Every time I think of Katie I think of this

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

any advice on sleeping after watching this?

Tylenol PM. 

For what this series is worth, it's very well done.  I haven't seen the second one yet but I will.  The first one was so simply done and had everything a good scary movie should have. 

If you paid to see this movie and hated it, just consider your payment a not-being-able-to-appreciate-something-for-what-it-is tax. 
I gotta admit that the first one was better, but the second one made it a lot clearer. The second one's action was pretty intense once he walked down the basement and when the sister/mom gets dragged into the closet.

I gotta admit, the scene that creeped me out was where she is in Hunter's room just sitting on the rocking chair and standing by the window just staring out the window.

Overall, I loved both the movies no disappointment.

@ the kitchen part with all the cabinets, my gf jumped.
Kiddin Like Jason wrote:
what was good with the long pause at he end before the everyone in my theater was waiting for something to happen. lol

Word. Definitely a nice/nerve-racking touch.
# Everybody in the theater was standing up..expecting something to happen..

What had me
 was a female that was crying her head off in the theater..screaming that she wants to leave!!but nobody budge.. until the credits started to roll..

Just to get the story strait they transferred the demon to Katie right?? Also did anyone notice the R was missing from hunters door when they came and trashed the place
Did anyone buy their tix from If you buy your tix from there, they give you a free i-tunes download of PA1 
Originally Posted by h3at23

Did anyone buy their tix from If you buy your tix from there, they give you a free i-tunes download of PA1 

I got the same deal, but i ordered from
I watched the 1st one again yesterday, and in the scene where Katie finds the picture in the attic, she says she hasnt seen that picture in 15 years.

But in the 2nd one theyre looking at that exact picture like a week before that.

Originally Posted by myshoegameheavy

^^^ nah just the mom and the daughter were looking at it, not the sister. she wasn't in that scene.

Damn. I guess that fail is transferred back to me. Thanks for clearing that up.
Originally Posted by myshoegameheavy

^^^ nah just the mom and the daughter were looking at it, not the sister. she wasn't in that scene.

and it was burnt in the 1st, Katie thought the pic was burnt from the fire when they were little kids

In the 2nd movie i think it was either the daughter or Dad who burnt it with the lighter
Originally Posted by OneForceAir

Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

Originally Posted by OneForceAir

Has anyone gone to the PA2 Official site, and scrolled backwards on the time bar around 3/4 into the trailer?

what happens when you do this?

Nothing spectac, but it's some weird stuff that shows if you rewind it. Thought it was interesting.

yo that $%*$ had me bugging the %*!# out
I just have one question.... What happen to there housekeeper once all the lights went out in the house? They never showed what happen to her?
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by bamez

The first paranormal was waaayyy scarier because 
Spoiler [+]
2 is only scary if you have a baby.
1 that katie chick would get out of bed and just stand there ALL night watching dude.
2's story seemed forced, great grandma made a deal with the devil, 1st born boy blahblah, i checked linage blahblah. we have to transfer, has to been a blood relative, blahblah.
1's demon didn't have a motive, just seemed like it liked to %+$+ with katie.
1's story the more you pay attention to it, the stronger it becomes, micah basically challenged demon, you knew it going down!
2 had no video of anyone sleeping besides that one scene before big sister got sent outside.
1 had chick's covers removed, slowly grabbing her leg until she woke up then just got hauled out of the room!
1 they had actual footprints of the demon!
1 had demon breathe on girls neck!
1's after effect makes you second guess if people are watching you sleep.
2's after effect? dont make a deal with the devil and you're fine. 
1 makes you feel like it can happen to anyone!

Cosign on everything
Saw it this past girl was scared as hell when the mom got dragged down the scares..literally jumped outta her skin

Movie was decent..very predictable..didn't have as much suspense as the first one..also i thought this one moved too quickly in terms of story-line..
Originally Posted by dmxgod

Saw it this past girl was scared as hell when the mom got dragged down the scares..literally jumped outta her skin

Movie was decent..very predictable..didn't have as much suspense as the first one..also i thought this one moved too quickly in terms of story-line..
I agree with everything you posted...

Originally Posted by dmxgod

Saw it this past girl was scared as hell when the mom got dragged down the scares..literally jumped outta her skin

Movie was decent..very predictable..didn't have as much suspense as the first one..also i thought this one moved too quickly in terms of story-line..

Had me
when she got yoinked. Afterwards was when it got creepy to me.
Originally Posted by OneForceAir

Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

Originally Posted by OneForceAir

Has anyone gone to the PA2 Official site, and scrolled backwards on the time bar around 3/4 into the trailer?

what happens when you do this?

Nothing spectac, but it's some weird stuff that shows if you rewind it. Thought it was interesting.

i just caught it
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