***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Oh okay. Why do you think he didn’t just say “yes?”

Also, I don’t think I’ve said they are equivalent.

But only one party can depend on 90%+ plus of the black vote.
Because when pressed on the substance, you turn to deflection or what about. It's not a good faith way of engaging on discussion.
Yeah, that's the logic of someone who hasn't been following how US political parties have shifted their stances depending on which group was more likely to support them.

Don't be a reliable voter? It's no wonder the GOP operatives don't take Black conservatives who vote republican serious.😂😂😂
Delk’s solution is to be a reliable voter for the party who is committed to the disenfranchisement of the Black voter. The logic there is mind numbing.

the whole point of a hearing is to distinguish how she would rule on certain situations. She’s made it clear that she won’t answer any questions.

Sadly, people think this is true. The point of the hearing is to determine her competency. Trying to pre-determine how she would rule actually politicizes the court.

If you are familiar with RBG, she outlined the “rule” on making pre-judgments on how she would rule in her confirmation hearing.
Delk’s solution is to be a reliable voter for the party who is committed to the disenfranchisement of the Black voter. The logic there is mind numbing.

Choosing not to be a reliable voting block for the Democratic Party does not mean that black voters should choose to be a reliable voting block for the Republican Party.

My solution is the opposite.

I think that black voters not being a reliable voting block for either party is the solution because it will force progress, in my opinion.
The majority of my posts are in response to other posters asking me a direct question or links to articles posted without comment.

Are the posters asking me questions trolling as well?

Are the people posting memes trolling?

Are you trolling by engaging in this back and forth?

People in here continuously post about their disdain for Trump. Yet you don’t come in and say they are posting the same thing or “we get it, you hate Trump.”

At the end of the day, if I made the same type of posts—only praising the Democratic Party or bashing Trump, instead—you’d have no issue with them.

Your bias is showing

The majority of your responses arent actually responses.

"Hey dwalk, did you see this racist **** trump posted today"

"Yeah but what about what Biden said last year"

"Hey dwalk, how can you support white supremacists like this"

"White supremacy is not an issue since its always been an issue"

"Hey dwalk, why do you support voter suppression like this"

"Which party is suppressing votes"

Its the same constant pivot every time and 99% of the time leads back to the same 3 things that derail this thread. I take no issue with you being a republican, I take issue with you being a disingenuous troll who ruins good conversation by smothering it in ********. What you do in here every single day is outright trolling and deflecting. There is nothing of value that you add to any discussion nor does anyone become more enlightened by reading your drivel.

You may not even understand you are doing it, but I'd suggest taking a look at the last 10 pages and seeing how you have single handedly derailed this thread by posting constant whataboutisms.
It took me a bit longer than I said to get back, but here is my answer, as promised.

I think there are three solid reasons for a black person to vote red in this current election:

1. Black voters are not a monolith. Pushing back on the idea that black voters are a monolith is a net positive. No matter which side you vote for, the idea that one party can depend on the black vote, when black people have not been able to equally depend on that party is problematic. Pushing back on that narrative is good for black voters as it forces both sides to introduce policies aimed at black voters;

2. Leverage. This is really just an extension of the first point. Think of it as two competing offers. The policy proposals, aimed at black people, get better when both parties are not confident in their ability to have the majority of the black
vote; and

3. Meaningful legislation. This is really my go-to in here, but it depends on the Republicans retaining the Senate. As we saw with the First Step Act and Fair Chance Act, this administration has the ability to get legislation passed that got obstructed under prior administrations. So, the direct positive is that more can probably get passed under a second Trump term (if the Republicans retain the Senate) than under a Biden term (if the Republicans keep the Senate). Obviously if the Dems flip the Senate it doesn't matter.

You mention that your girl is latina, what are her thoughts re: Trump? iheartboost iheartboost
1. While I agree that dems have enjoyed our vote for quite some time and we haven't been able to benefit from us it as much as they have, based on this current election and with Trump at the helm, I don't see how switching sides is going to make things better for us. Hearing him cite racism, lies and give white supremcist a hard pass doesn't sit well with me.

2. Yes, leverage is key but, again, I don't see it happneing in THIS current election. THIS current president, THIS adminstration and THIS senate. I don't understand how any black person in America thinks a vote for Trump can leverage us for the next 4 years. It's his last 4 years, he doesn't have any reason to do right by us. He can continue to stir the race pot, his adminstration can continue to advise him on how to divide the country and the senate can continue to push in law to strength there rotten core.

3. See number 2.

She hates Trump, and everything he stands for.
1. While I agree that dems have enjoyed our vote for quite some time and we haven't been able to benefit from us it as much as they have, based on this current election and with Trump at the helm, I don't see how switching sides is going to make things better for us. Hearing him cite racism, lies and give white supremcist a hard pass doesn't sit well with me.

2. Yes, leverage is key but, again, I don't see it happneing in THIS current election. THIS current president, THIS adminstration and THIS senate. I don't understand how any black person in America thinks a vote for Trump can leverage us for the next 4 years. It's his last 4 years, he doesn't have any reason to do right by us. He can continue to stir the race pot, his adminstration can continue to advise him on how to divide the country and the senate can continue to push in law to strength there rotten core.

3. See number 2.

She hates Trump, and everything he stands for.

Fair enough.

I completely understand the decision to support Biden in this election over Trump.
Choosing not to be a reliable voting block for the Democratic Party does not mean that black voters should choose to be a reliable voting block for the Republican Party.

My solution is the opposite.

I think that black voters not being a reliable voting block for either party is the solution because it will force progress, in my opinion.
What actual leverage is there to threaten to vote for a party who actively attempts to suppress the vote of people like you? The logic there just doesn’t compute.
The majority of your responses arent actually responses.

"Hey dwalk, did you see this racist **** trump posted today"

"Yeah but what about what Biden said last year"

"Hey dwalk, how can you support white supremacists like this"

"White supremacy is not an issue since its always been an issue"

"Hey dwalk, why do you support voter suppression like this"

"Which party is suppressing votes"

Its the same constant pivot every time and 99% of the time leads back to the same 3 things that derail this thread. I take no issue with you being a republican, I take issue with you being a disingenuous troll who ruins good conversation by smothering it in bull****. What you do in here every single day is outright trolling and deflecting. There is nothing of value that you add to any discussion nor does anyone become more enlightened by reading your drivel.

You may not even understand you are doing it, but I'd suggest taking a look at the last 10 pages and seeing how you have single handedly derailed this thread by posting constant whataboutisms.

You are putting quotes around paraphrases that you’ve made.

When Trump is called out in here for doing something I disagree with—i state plainly that I disagree with it.

Just today someone mentioned people in the GOP denying that systematic racism is real. I said I disagree with any member of the GOP who takes that stance. That is a direct response, not a pivot.

Just above someone asked why would someone choose to support Trump. I outlined my reasons. The fact that you disagree with my reasons, think they are BS, etc. does not mean that I am refusing to answer.

Reasonable people can agree to disagree on polarizing issues.

I completely understand someone’s decision to vote against Trump and the GOP. I also understand someone’s decision to not want to support the Democratic Party.
This could get ugly. This is just one poll but I’ve read now multiple articles with Republican operatives in traditional red states expressing deep worries about the election in their state.

i just want things decided election night.. AND then go to war for the rest to assure you lock up as much as you can and can change/put in as much as possible quick
What actual leverage is there to threaten to vote for a party who actively attempts to suppress the vote of people like you? The logic there just doesn’t compute.

Bernie supporters gained leverage by staying at home, no?

The idea that you can’t gain leverage by not accepting what you characterize as “the lesser of two evils” is logic that doesn’t compute imo.
Bernie supporters gained leverage by staying at home, no?

The idea that you can’t gain leverage by not accepting what you characterize as “the lesser of two evils” is logic that doesn’t compute imo.

Your takeaway from following and watching politics over the last 4 years is that Bernie supporters gained leverage by.. staying at home? Seriously?
Your takeaway from following and watching politics over the last 4 years is that Bernie supporters gained leverage by.. staying at home? Seriously?

I think the party was forced to push further to the left and become more progressive—yes. But the staying at home isn’t the key. The key is demanding that the party earns your vote.

If Hillary won do you think the Democratic Party’s platform would be as progressive as it is now?

Or do you think the Democratic Party became more progressive to make a play for disgruntled Bernie supporters?

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