***Official Political Discussion Thread***

deuce king deuce king just went SSJ3

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Surely Warren will drop out in the next few days? She has no path forward and I assume she’d rather see Bernie win the nomination than Biden. She’s just splitting Bernie’s support at this point.
I wanted Prime to swag out tonight over Joey. The prospect of having to vote for Joe Biden at the top of the ticket is kinda making me a lil sick.

But I would be lying if I didn't tell you brahs that I am enjoying the **** out of watching the Bernie supporting media flip their ****. Young Turks in shambles, right now they brainstorming ideas of how Bernie smoothe the fears of voters so they will be more willing to vote for him. Damn, it was all good just a week ago :lol: :lol:

“Funny what......7 days can change“........oh it certainly changed for Bernie Sanders in 7 days didn’t it folks. Let’s think about that.
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Non Bernie supporters are well off and politics is an abstraction.

Most Bernie supporters see socialism as their only hope for a a decent worthwhile existence.

So centrists can talk about abstract things like “the soul of America.” For Bernie’s coalition, it is about life and death.
A couple hours ago black people would not vote for Bernie because of generations of oppression that destroyed their political imagination.

But now I guess these people that have lived under the boot of white supremacy are well off and see politics as an abstraction. Oh ok :lol:

Man I know you're upset about tonight, but I'm not buying these diet "Bernie is the one true savior" arguments. Because reality, and even you, undercut your own arguments.

And you can keep bringing up **** centrist say as a comeback to my comments, but I will keep not really caring because I don't supporting ****** centrist, nor do I defend their buffoonery.
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Surely Warren will drop out in the next few days? She has no path forward and I assume she’d rather see Bernie win the nomination than Biden. She’s just splitting Bernie’s support at this point.

She has too.

Has to burn her soul slow like Ether to lose in her home state to Biden.
Non Bernie supporters are well off and politics is an abstraction.

Most Bernie supporters see socialism as their only hope for a a decent worthwhile existence.

So centrists can talk about abstract things like “the soul of America.” For Bernie’s coalition, it is about life and death.

Oh please spare us this excuse. You really think the base of the Democratic Party, aka black people, are all "well off"? :lol:

I've got news for you, well off white guy--you couldn't be MORE wrong. Your exact attitude you displayed with this comment is EXACTLY what turns many off to Bernie, but you're too arrogant to even see it.

JFC that was the most out of touch comment I've seen on here in awhile, and that's saying something.
For those of you championing Biden, can someone make the case for whether and why you think he can win in the general election?

Do you think the 'anybody but Trump' form of mobilization is strong enough to turn out 1). folks who've never voted, and 2). folks who voted before but not in 2016? Is it that you legitimately think the red-baiting that's sure to come Sanders' way is too great a monster to shake? Do you have such great disdain towards some Sanders supporters that you'd vouch for Biden?

Like, I don't get it.
We’re never gonna have a female President :smh:

Warren not even winning in her own state SMH.

Bernie will definitely pick up all these Warren voters nationwide tho. All these states Biden is winning in the North, Midwest would have looked a lot different if Warren dropped out.
A couple hours ago black people would not vote for Bernie because of generations of oppression that destroyed their political imagination.

But now I guess these people that have lived under the boot of white supremacy are well off and see politics as an abstraction. Oh ok :lol:

Man I know you're upset about tonight, but I'm not buying these diet "Bernie is the one true savior" arguments. Because reality and even you undercut your own arguments.

And you can keep bringing up **** centrist say as a comeback to my comments, but I will keep not really caring because I don't supporting ****ty centrist, nor do I defend their buffoonery.

I’d clarify that there’s a coalition of the comfortable (the PMC) and those with limited political imaginations due to oppression. The former are among the minority of the country who have good enough jobs that they get raises and good health insurance and can treat treat it like an entertainment product.

Forget about Bernie for a minute. It’s very disheartening that no matter how bad things get, more often then not, voter turn out is so low, the definition of moderate skews so rightward and Americans are so atomized that capital always seems to build a coalition of the well off and beaten down to block any serious positive material changes for the mass of people.

That should be terrifying whether or not Bernie is your candidate in 2020.
Non Bernie supporters are well off and politics is an abstraction.

Most Bernie supporters see socialism as their only hope for a a decent worthwhile existence.

So centrists can talk about abstract things like “the soul of America.” For Bernie’s coalition, it is about life and death.
Bernie supporters see socialism as a refund for their mistakes. A smaller subsection are sheltered wealthy individuals that can afford an idealist that loses by 20 points in 8 months.
Bernie supporters see socialism as a refund for their mistakes. A smaller subsection are sheltered wealthy individuals that can afford an idealist that loses by 20 points in 8 months.


What's the moral distance between someone who speaks of alternative facts and someone who makes this kind of impressionistic, snarky, non-evidence-based garbage?

Blackintellect, my ***.
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