***Official Political Discussion Thread***

From a basic negotiations standpoint, this is awful strategy. Like a first year law student could tell you this is dumb.
He thinks Mitch will be like "Okay, I can drop my ridiculous demand since I have this guarantee from Manchin"

When in reality Mitch will be like "Chuck, accept my ridiculous demand because it makes no difference, Manchin already said he won't drop it/support you"
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These dudes are idiots. Give up all your leverage when you don’t have to. Let Republicans obstruct for 2 years and eventually lose the control of the Senate anyways. Don’t pass a new VRA, and let Rs **** you over again, eventually win the trifecta in 2024 and they’ll drop the filibuster in a heartbeat if they need to. If I can see this, why are these clowns still on this stupid strategy of “unifying” people who have zero interest in anything but “winning” on their terms.
What ******* sucks is that it is not just the median Democrat in Congress supports ending the filibuster and pushing **** through, it is not just a majority, it is not just a supermajority, over like 905 of the damn caucus is cool with pulling the trigger and a couple of *******s are holding it up.

Even worse, there were 50 votes out there but we didn't win the extra Senate races.

Like do Manchin and Sinema not ******* see what is right in front of them
Manchin is a prime example of how the automatic benefit of the doubt white people get is destroying progress. How many times do these Republican dudes have to show you who they really are before you stop giving them the benefit of the doubt. Mitch has shown himself to be a slimy evil **** how many times yet you still think he can be reasoned with...its just stupid
What’s wild to me is after everything that just took place they want to play nice with the party of treason, nazis and terror.

they won, act like it. If this doesn’t light a fire under them I don’t know what will.

best to split the party in two and hope the young bucks can rise to power I guess because these fossils are trash.
Legit have two years to govern. I think these two will end up having to cave but we shall see. There was zero reason to draw a line in the sand this far out.
Sinema is the real *** imo. Her reelection, even though it is far away, relies on us as much as the Dem base turning out as it does swing Republicans

Manchin runs 40 points ahead of the genetic Dem in West Virginia, on some level I kinda knew he would be an ***, and he can be an *** because the dude is an electoral unicron

That is why I was hoping we could be well above 50 to avoid having the deal with him.
What’s wild to me is after everything that just took place they want to play nice with the party of treason, nazis and terror.

they won, act like it. If this doesn’t light a fire under them I don’t know what will.

best to split the party in two and hope the young bucks can rise to power I guess because these fossils are trash.
History will continue to repeat of the criminals historically never get any type of punishment for anything.
Not to make light of you guys' situation with the US Congress but gridlock doesn't even begin to describe what Belgium goes through every single election. We took the world record for longest time without a functioning government (500+ days) not once but twice.
First we took the record from an Iraq torn by a gruesome war and violent clashes between factions. The second time we took the record from none other than ourselves. Even for quite a while during the covid pandemic we couldn't get out **** together and form a government.

If you think your government gridlock situations are embarrassing, rest assured Belgium is here to lower the bar all the way down.
Can someone explain to me what a filibuster is and what’s going on with dems relinquishing power? I thought they could just pass whatever now that they had the senate house and presidency.
I just listened to the trailer for Ezra Klein's new podcast.

And while doing so, I found out Tulsi Gabbard for a new one coming too. :lol:
Sinema is the real *** imo. Her reelection, even though it is far away, relies on us as much as the Dem base turning out as it does swing Republicans

Manchin runs 40 points ahead of the genetic Dem in West Virginia, on some level I kinda knew he would be an ***, and he can be an *** because the dude is an electoral unicron

That is why I was hoping we could be well above 50 to avoid having the deal with him.

They will cave because they want to be the chairs of these committees.
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