***Official Political Discussion Thread***

alt right? zzzz....

might as well link Clinton to Black nationalist extremists from da BLM sect while we're at it...

:rofl: :rofl:

You gonna post the Beyonce pic again brah

there's a ton of these...i won't even bother posting da rest.

A couple people in within a movement doesn't mean it represents the entire movement.

so why em i being asked about da ALT right?

hence why i said "might as well link Clinton to segments of da BLM"

The contents of Clinton's recent comments have been about Trump and Alt-Right, you keep asking me to comment on Clinton's speech, that is why someone asked you about it. You open that door, b

-Clinton has no problem talking about and with BLM because the overall message of the movement is positive

Trump on the other hand is trying to distance himself from ALT

You don't see the difference?
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Y y'all even bother with this dude in here any more ? ...deflections, gymnastics n resets is all you gon get out of him
Yep, I been calling Trump a racist piece of shot for a minute now. And presenting evidence why I believe that

Trilly isn't the reason I believe that

Da proof is in da pudding
:lol: @ republican Maine governor's VM to a dem state rep after the rep took him to task for making a comment about drug dealers in his state, "90-plus percent ... are black and Hispanic people."

The stupidity of these people doing stuff like leaving VMs thinking it's a private conversation. If he's that stupid, he has no right to be governor of a state.

I just saw this on TV he told the rep to make it public :lol:


Mr. Gattine, this is Gov. Paul Richard LePage. I would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you c*********. I want to talk to you. I want you to prove that I’m a racist. I’ve spent my life helping black people and you little son of a *****, socialist c*********. You… I need you to… Just friggin’. I want you to record this and make it public because I am after you

this dude let it all go :lol: :lol: no dambs given :lol:
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:lol: @ republican Maine governor's VM to a dem state rep after the rep took him to task for making a comment about drug dealers in his state, "90-plus percent ... are black and Hispanic people."

The stupidity of these people doing stuff like leaving VMs thinking it's a private conversation. If he's that stupid, he has no right to be governor of a state.

I just saw this on TV he told the rep to make it public :lol:


Mr. Gattine, this is Gov. Paul Richard LePage. I would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you c*********. I want to talk to you. I want you to prove that I’m a racist. I’ve spent my life helping black people and you little son of a *****, socialist c*********. You… I need you to… Just friggin’. I want you to record this and make it public because I am after you

this dude let it all go :lol: :lol: no dambs given :lol:

da identity politics is fisticuffs worthy to some folks.

politics is forever changed this year..good
You call what trump has done positive change?!?! :rofl:

Positive change would be cap limits to campaign spending, limiting time to campaign (one, two months max), stopping the lobbying process, term limits for legislative branch of the federal government.

The only successful thing this idiot has done was bring demagoguery & xenophobia back into the American consciousness.

Everything that comes out of this fool's mouth is stupidity & ignorance at it's fullest.

He first won over the dummies in this nation with this notion that illegal immigration is a problem in this country. The fact of the matter is there is no illegal immigrant crisis in this country. The dummy is running the text book move to play on the xenophobic fears of Americans.

Illegal immigration is not only in decline, the number of undocumented people living in the US is at its lowest point since '03. In fact, the number of illegal immigrants here has fallen every year since '08.

The notion that illegal immigrants are committing crimes is stupidly ignorant to. Back in July 2015, the wsj published a report stating “immigrants — regardless of nationality or legal status — are less likely than the native population to commit violent crimes or to be incarcerated.”

Add to that a study by the American Immigration Council shows that “for every ethnic group without exception, incarceration rates among young men are lowest for immigrants.”

There is yet another study by the same council shows that when researchers separate undocumented immigrants from documented workers, “undocumented immigrants were less likely to commit violent crimes than their native-born neighbors.”

Also, this notion that these folks are "stealing our jobs" is a farce too. The fact of the matter is American farms & businesses knowingly hire these laborers. In fact, they go out of their way to do so. Plainly, US businesses are enticing immigrants to come here without documentation because they’re offering them employment.

Secondly, many economists (on both side of the political spectrum) have concluded that illegal immigration has little or no negative effect on the economy. In fact, illegal immigrants are taking a growing number of jobs as native workers move on to higher-skilled jobs.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that 4.6m such jobs, not requiring a college degree may be added to the market by 2022. They're also projecting another 4.2m jobs projected, which do not require a high school diploma. None of which in healthcare.

Lastly & the funniest thing about the dumb**ery coming from this fool is that numbers clearly show the Obama administration has deported more illegal immigrants than any other president.

My god, the sheer stupidity in people thinking trump has done something good for this country is just amazing. Not surprising though.
Facts are Drumpf's kryptonite.

That's the thing though, the facts work against almost everything this fool says and worse yet he constantly suffers from foot in mouth disease.

He's constantly projecting what he suffers from onto other people.

Like this preemptive strike :smile:lol). Like even if that were true :smile:lol), he's on record of being racist in its most institutional form, like hello, McFly...

My one absolute wish would be to revoke this MFer's citizenship & drop his a** off in russia. We don't need this kind of stupid in this country.
He still ain't release his taxes either... I'm actually surprised it's gotten this far too especially from the guy that kept playing the where's your birth certificate card...
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Trump has done one great thing in this election: brought all the haters/racists out.

No more covert racists -- they're now in full public display and it's glorious.
He still ain't release his taxes either... I'm actually surprised it's gotten this far too especially from the guy that kept playing the where's your birth certificate card...
you know hillary is gonna call him out on this during the debates...cant wait.
I was looking at resorts to stay at and I saw pictures of one and thought, hey this is pretty nice. Then I saw it was a Trump resort. I never clicked on the x so fast in my life lmao

I do not intend to contribute a single cent towards that man ever, on purpose. I think I should find out what he has stocks in so I know what products to avoid.
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