***Official Political Discussion Thread***


mans is a real life Lester from GTA 5
him being one of their leaders makes sooo much sense
He has such a kind honest smile
thankfully i have more on top than that monster, and i can get away with a skin fade. But eventually, you are right, im gonna have to go with the baldy look. :lol:
Quarantine got me growing my hair out, used to shave all the time

It a bit thinner in the top part than the sides, I can hide it but yeah, this won’t last
Just replace black people with native people north of the mason dixon.

I remember learning about lynchings in mn in history class. North pretty bad too.
Is there any day of the year, south of the mason dixon line, that isn’t an anniversary for some horrible massacre/attack against black folks?

That's what I was about to say. Seems like anytime they pick a date there's some buried history of a massacre that occurred that day. America's history is so dark I'm surprised they haven't tried to kill it for resisting arrest.
I feel like people should stop doing da census. Yeah it gets schools funding but it also gets your polling place shut down.
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