***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Why is it that you cant have opposing views of both parties.

Lately been really seeking into why white liberals view minorities as if they are savior.

Especially here in the sf Bay Area where it used to be more diverse and open. Nowadays if you blk, mex or whatever and disagree with a white liberal, the target is on your head

Because there isn’t such a thing as both sides have an opinion when one side is spewing falsehoods, whataboutisms, and racist views. Like did you choose to omit the point? You aren’t even trying to answer the question I asked if you but pivoting to something else.

there is no two sided discussion when one person chooses to only talk about the things he or she is COMFORTABLE about. Because when it comes to politics, social justice, and equality there have to be uncomfortable topics and discussions that need to be made. If you can’t handle it then your opinion doesn’t matter because then you aren’t willing to go into the grey area of the discussions and nothing is ever black end white unless we are talking about mathematics. I can’t agree anddiscuss with someone who tells me 2+2 =5. Sorry, I won’t let them spew BS.
Imagine stating something like this....

Lazy? Tell me something that you do in real time and not on the internet that changes people to be better... talking bout I’m lazy lol

I deal with higher up liberals on a daily as a human services worker for a SF Bay Area county. Don’t come at me like my supervisor does when I try to implement accountability to a manipulative adolescent that knows he’s cheating life

And then whine about people's lack of compassion and bullying.

wayniac211 wayniac211 to be honest, you are coming off entitled, self-centered, and fragile with this post.
Don’t really give 2 ****s about politics.
I give tons of **** about People..
just noticed imbalance of opinions and despise bullying.
Yet you are in the Politics thread complaining that people are too mean to racist.

Give me a ******* break

There is an imbalance because people got themselves ban. No one is required to coddle racist and trash arguments
Why? Because I don’t agree with you?
No because you are in here whining about an imbalance of view caused by others getting themselves ban, then you are winning about nonexistent bullying, then you demand your opinion be respect because of your own life experiences.

It has nothing to do with disagreeing with me, and everything to do with how you have presented your position

You are just using the bullying thing to play victim
I liked you better when you told work stories to be honest..
Being politically informed can go a long way when it comes to actually helping people

Just saying
Exactly. Exactly exactly....
And that’s the end product..
helping others without aligning yourself to either be left or right and having the balls to say **** them both
Do you really think you are showing courage with your both sides hot takes?
Trust pleighboi, got heaps of courage and humble @ the same time. If you were to get active it with someone in real time, id have your back not because of what party you aligned with but because your a :nthat:
wayniac211 wayniac211 Is this the level of compassion us libs need to learn how to show...

Assumptions don’t help with your seasonal depression. Go **** yourself potna. U ain’t been on these California freeways lol. Make a u turn with that finger pointing ****boi.
Maybe your life will improve. Sucka ***

Asking for the thread, a friend, and a adolescent child that is supposedly cheating his life
I think it is hilarious that our current Vice President is from the state of California, and does not know that medical marijuana heals a variety of diseases.

I think it is hilarious that our current Vice President knows nothing about healing, chakras, or energy... but current 13 year old female children youtubers know about healing, chakras, and energy.
Nothing wrong with having a sprinkle of right wing, handful left wing and pinch of libertarian with A tid bit of communism..

Or is there something wrong with this?
When speaking theoretically, sure! But when practice shows which way is the way to go, and people want to cling to unrealistic ideas, that makes for a tiring and wasteful discussion. The thing that right wingers and libertarians don't realize is that right now, in our current context, their models of organizing society do not improve it; they break it:

Could there be radical social changes in the future that may make their ideas work? Maybe. It's just that after 40 years of trickle down BS, people want to try something else that promises better outcomes for all.
The black pepper debate was so good. The dude that posted the pepper shrimp had no idea the chain of events he was setting off. :lol: This one was my favorite post I think (about dc) :lol:

My mother in law was a Bmore City school teacher for 40 years, my pops in law was also a City middle school teacher for 35 (also a Vietnam War Vet - 3 tours)... Both are Morgan grds & masters from Hopkins. My wife's godmother is the president of the city school teacher's union... I've put in 14 years of volunteering in the city & been around tons of teachers... I've never seen any educator like this dude...

thanks for posting the link, had a good laugh reading through it again. :lol:
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