***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Rewatching the entire South Park series and it's sad how many episodes from the earliest seasons are relevant right now.
I'm on the ep about Chef protesting the South Park flag which is literally a black man being hung by white people.

Look at these clips and tell me you wouldnt believe me if I said it was a new ep:


It aired in the year 2000.

Shame it had a bs "compromise" ending.
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I can't wait to hear about how it's beneficial to have Russian Tr-
Let me stop you right there b
This man's vocabulary is so limited. How much more can he embras...

Nvm. Let me shut up.
It's good to assume that no matter how low his behavior gets, it's never rock bottom. He'll just continue digging and hit a new low not long after. He has no rock bottom and can and will always find new lows.
I would've registered repug if da don used haterz or hataz. Dammit. The world would explode off the shear trolling this man does.

This world is a whole game to him. Wearing both sides as puppets to gain notoriety and most important to him, infamy.

He won no matter what.

Donald trump is our president. What the puck.
RustyShackleford RustyShackleford

I think I just saw one of the Jordan Peterson clips you mentioned earlier :sick:

They showed footage of those goofies howling at the moon the other night...he said that same kind of perceived victimization was a precursor to The Holocaust :sick::sick::sick:
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