***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Sorry but you are wrong

Biden lost this debate handily, tapering off, he looked exhausted, didn't even nail Trump on Abortion, lay up was waiting there.

The supreme court you (Trumo) put there took it away full stop. All I heard was a whimper and a weak commitment to restoring Roe V wade? Confusing at best. He could barely speak coherent sentences.
Maybe in the beginning, but trump absolutely helped Biden towards the end. He reverted to his old ways and went off the rails. Dude started talking about his weight, golf swing, and wouldn’t denounce Putin. Biden did himself no favors, but not let’s not act like Trump did himself any justice.

Come November, no one will rember this debate. When people actually digest the policies rather than who talked better Biden was way ahead. In the coming days people will start looking at the facts.
After this debate

I need to watch some more level headed and less ridiculous

About to put on the new episode of Power

I planned on watching the bear..

I don’t need to watch stressed out people right now

Going rewatch one punch man or something
The annoying part about Trump, and nobody else really calls Trump out on it.

Is how grandiose his statement is. Best, Worst, Greatest, Everybody likes it, everybody hates it.

Every time he does that. The initial response should be "What the **** are you talking about?"

And the lies ain’t even creative or very easily provable

But journalism don’t exact outside of that 1 dude from Colorado these days

Let him do the debates


Seriously though, sometimes, you face head winds, sometimes you gotta tack onto them aggressively.

Biden should more or less say that, sure, he he’s not great at fast talking and making witty off the cuff remarks but he’s anchored to reality and Trump is the opposite.
This debate played out how I thought it would. Joe had policy but couldn't keep up with Trump lies and the format wasn't great especially if you don't have to answer the questions. The good news is that this is a debate in June and the fact checkers will be out in force over the next few days and with sentencing coming up soon most wi forget this by Monday. Many of the focus groups weren't swayed with Trump's lies and said the debate reminded them of why they voted against him in 2020. Winning or not winning a debate is in the eye of the swing voter and would they rather have a Harris Presidency or Trump because Kamala is who they really hate and is the source of the Biden age comments.

Choosing to run Biden for a second term is and unforgivable unforced error. Who couldn't have seen this coming?

1. If the rumors are true and Biden was adamant about running then he is just arrogant and putting his legacy and goals in front of the party and the country.

2. If there is no one in his camp to tell him that this is a bad idea that's also an issue

3. If the bench of potential candidates is so weak that leadership within the Democratic party that they thought an 81-year-old, near historically unfavorable candidate was the best the party could do, that speaks volumes about how weak the bench of candidates is.

I am going to vote for Biden anyway but I was never the person they are trying to convince. They already have my vote. Even watching the debate it made me think "Joe isn't going to make it to inauguration day in January of 2029 when he will be 85 years old".

The scary part is that we all know Joe was doing everything in his power to be as lucid and aware as possible and this is the best he could muster? This is like the second term of Ronald Reagan's presidency when he had dementia and they would wheel him out for his once weekly press conference and then wheel him back.
Biden ran for a second term because Trump couldn't just walk away and fade into Bolivia like every other loser.

And Trump is going to win because Democrats couldn't field an awake, lucid candidate. It's like the Democrats were slowly driving their ship into an iceberg and instead of changing course, they ran right into it and now they're acting surprised.
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