Official Palm Pre Thread

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Yeah they started allowing them a while back ago i read on Howard Forums..i also read a way how to get BB on SERO, many users on HoFo got it to work.

Maybe with patience, we'll see the PRE being able to get on SERO down the line?
Disappointed in Sprint for cutting us SERO users off.
I really wanted this phone. Seems like the TP2 is my next pick up or the Bold.
Oh %$%!
, I just remembered I don't even have SERO
. I actually had SERO for about a day, but swapping out my phone caused Sprint totake me off of it. I called and called and called and finally was able to get some sort of exclusive plan similar to the $30 SERO, but for $5 extra.

Time to call up Sprint and start bugging them again
. Pray for me

edit: Just got off the phone with Sprint and found out I'm on a Free & Clear plan, but the Sprint CSRs don't know much about the Pre yet. Come June7th (I'll give it a day), I'm hitting up Sprint again about it.

edit x2: Decided to call again to make sure my plan was all copasetic with the Pre. I've got Free and Clear and unlimited Data, but the unlimited textmesseages don't even register with them. This month, I've got a tally of 2118 texts already. Whatever, I'm not touching that. However, Itransferred to tech support crying about my TP, and dude basically says I'm stuck with the TP, and I can't even send it back for a $$$ discount.
Yeah, I thought I was on SERO, but it seems that I was just given an identical plan + a % discount.

Still, it's a Fair & Flexible plan so I'm not eligible.

I'm also hoping thatafter demand dies down in a year or so, Sprint will make the Pre available.

If not, I'll be more than satisfied w/ a WinMo phone. My Q9c works great. I love the keyboard, that I can use it one handed, it streams music, and I playmovies on it. I'd just like it to be smaller (Treo Pro or HTC Snap?) and have a bigger screen (Diamond 2, TP 2, or an Android device). WE'll see whatcomes down the pipes.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

I like what this device offers, but I'll be damned if it isn't one of the ugliest phones I've ever seen.

it's less ugly than the g1, that's for sure. tmobile and htc should check their calendars, we're in 09, no need for bricks as phones.

But why settle for the "less ugly" phone? And yes, the G1 is ugly as sin.
i really wanna switch from my touch pro...really been a disappointment thus far

don't know if this is the option though.
CJDynasty let me correct myself on the instinct being eligible on SERO..I re-read the posting on HoFo and IS NOT..sprint came out with a plan replacing SERO,around the time they took it off, called the EVERYTHING PLUS that u needed the email address and the 3 digit pin for the rep in order to sign up for itonline..this plan is eligible for the PRE...if anyone knows a valid email address and the 3 digit pin that could be the answer for us current SERO userswithout jumping on one of those EVERYTHING PLANS without having to make a bigger sacrifice.

I'm just not so excited about HTC anymore. As much as I love the Mogul, it just wasn't that smooth of a device. And of course the TP is even worse. Iwant to make a switch, not wait for what's available next.
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

CJDynasty let me correct myself on the instinct being eligible on SERO..I re-read the posting on HoFo and IS NOT..sprint came out with a plan replacing SERO, around the time they took it off, called the EVERYTHING PLUS that u needed the email address and the 3 digit pin for the rep in order to sign up for it online..this plan is eligible for the PRE...if anyone knows a valid email address and the 3 digit pin that could be the answer for us current SERO users without jumping on one of those EVERYTHING PLANS without having to make a bigger sacrifice.


Palm Pre Plan Choices

Due to all the fuss about having to swap to a new plan (for some) in order to activate a Pre, here's a breakdown of the plans it can be activated on - both with the standard price AND the price with a NVP/Employer discount. As posted before, anyone can qualify for the credit union member NVP discount automatically, which is a 10% discount no questions asked - but you can of course qualify for much more, by having a different employer's discount - Not that I advocate being dishonest about your employer for discount purposes, but a LOT of companies do business with Sprint/Nextel, so many people are very surprised to know they already qualify for 15%, 20%, 25%, or 27% already.

Here's how the plan pricing looks, standard and with discounts. Yellow is the standard MRC (Monthly Recurring Charge) and then the NVP Discounts to the right, with 27% first, all the way to the 10% in the final column.
What is this SERO people are talking about?

It says I have the "Everything Data Share 1500" plan.

And when are they going to put the Pre up on the online sprint store..?

SERO was an Employee plan people could get online which included unl text, data and other perks.
Well, im currently at the position of just waiting it out till June 6-7th to see in fact if the PRE cannot be added to the Sero(well Fair and Flexible actuallywhat I have). If not, I still have a major dilemma on upgrading because I honestly believe that Sprint will continue to force us out of our old plans into thenew everything plans if we wont the new smartphones.
, $10 (regular plan $70 - EPRP $60) doesn't make a whole lot of difference for me (F&F $30) BUT, if I can get an iPhone owner to switch to a Preand a shared plan, I'd be paying the same per month as I do now.


If not, I still have a major dilemma on upgrading because I honestly believe that Sprint will continue to force us out of our old plans into the new everything plans if we wont the new smartphones.
Well, I'm sure it's easy for them to designate their data intensive phones as eligible only on certain plans so there has to be a reasonthey didn't do it after they restricted SERO customers from activating an Instinct. My guess is that they know many users are reluctant to leave theseplans for any device because of the price. Forcing these users off the plan may also force them away from Sprint. Idoubt that's something they want to do right now.

I'm going to save money as long as I can. The Pre or a better device will be there waitinig for me if and when they force me off this plan.
so i signed my contract like 4 years ago and never signed anything since then.

all im eligable for is a 75 dollar rebate since then. @%+?

can i just sign a new two year agreement when the phone drops?
^^ Yea, you can, and you can probably assign that $75 upgrade rebate to it as well to get the phone for roughly $125.
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

^^ Yea, you can, and you can probably assign that $75 upgrade rebate to it as well to get the phone for roughly $125.

Does anyone know if this is true!??

.... my question was the last reply on page 17

  • Sprint expects the Pre to "make many IT managers' standards list," meaning corporate users could potentially choose it in place of a BlackBerry or WinMo device.
  • Despite the fact that the Pre uses a standard micro-USB port for charging, the document warns that "other charging solutions may not work properly." First-party vehicle and travel chargers will be available at or near launch for $31.99 and $34.99, respectively. We certainly wouldn't be surprised if any micro-USB charger worked, but we don't think we'd want to be the first one to test it.
  • Also available at launch will be a clear plastic holster for $24.99, a leather pouch for $39.99, and of course, the Touchstone for $69.99. "Phone covers" are expected shortly after launch for $29.99 each, but we're not sure exactly what those are.
  • Individual plans include 450 minutes for $69.99, 900 for $89.99, and Simply Everything unlimited for $99.99. All three include unlimited data.
  • Employees will have "delayed" availability to ensure that regular customer demand is filled first (this is a pretty common practice with carriers and big boxes, much to the chagrin of said employees).
  • SERO plans are not compatible with the Pre.
  • Sprint pits the Pre against the iPhone 3G, Storm, and G1 in a comparison chart, noting that you'd be paying $149.99, $158.98, and $124.99, respectively, for equivalent plans.
  • Sprint says that the "sealed form factor" of the Pre makes repairs tough and the potential for damage high; therefore, it's an exchange-only phone. No repairs will be attempted on damaged or defective phones.
  • A total of ten flagship stores will be hosting invite-only VIP launch events on June 5.
  • DataViz Documents To Go won't just be available at launch, it'll actually be built into ROM so that Office documents can be viewed right from the start. An edit-capable version will be available later, though it's not clear when.
  • The creation of a Palm Profile is required to use the phone -- there's no way around it. This is a one-time process that can be completed on the phone itself.
  • Users don't need to accept Google's terms of service to use the phone, and if they choose not to, GPS services will not be available.
  • You can sync to multiple Exchange accounts at once.
  • Remote wipe ("kill pill") capability will be available at launch; users simply need to log into their Palm Profile web page to initiate the wipe. Doesn't change the fact that your phone was stolen, though, you poor thing.
Originally Posted by MikeyFresh21

Originally Posted by Super Producer J

^^ Yea, you can, and you can probably assign that $75 upgrade rebate to it as well to get the phone for roughly $125.

Does anyone know if this is true!??

.... my question was the last reply on page 17

Well, it depends on what you're actually being offered. Are you being offered a $75 credit to renew your contract on top of a $150 discount on a device orare you only being offered $75 off of a device? I was offered $150 off a phone & a $75 credit to renew a year or two ago. They may have even Offered amonth or two free.
Originally Posted by MikeyFresh21

so i signed my contract like 4 years ago and never signed anything since then.

all im eligable for is a 75 dollar rebate since then. @%+?

can i just sign a new two year agreement when the phone drops?
dam son yours should be pretty 150 I'm thinking.

Uhm, I'm over touch screens in all honesty--I want to go back to a regular ol' keyboard. My upgrade is starting in july...if I renew for 2, u thinkit'll be sero or will they make me do something else??
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