***Official Political Discussion Thread***

No, no, no, we have moved on to Hunter Biden's emails. Please try to keep up

damb I'm outchea getting fooled by an old playbook like Marcia's new boyfriend :frown:

My point was that my posts are held to a higher level of scrutiny by posters in here.

I said he agreed that is the case—he did.

The rest of what he said doesn’t negate that point.

I’m not hiding the ball on any of this. If I wanted to spend the time searching for old posts, or knew how to quickly find old posts—like junglejim junglejim —then I would have.
To say that your posts are more heavily scrutinized because of the candidate you support, and to say that your posts are more heavily scrutinized because of your bad-faith arguments are very different things. dacomeup dacomeup gave very specific reasons for why your posts deserve more scrutiny.

To misrepresent what he said and then claim "he agreed" is insanely dishonest. The quote that junglejim junglejim found doesn't show that dacomeup dacomeup agrees with the blanket statement that your posts are held to a higher level a scrutiny.
caping for a white women who wrote an opinion saying the n-word is bad but being called the n-word doesn't create a hostile or abusive work environment, especially given the fact that she adopted 2 black children, is a new low in this thread.
I'd say dwalk31 dwalk31 caping for Roy Moore by saying we need "due process" against the mountain of evidence and testimony of the man being a child predator (né pedophile) is the lowest we've seen. Defending the man whose been preying on underage girls for decades and doesnt deny it, is absolutely disgusting.
To say that your posts are more heavily scrutinized because of the candidate you support, and to say that your posts are more heavily scrutinized because of your bad-faith arguments are very different things. dacomeup dacomeup gave very specific reasons for why your posts deserve more scrutiny.

To misrepresent what he said and then claim "he agreed" is insanely dishonest. The quote that junglejim junglejim found doesn't show that dacomeup dacomeup agrees with the blanket statement that your posts are held to a higher level a scrutiny.

I said the he agreed that a higher level of scrutiny is given to my posts. He did.

I went further to say that he felt that I deserved that higher level of scrutiny. He did.

I stated that junglejim junglejim gives my posts a higher level of scrutiny, ostensibly because of the candidate I support—I think he does.

Let’s be honest for a second. junglejim junglejim has the audacity to call me out for trolling when his avy is, quite literally, a picture of my legs.

Give me a break.

On Wednesday morning, the New York Post published a story alleging that Hunter Biden dropped off a laptop at a Delaware computer store for repair and that the device contained nefarious emails and photos.

The item was immediately viewed with suspicion, both for the timing of it—coming less than three weeks before the elections—and the path the laptop supposedly took. The Post said that “before turning over the gear,” the owner of the computer repair shop, “made a copy of the hard drive and later gave it to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello.” The story alleged that the Biden son was setting up a meeting between a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm on which he served and his father, who was then the Vice President. The Biden campaign has said no such meeting was scheduled.

On Wednesday afternoon, a group of reporters, among them a journalist for The Daily Beast, spoke with the owner of the shop, a man named John Paul Isaac who lives in Wilmington, Delaware. The audio of that nearly hour-long question and answer session is below.

Isaac appeared nervous throughout. Several times, he said he was scared for his life and for the lives of those he loved. He appeared to not have a grasp on the timeline of the laptop arriving at his shop and its disappearance from it. He also said the impeachment of President Trump was a “sham.” Social media postings indicate that Isaac is an avid Trump supporter and voted for him in the 2016 election.

Isaac said he had
a medical condition that prevented him from actually seeing who dropped off the laptop but that he believed it to be Hunter Biden’s because of a sticker related to the Beau Biden Foundation that was on it
. He said that Hunter Biden actually dropped off three laptops for repair, an abundance of hardware that he chalked up to the Biden son being “rich.”

Throughout the entire interview, Isaac switched back and forth from saying he reached out to law enforcement after viewing the files in the laptop to saying that it was actually the Federal Bureau of Investigation that reached out to him. At one point, Isaac claimed that he was emailing someone from the FBI about the laptop. At another point he claimed a special agent from the Baltimore office had contacted him after he alerted the FBI to the device’s existence. At another point, he said the FBI reached out to him for “help accessing his drive.”

Isaac referenced the infamous Seth Rich conspiracy theory—which holds that a DNC staffer who police say was murdered in a botched robbery was actually killed off by Clinton allies because he leaked committee emails—as reason for his paranoia. He said he made a copy of the hard drive for purposes of personal protection.

“They probably knew I had a copy because I was pretty vocal about not wanting to get murdered,” he said, “so I’m going to have a copy.”

Isaac refused to answer specific questions about whether he had been in contact with Rudy Giuliani before the laptop drop off or at any other time before the Post’s publication. Pressed on his relationship with Guiliani, he replied: “When you’re afraid and you don’t know anything about the depth of the waters that you’re in, you want to find a lifeguard.”

Seeming to realize he’d said too much, he added: “Ah ****.”

So, Rudy was your lifeguard, the reporters asked. “No comment,” he replied. [/QUOTE]

Deez fools desperate :lol:
I said the he agreed that a higher level of scrutiny is given to my posts. He did.

I went further to say that he felt that I deserved that higher level of scrutiny. He did.

I stated that junglejim junglejim gives my posts a higher level of scrutiny, ostensibly because of the candidate I support—I think he does.

Let’s be honest for a second. junglejim junglejim has the audacity to call me out for trolling when his avy is, quite literally, a picture of my legs.

Give me a break.

I don’t hold your posts to a higher standard. I actually hold your posts to a much lower standard because I know that they aren’t in good faith and are coming from a ****** human being. It has nothing to do with who you support, but the fact that everything you say and do, is borderline disgusting and reprehensible.

It has nothing to do with you spreading your cheeks for a guy who couldn’t give two ****s less about you.
Biden's plan for black America seems like it is more coherent than what Cube's CWBA.

Hell, some of Cube's **** is incoherent economic policy.

Like this...
Federal Reserve and Government Pensions.
For qualified Black Americans, Federal Reserve to allow a one-time interest free loan for home ownership. The Fed to ensure Banks and institutions it oversees comply with Bank Lending Reform. Fed to adopt Modern Monetary Theory with goal of Full Employment and avoidance of Actual Inflation. Federal and State pension funds control over a trillion dollars. They must allocate 13.4% of their investments into Black owned enterprises and businesses. Venture Capital and Private Equity funds that take money public entities must invest 13.4% of their total funds in Black owned businesses.

This must be written that has no idea what Modern Monetary Theory actually does.

Even with the good stuff and aims of the policy proposal, it is laughable for him to imply Trump is closer to it than Biden.

Da **** is Cube doing :smh:
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