Official Orange Bowl Vol. The ACC Sucks


WTF that was a fumble ball was moving before he went all the way down
Nice fake punt. And this drive has been pretty good, except for this last fumble on the reach.

...and now this 15 yarder...

...and now they're moving out of field goal range...

...%*!@%+! A Reesing...
KU giving this game away
Damn penalties and turnovers. The one thing we haven't done all year is hurt ourselves with turnovers and penalties. . .
KU needs a score on this drive to put it away. This has been a pretty good game though. I dont wanna hear about VTech deserving anything more then to bewinners of this game if they do end up coming back to win because honestly from what everyone was saying and their 3rd place ranking they should be puttingthis KU team away. neither team is looking all that impressive but im just happy we have a close BCS bowl game in the 4th quarter. I hope it goes down to thewire.
Reesing has the grass stuck in the helmet just like at the end of the Missouri game. He's making some really terrible decisions so far in this half.

Let's go Kansas, hold on to the lead!

Does anyone know Aqib Talib's vertical? This fool can get off the ground. I remember when they played us at Kyle Field, he almost intercepted a pass thatlooked like it was headed for the 10th row.

Big INT for the Kansas defense
Hopefully Kansas doesn't F up this shot from inside the 5...
this $#%+%@# idiot had a WR wide open on the light and he throws it in the middle of the field
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, that is what we should have done the last time we were down here. I hate to say this but we SHOULD be up two scores. We got to"cute" on that last red zone possession but this time we just quit fooling around and went for the throat.
Wow I just turned to this game, I was expecting VT to kill Kansas, I'm very surprised with the score right now.
I'm sorry, but I don't know how VT was supposed to kill anyone with their garbage#%+! offense. I didn't understand the love they have beenreceiving from the end of the season up until no, and so far this game is justifying my previous assessments.
look at that hole. If they march down and score here it is offcially a wrap. if VTech can somehow get a quick stop then still have a chance
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