***Official Political Discussion Thread***

For any conservative lurking the thread that thinks Antifa is as bad as white supremacist groups, keep in mind that if Antifa is indeed a terrorist organization that recruits people, they're responsible for zero proven murders.

You can argue destruction of property is a major issue, but allegedly throwing cans of soup and smashing windows is a far lesser issue than white supremacists who have literally killed thousands of people in American history.

Saying Biden needs to denounce Antifa the same way Trump should denounce white supremacists is like saying police should put as many officers to stop shoplifting as they do to stop murders.


Let me ask you, as a black man, do you ever get tired of listening to white dudes who are full of ****.

Or is that your fetish?

Like seriously, is listening to low effort, low information ******* from white dudes your thing?

Anyway, Schulz's theory of polarization is completely ******* wrong. It is a hot take that flies in the face of most of political science research.

If you want something actually insightful, read "Why We're Polarized" by Ezra Klein or even "The Polarizers: Postwar Architects of Our Partisan Era" by Sam Rosenfeld. Not this ******* clown.
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Let me ask you, as a black man, do you ever get tired of listening to white dudes who are full of ****.

Or is that your fetish?

Like seriously, is listening to low effort, low information ****ery from white dude your thing?

Schutz's theory of polarization is completely ****ing wrong. It is a hot take that flies in the face of most of political science research.
Can we get cliffs? Schulz annoying af.
He doesn't make a point worth a damn in the 10 mins.

Says AOC telling leftist that don't agree with Biden to still vote for him is a threat to democracy
Both sides
Stupid take about the political parties dividing the country
Some nonsense about most of the country agrees on basic issues. And most of the country just wants centrism
Championing being low info
More fragile whining about AOC

Save yourself the 10 mins
It was what's expected from podcast dudes discussing politics. Wasn't terrible but the two things I disliked were:

1) The "Biden is a corpse who can't complete sentences" angle. Uhhh, have you heard Trump speak? Dude rambles and nobody listens to him and thinks he's an eloquent speaker. It's like saying "Damn my girlfriend takes so long when she cooks me dinner. Makes me miss my ex girlfriend who made food much quicker which was nice, aside from those few times she tried to poison me."

2) Dude said 90% of Americans are in the middle :lol: Idk the exact percentage but I think it's safe to say 40% Conservative, 40% liberal, and 20% in the middle. That may not be accurate but for damn sure it's not 90%
He STANDS UP FOR THE ANTHEM AND LAW ENFORCEMENT. Him and Michael Porter Senior and Junior are the only bright spots in that league. He is letting the whole world know that HIS PRESIDENT IS ORANGE AND SLEEPY JOE WON'T EVEN SAY ANTIFA OR LAW ENFORCEMENT
And to think, this whole time he was flexing and pointing and acting like an all American douche, he really meant it 🤯 That's MY benchrider now, before, and forever.

Or is this not new and my personal dislike of him was already fully rationalized before tonight without even realizing?
If the only thing that the broader left (leftist-progressive-moderate liberal coalition) has to stop fascism is comedy and internet etiquette, we're F----ed.

Basically, we have no meaningful labor power, no muscle in the streets and large parts of our coalition have their votes suppressed. It's bad. However, I am not a doomer, not yet at least. It could be the case that Dems get a trifecta, they grant their own coalition power and that, in conjunction with direct action and sustained activism, allows us to become the diverse, just and humane society that we are very capable of becoming.

As far as South Park is concerned, it can be funny, very funny in fact. They do some great observational humor than project it back through absurd images and it is all experienced through protagonists with whom one can feel genuine human connections. What it is not, though, is satire. The politics of the creators is that there are no hierarchies. In any given week, any one person or group is trying to harass, oppress or swindle others. When your world view has no sense of power dynamics, the bad guy is who ever appears to be the least chill in that moment. Invariably, that will cause you to punch downward much more often than punching upward.
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