***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This is what I don't get about the right....they are complaining about his executive actions that "wiped away what Trump did" but if you ACTUALLY look at the content of the actions they protect American citizens, unite us as a country and bring us closer to our allies. It's just wild that they can see these are domestic and global unifying causes and still try to slander him. Disgusting, man.

This is what I don't get about the right....they are complaining about his executive actions that "wiped away what Trump did" but if you ACTUALLY look at the content of the actions they protect American citizens, unite us as a country and bring us closer to our allies. It's just wild that they can see these are domestic and global unifying causes and still try to slander him. Disgusting, man.

They don't want to understand and accept the truth. They want to continue to the dialogue that Biden is trash and everything that Trump had 'done' was the best decision for pAtRiOtS.
The Goddess speaks...

Infantile and unpatriotic': Michelle Obama breaks silence on President Trump's 'monstrous behavior

Michelle Obama is speaking out against "infantile and unpatriotic" President Donald Trump, who she says is "willing to burn our democracy down for his own ego" following Wednesday's Capitol Hill riot.
One day after Democrats won control of the U.S. Senate and a mob of President Trump's supporters violently stormed the Capitol building, the former first lady took to Twitter to open up about the "many emotions" she's experienced.
"I woke up yesterday elated by the news of Reverend Raphael Warnock's election victory," Obama, 56, wrote Thursday. "He'll be Georgia's first Black senator, and I was heartened by the idea that the senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church — the home parish of Dr. King and a spiritual and organizational hub during the Civil Rights Movement — would be representing his state in the United States Senate."

However, Obama said the euphoria of the Warnock's victory was quickly overshadowed by the terrifying turn of events at Capitol Hill. She said her "heart had fallen harder and faster than I can remember."
"Like all of you, I watched as a gang — organized, violent, and mad they'd lost an election — laid siege to the United States Capitol," she wrote. "They set up gallows. They proudly waved the traitorous flag of the Confederacy through the halls. They desecrated the center of American government."
Obama called Wednesday's chaos, that many argue Trump incited, "a fulfillment of the wishes of an infantile and unpatriotic president who can't handle the truth of his own failures." Trump has propagated unfounded claims of election fraud since his defeat by President-elect Joe Biden in November.
"The wreckage lays at the feet of a party and media apparatus that gleefully cheered him on, knowing full well the possibility of consequences like these," she said of the riot, in which four people died.

The "Becoming" author contrasted the light police response against Capitol Hill's insurrectionists to the brutality many Black Lives Matter protestors faced last summer.
"It all left me with so many questions — questions about the future, questions about security, extremism, propaganda, and more. But there's one question I just can't shake: What if these rioters looked like the folks who go to Ebenezer Baptist Church every Sunday? What would have been different?"
She continued: "We saw peaceful protestors met with brute force. We saw cracked skulls and mass arrests, law enforcement pepper spraying its way through a peaceful demonstration for a presidential photo op.…Seeing the gulf between the responses to yesterday’s riot and this summer’s peaceful protests and the larger movement for social justice is so painful. It hurts."
Obama called on Silicon Valley and politicians "who know better" to show "true patriotism" and "stop enabling his monstrous behavior."
"Now is the time for Silicon Valley companies to …go even further than they have already by permanently banning this man from their platforms and putting in place policies to prevent their technology from being used by the nation’s leaders to fuel insurrection,” she said.

President Trump has been blocked from posting to Facebook and Instagram "indefinitely" through at least through end of his term. Twitter froze three of Trump's tweets about the Capitol riots and blocked his access until those tweets are removed.

Hurry up an cancel the space force or turn them into who cleans up the ocean from used condoms.

fyi. For all the “think of the national debt before you give out stimulus money” people, stopping the funding to that stupid wall is enough for the stimulus
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