***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Libs first try to shame racists (#stopracistshaming) and now they wanna shame our president elect (aka the messiah) for his loose anus that apparently has trouble differentiating between gas, liquid and solids. Bunch of bullies!

:rofl:I don’t know why this amuses me so much

the comments are great


Bunker boy mad as hell. :rofl:

Imagine jumping through hoops to constantly defend this guy as a Black man.

I don’t agree with everything he says.

And I don’t defend the indefensible.

Ive stated my opinion on the matter. And I speak for myself.

It’s as if every other poster agrees with everything Biden says or something. Get real.
He's not black but using it to post his tomfoolery.

Always remarkable how some anonymous person on the internet can unilaterally erase me being a black man in America just because they disagree with certain opinions I have on politics.

Perhaps with more life experience you’ll realize black people aren’t a monolith.
Always remarkable how some anonymous person on the internet can unilaterally erase me being a black man in America just because they disagree with certain opinions I have on politics.

Perhaps with more life experience you’ll realize black people aren’t a monolith.
You may be black, but you're not FOR black people. When you lend your mouth to white supremacist propaganda, you're not FOR black folks.

I have highlighted my issues with black conservatives before, the main one being that they disregard the fact that the political defender of conservative ideology, the GOP, is also unapologetically supporting white supremacy. You can post pictures of your skin all you want, but the fact remains that the people you ideologically align are questionable when it comes to black people's interests and lives, and that makes you questionable.
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You may be black, but you're not FOR black people. When you lend your mouth to white supremacist propaganda, you're not FOR black folks.

I have highlighted my issues with black conservatives before, the main one being that they disregard the fact that the political defender of conservative ideology, the GOP, is also unapologetically supporting white supremacy. You can post pictures of your skin all you want, but the fact remains that the people who ideologically align are questionable when it comes to black people's interests and lives, and that makes you questionable.

I actually 100% respect your opinion. And I understand that it is grounded in deductive reasoning that logically follows.

That said, the same logic can be used to say black prosecutors are not FOR black people. Or black police. Or black criminal judges.

They would respond that they feel that they have an ability to use discretion in these roles in a way that helps black people. I understand your skepticism of me, because of my skepticism of those that choose those paths as black lawyers or black police. I doubt I will ever truly understand it.

That said, the reality is that I know where I stand on these issues. I know what I do to impact and empower those that look like me.

While it is a bit disheartening, at times, to hear the visceral responses to some of my political opinions, I know where I stand on the issues.

And I think the policies I advance will ultimately help those that look like me, so I take comfort in that.
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