OFFICIAL Pittsburgh Steelers VS New England Patriots VOL PATS 1ST "L"

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

their defense is soft, period.

on one of their scoring drives the ravens ran almost EVERY SINGLE PLAY right down their throats. mcgahee and the o-line just manhandled them that whole drive, they were putting 8+ guys in the box and still couldn't stop the run game.

some of those other teams weren't as physical against their defense... the eagles showed that the Pats would rather have you pass on them than run it. the ravens showed that they absolutely dont wanna get hit in the mouth with the run game, because thats where they crumble. if you get physical with them, you can dominate them offensively. and the steelers are a team that can get physical.
so because they give up one drive, and because someone ran down field on them for a score there SOFT? Wow, Pittsburgh's best D in the league gotbeat by Arizona, Denver, and the Jets, and isnt Denver "really" the worst rush defense... Yeah you can "RUN" on the pats but can you"BEAT" the Pats is the question...
i wouldnt exactly say soft.

again, agaisnt the eagles...the game plan was to give feely the in-cuts...i think feely just did a better job with them than we expected. but in the end, hemade the mistakes that they expected him to make. the whole plan was to make feely beat them with his arm and focus on westbrook. feely came damn close, but hecame up short.

the ravens game, damn. we def looked soft against the run in that game. but it was surprising to me. they're 6th in the league in rushing defense. andagain, in that 4th quarter when we started playing against the run (last two drives for bmore i believe), we stacked the box with 8 guys and stuffed them. ourdefense prevented them from getting first downs to run out the clock.

i dunno...i will agree that the defense isnt what people thought it was, but to say it is soft is a bit excessive i think. but with the game on the line,they've gotten the job done, repeatedly in all of our close and big games this year (colts, dallas, eagles, ravens). hopefully they can keep the containthe steeler attack.
BTW why hasn't this game been flexed for Sunday Night?
who has the sunday night game anyways
I think people are overestimating how "BAD" the New England defense is. Isnt this the same defense that stopped Manning in the 4th when needed? Stopped Romo in the second half when Needed? Did Just enough to beat Philly and Ravens, but there defense kept them in those games. Pittsburgh will be a challenge but Pats win. Because winning is what they DO best. 27-17 Pats.

New England's defense looked so good up until recently because they were always protecting huge leads.. it's much easier to sit back knowing teams HAVEto pass.

When they've been in tight games where they had to worry about the run and pass, they have looked pedestrian.

Moral of the story? Their defense, when forced to be good, isn't all that. Give them a huge lead and they're solid, but then again - who isn't atthat point?

Here's the bonehead statement of the year though... thanks for this Anthony, you won't look stupid if you're wrong or anything..
Steelers' safety Smith guarantees Sunday win versus Patriots

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

By Ed Bouchette, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Safety Anthony Smith not only thinks the Steelers have a chance to beat the undefeated New England Patriots Sunday, he guarantees it.

"We're going to win," Smith said today after practice. "Yeah, I can guarantee a win."

Smith, a hard-hitting free safety who replaced injured Ryan Clark as the starter midway through the season, said he's not worried about any motivation he might be giving the 12-0 Patriots with his words.

"Now we have our swagger back on defense and we're playing great ball and they're playing great on the offensive side, too," he said of the Steelers. "I think we have a real good chance to win the game and we will win the game."

Not only that, he said while New England's receiving corps of Randy Moss, Wes Welker and Donte Stallworth is good, it isn't as good as the one the Steelers played Sunday against the Bengals, featuring T.J. Houshmandzadeh, Chad Johnson and Chris Henry.

"I think we were facing great receivers last week too and we shut them down," Smith said. "Those three guys, I don't think it gets much better than Cincinnati's corps of receivers. We've already seen the best."

Smith added a little more lumber to the fire when he said New England's receivers haven't been hit the way they will be hit on Sunday.

"They said Baltimore was their most physical game but I think we hit harder than Baltimore, so they haven't seen nothing like us yet.

"They should be worried about us. We never worry about receivers. We're the ones doing the hitting. They have to run routes. We're attacking them, they're not really attacking us."

we're playing great ball

Originally Posted by PAsSback

Steelers 2
Patriots 56

My man predicted a safety. Didn't even give them a field goal

BTW, how much do you want to bet Anthony Smith gets run over by Moss... I'm gonna say 20-17 Steelers though
BTW, how much do you want to bet Anthony Smith gets run over by Moss... I'm gonna say 20-17 Steelers though
Run OVER? I'll bet a lot on that.. Smith is quickly becoming one of the best hitters in the league.. dude packs a punch.

But as far as getting smoked by him for yardage? Yeah, that could easily happen.
pats will be up for this game for sure. at home where visiting teams don,t fare well. look for the pats to get back on track.
another game they will win on the way to 16-0
Originally Posted by rockme11

pats will be up for this game for sure. at home where visiting teams don,t fare well. look for the pats to get back on track.
another game they will win on the way to 16-0
where u been rock?
Pats 77, Steelers -13

the Pats have played 3 straight night games and the most recent one on Monday night, and 2 of those on the road. that pretty much means no rest on sundaynights for travel and monday is shot (or in this case, tuesday). it's the 3/4 mark of the season...the D is tired. Belchick even admitted it. if they losethis weekend, it'll likely be cuz their D will be one step behind...... but consider this. if the Pats are gonna lose once this season, this time of yearis the best shot at that..... once they get to the JEts and Miami (blowouts), they can rest their D. and they'll have the first round bye for further restfor the playoffs.
As long as Pittsburgh plays well, I don't care about a W or L. I don't want it to be another 2004 type scenario. **** LeBeau has his work cut out forhim, but when you are one of the greatest defensive coordinators of all time, you can handle it. It is all about winning in the playoffs
And Anthony Smith can hit really hard, but he should relax on the "talking"
Bottom line for steelers is this.. in all likelihood, if they want to make the superbowl this year (which seems impossible right now, but bare with me) thegame that really matters is when they have to come back to New England in january... this game is nice and all, but i'd much rather they took notes thistime around and lost, and came back and could beat them in january when it really matters.

This game really has no effect on anything except the perfect season attempt NE is going after... NE will still be #1 win or lose, steelers will still be #3win or lose (until they lose to Jax next week).. this is just the dress rehearsal for what looks like could be a rematch in the divisional round of theplayoffs.
what makes PIT more of a threat then PHI and BAL. is that PIT has a way better offense then those 2. Big Ben, Ward, Holmes, Parker. a good defense. But PIT didhave some bad losses too. Pats win by a FG
Blah. Polamalu playing increases Pittsburghs chances by a ton.

And as for the Pats being soft, thats the first time all year they were manhandled. Its not like its been a week in and week out thing. I admit Teddy andJunior and getting old, but they still hit hard and make up for speed with experience.
The Pats run d is wack, If Parker can hold on to the ball and pound the rock mixed with a PA pass. The Pats old linbackers are finally being exposed to therun. And just play bump and run on moss with a saftey covering the long ball all day make sure to hit him hard every chance! Also put a somone in a zonecovering the inside slants on walker. this should be a good win for the Steelers! But I can only see the Broncos because of the area i live in
what up chester mcfloppy: ive been around but not on here much. out watching the games and having the pats putting me on the edge lately. see what goes inthese last 4 games.
The Pats can manufacture wins like no other.

The Steelers may give them some comp, but I don't see them winning.

"We're going to win," Smith said. "Yeah, I can guarantee a win. As long as we come out and do what we got to do. Both sides of the ball arerolling, and if our special teams come through for us, we've got a good chance to win."
^ wow smith, so you guarantee a win, and then go on to say playing a perfect game only gives you a good chance to win....hmmmmmm
Originally Posted by PAsSback

Steelers 2
Patriots 56

so the steelers are gonna be completely inept on offense buttheyre gonna sack brady in the endzone?

id say stop maroney in the endzone but whos pretending that the pats are gonna run the ball in this game?
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