycling a meager rotation of disingenuous low-information talking points ad nauseam, there's not much new ground to cover, honestly. Forgive the redundancy.

Seems Trump will lose.

Moving forward I hope the Dems flip the senate and get all of the great proposals Biden ran on passed.

My people are the ones who want this meaningful legislation passed.

Then you should've voted for the people who wanted to pass the most meaningful legislation.

Instead, you voted against the ticket offering all of those "great proposals," despite claiming you "might not" or would support "anybody Black."

You spent four years running interference for a devout racist, tersely brushing aside his administration's atrocities with whataboutisms and meek, toothless denouncements, pointing at the scoreboard and smirking each time news emerged that may have benefited the opponents of social justice, antagonizing and deliberately attempting to frustrate those whose end goals you now claim to share.

Don't expect anyone to forget it.

Rhetoric vs. action.

As I’ve mentioned repeatedly, the First Step Act, Fair Chance Act and record funding to HBCUs mattered to me. And Trump’s ability to get these measures past a GOP senate that obstructed similar measures in the past showed that we could get similar measures passed in a second term.

The Dems were still unable to flip the senate. Which was my fear and part of my analysis in the Trump support for a second term. Great proposals getting obstructed by McConnell hardly seem like a win. That’s why the plan B is for Dems to flip the senate.
This is, frankly, a delusional rationalization that may have convinced you through its repetition, but only grows more insulting to everyone else with each passing use.

I will say this yet again - because the underlying premise is patently false and cannot be allowed to stand unchecked - you could not have voted for Donald Trump in 2016 because of the First Step Act, Fair Chance Act, or "record funding to HBCU's" because he did not run on any of those things.

In 2016, Donald Trump ran on nationwide stop and frisk. He ran on employing "tough police tactics" in Chicago. His appeal to Black voters was somehow even more condescending and offensive than the "Platinum Plan": "what the hell do you have to lose?"

You and I both know that Donald Trump doesn't care about HBCU's. I'd be more inclined to believe that he supports record funding for historically Black water fountains and waiting areas.

You claim you "supported" Barack Obama, but, conspicuously, will not state that you voted for him. We cannot accept that this is due to your selective "passion" for ballot secrecy, given that you've openly and frequently discussed voting for (not just "supporting") Donald Trump. A valid interpretation here is that you may have "rooted" for Barack Obama, but you did not actually vote for him in both 2008 and 2012.

Stop making excuses. Start making changes.

Want to serve your stated values? Now's the time to start acting like it. Now's the time to start giving like it. Now's the time to start VOTING like it.

If you actually care about criminal justice reform, and you're not impressed with recent Democratic candidates, the very first thing you should do is immediately register as a Democrat so that you're able to vote in Democratic primary elections and help nominate candidates at local and national levels who are far superior to Joe Biden.

If you suddenly want a Democratic Senate, we've got runoff elections in Georgia coming up. And maybe now would be a good time to start expressing gratitude to Fair Fight.

Rhetoric vs. action.

Not sure what more there is to say on it.

A poster said the thread could forgive Biden for the results of the crime bill because he admitted his mistake.

I’ve now admitted my mistake in supporting Trump.

You telling me you can get over dude authoring the crime bill, with no problem, but cant get over me supporting Trump after I supported President Obama in 2008 and 2012?

Make it make sense.
I don't know of anyone here who has "forgiven" Joe Biden for the 1994 crime bill. Everyone I care to associate with voted for him in this election because he was the best available option. (And voted for a different candidate in the primary for that same reason.)

To extend that same "forgiveness" to you, you'd have to at some point be the best available option. Sorry.



Methodical Management Methodical Management

This roast has been slow cooking for four years, and it's dinner time.
Trust that the thought had occurred to me.

We'll grant him an appeal at some point, after we establish a review panel. (A conversation for another day.) If you're at all familiar with his record, though, you know better than to get your hopes up.
As amusing and cathartic as it might feel to serve him his just desserts, it's not worth undermining the community's standards.

He hasn't visited the site in months, and, personally, I hope it stays that way.

Just so you know before you hit that donate button again @dwalk31

i feel him on this one bruh. There's def some conspiracy going on nationally. I had a bunch of money in my checking account but then when the due dates for my bills started rolling around, suddenly my account MAGICALLY started decreasing?? Sounds pretty suspicious if you ask me
I might be able to help you with that. Go ahead and DM me your account and routing number and I'll take a look into that for you.
Bruh I live in central PA right now which is a literal representative of who elected trump in 2016. HUUUGEEE signs everywhere, especially homemade ones because people poor as ****

ALLL them ****s down :rofl:

Isn't that big *** trump house in PA too? I wonder how it's looking now :nerd:
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