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I gotta say, Huckabee did sit there and took that Epic roast to the face, so I’ll give her props for trying her best to look like a good sport....everyone else caping tho, specially Fox and Friends, someone needs to publically call them out on their hypocrisy
You gotta remember, she's dealing with an intellectual three year old with nuclear capabilities on a daily basis and her job is to go up on that podium every damn day and convince the press core and the world, that the President of the United States' tweets are not idiotic or insane. There's no way this affected Miss Sanders, she took it, looked constipated as always and thought to herself: "How much longer do I have to put up with this freedom of speech ****?"

I’m being generous, lol

I hate that POS....but in the midst of the fake outrage, she kind of took a page from her own book of “have a sense of humor” and didn’t just get up and walk out like all these clowns at Fox and Friends thought she should have...still **** Huckabee
Don't eat that false narrative they're feeding you. Has anyone EVER got up and walked out of a correspondents dinner? Initially I agreed with you, but nah. That's media outlets trying to shade this positively with the strawman argument that, had she been a weaker woman, she would have got up and walked out. She had no choice but to sit there and take the flames.
He's still due to give a transcribed interview to the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday as part of chairman Gowdy's probe of Pruitt.
Pruitt's head of security resigns
The head of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt’s security team, who was long credited with validating Pruitt's first-class travel, has resigned.

Pasquale “Nino” Perrotta's last day is Tuesday, according to an EPA source.

Perrotta confirmed to ABC News that he was resigning.

“All of this press is taking a toll on my family. I decided to move on and it's been an honor to serve," he told the network on Tuesday.

The career political official and former Secret Service agent has been under the microscope lately for decisions he’s made as Pruitt’s security chief as well reports that he used his power to influence a number of EPA security contracts.

Pruitt has frequently cited Perrotta as the security official who signed off his first-class travel.

Speaking in front of two House of Representatives committees last week, Pruitt cited his security team for the recommendation that he travel in seats near the front of the plane when he flies for work-related trips. Pruitt said he has since decided to change that policy.

Perrotta has also been linked to concerns about a number of Pruitt’s security contracts, including an April 2017 security sweep in the administrator’s office. The sweep was completed by Edwin Steinmetz, a business partner of Perrotta’s at Sequoia Security Group.

Perrotta accompanied Pruitt as part of his 24-hour security detail on his trip to Italy and the Vatican last June. The trip cost more than $120,000, according to internal EPA travel vouchers released through a Freedom of Information Act request. Part of Pruitt’s security team abroad was made up of local Italians who aided efforts on the ground.

Kevin Chmielewski, a former EPA political aide turned whistleblower, told lawmakers in early April that Perrotta personally chose the Italian security team, and he was friends with them, according to a letter the lawmakers sent to President Trump and Pruitt. Chmielewski said $30,000 was spent on the contract with the Italians.

Chmielewski also told the lawmakers that he returned from a work trip to Japan in February to find his office locked and credentials revoked. Perrotta later called him and said he would personally go to Chmielewski’s home to forcibly retrieve his EPA parking pass. Chmielewski said that he alerted the local police and White House Office of Presidential Personnel.

On news of his departure, Pruitt described Perrotta as selfless and thanked him for his service.

“Nino Perrotta has selflessly served the American people for more than 23 years, beginning his career as a special agent with the United States Secret Service and then serving four EPA Administrators. His hard work and dedication will be missed by all those who worked with him. I want to thank him for his service and wish him the very best in retirement,” Pruitt said in a statement.

Perrotta will give a transcribed interview to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Wednesday, an event first requested by the committee on April 13, according to a committee aide.

The aide said that Perrotta’s resignation will not impact his appearance before the committee.

Last week, the committee, led by Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), received over 1,000 pages of documents in response to their two previous letters sent to Pruitt in April and February, the aide said.

THIS COMRADES is exactly why Coal Gang is about that #SmashMouthPolitics life. The assault on our member for asking students to protest elsewhere is sad. With that said, the fighter in white did exactly what His trainer wanted. Camera work from Showtime was awful but the fighter in white used the jab and right hook to perfection.
The leading Republican in California's Senate race against Diane Feinstein. In his own words, he has dedicated his life to exposing the jews that control his country, he is pro-white and puts America first. He's also peaceful as he doesn't want Jewish wars. Boasting of his background and not being able to be bought by the jews, he is wondering why he's not getting more support in his run against "that zionist *****".

Makes you wonder what those other Republican candidates are like that are trailing behind him.
Seems like more buffoonery is brewing. Not sure what's going on here, this 'doctor' hasn't exactly done much to earn credibility after submitting that ridiculous letter and his excuse that followed it. But you never know these days, big news reports can come out of nowhere.
Ex-doctor says Trump dictated letter claiming he would be 'healthiest' president ever

Separate report from earlier involving the same doctor that is referred to in both articles:
Trump doctor Harold Bornstein says bodyguard, lawyer 'raided' his office, took medical files
Bornstein said he felt "raped" after White House aide Keith Schiller and lawyer Alan Garten showed up unannounced and took Trump's files.
The leading Republican in California's Senate race against Diane Feinstein. In his own words, he has dedicated his life to exposing the jews that control his country, he is pro-white and puts America first. He's also peaceful as he doesn't want Jewish wars. Boasting of his background and not being able to be bought by the jews, he is wondering why he's not getting more support in his run against "that zionist *****".

Makes you wonder what those other Republican candidates are like that are trailing behind him.

I need ALL Candidates that be this honest. I love how the Maga hat really shows where people stand.
The leading Republican in California's Senate race against Diane Feinstein. In his own words, he has dedicated his life to exposing the jews that control his country, he is pro-white and puts America first. He's also peaceful as he doesn't want Jewish wars. Boasting of his background and not being able to be bought by the jews, he is wondering why he's not getting more support in his run against "that zionist *****".

Makes you wonder what those other Republican candidates are like that are trailing behind him.

I believe Cali hs jungle primaries, so hopefully he gets out the paint soon.

Yep, the State GOP has pretty much given up on Senate and Governor races because of the new top two primary rules. The State GOP is mostly concerned with US House races and State legislature races now.

This guy, Patrick Little, along with Tom Nehlen and David Duke, do raise an interesting question. Why do these few guys get shunned by the GOP when the GOP base basically agrees with these guys and supports people who advance the same beliefs. I think it is because the GOP elites and GOP donors see neo nazis and klansmen as being not reliable when it comes to transferring ever more wealth and income to capital.
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