Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love


Gender Reveal Today. Young Harlem Saint:pimp:
I like the name

@jrp44 My baby just started tball too, and her team is the only all black team (or team with more than like 2) and they got 2nd in their first 6 and under tball tournament. Took some very questionable officiating to put it mildly for them to lose the championship too. Its expensive though but I dig the look, pull up to the park and everyone is custom fitted up, unis, hoodies, shorts, same Under Armour bag with embroidery, got my custom Dad shirt we out here
I feel like you haven't posted here in awhile

I remember you posted frequently when she was just a baby

sounded like you and your baby momma were on the have things been?

my oldest started soccer last fall and she's doing for spring as well...tried soccer for her little sister last fall and it didn't work out but their little brother is signed up for spring
need to vent a little...

I'm extremely disgusted with the cost of health care

my son is four and is pretty much non verbal...nothing has been diagnosed but I've long been convinced that it's something neurological and a life long condition (could be something like speech apraxia)

he initially had speech therapy with the county which started late due to the pandemic, we got to the point where he has a weekly speech therapy session for 45 minutes once a week...there was a long waiting list to get in this (one year) because with things shutting down it bottlenecked

not knowing the cost until after a few weeks, we just got our first bill and it's $310.72!

my wife had thought it would be about $800 a month and my thought was I don't know where the hell we're going to get another $800 from, let alone $1200+

didn't take him this morning and my wife was going to look into potential cheaper options if they actually exist
Stay strong fam! Love that boy and keep him close.

My second youngest didn’t talk til 4 1/2. He’d mumble and it broke my ******* heart.. I remember him at 3 being upset and banging his head on the tile mumbling with his eyes opened wide staring at me. I picked him up and cradled him til He fell asleep.

Then one day he started talking out the blue. He’s 11 now and is normal asf. Well, kinda weird but kids nowadays are different
Question for y’all, how important is your child going to daycare? Is it necessary?

Family and coworkers asking me if I’m gonna put my daughter in daycare. She’s almost 2. Me and the lady has reservations about it. We don’t need childcare or anything like that. More so to learn and communicate with other kids. Also that **** expensive :lol:
Question for y’all, how important is your child going to daycare? Is it necessary?

Family and coworkers asking me if I’m gonna put my daughter in daycare. She’s almost 2. Me and the lady has reservations about it. We don’t need childcare or anything like that. More so to learn and communicate with other kids. Also that **** expensive :lol:
We have in home childcare, but will be putting our 3 year old son into a two day a week preschool in the fall. It’s two hours a session. I still have reservations about sending him, but I think he will like playing with other kids and getting out of the house for a bit. I would never be sending my kid to all day daycare if I didn’t have to. Best place for your child IMO is with his or her family, not to mention as you stated that **** is expensive. This preschool will run us 1200 for the full year.
Question for y’all, how important is your child going to daycare? Is it necessary?

Family and coworkers asking me if I’m gonna put my daughter in daycare. She’s almost 2. Me and the lady has reservations about it. We don’t need childcare or anything like that. More so to learn and communicate with other kids. Also that **** expensive :lol:
Is imperative that your kiddo be around other kiddos; day care is not the only way to accomplish that.

is your kid socialized?

we put all of our kids in daycare at the age of 6 weeks cause we both work and my wife's job doesn't offer maternity leave

it does cost a grip for sure, there are definitely some benefits especially if you put them in a scholastic based daycare

but if you don't put them in daycare just make a point to get them around other kids their age
Stay strong fam! Love that boy and keep him close.

My second youngest didn’t talk til 4 1/2. He’d mumble and it broke my ****ing heart.. I remember him at 3 being upset and banging his head on the tile mumbling with his eyes opened wide staring at me. I picked him up and cradled him til He fell asleep.

Then one day he started talking out the blue. He’s 11 now and is normal asf. Well, kinda weird but kids nowadays are different

Good to hear. My Nephew was the same way. Didnt talk at all until like 4 and now at 12 he wont stop talking lol. My Son is 2 years old and is not talking, he was recently diagnosed with Autism as well. Just got him enrolled in ABA Therapy yesterday so looking forward to the improvements that should bring
my son had a pretty big vocabulary by the time he was 1. he could read independently sometime early 3s. my 2-year old daughter is totally different. she can talk but mostly only my wife and i (and my son) can understand. she could probably benefit from a speech therapist. we'll see what the dr. says when she turns 3 in a few months. all kids do stuff at their own pace.

my son was in daycare from 3 months and that was about 2k/month as an infant. his school tuition now is even worse. not gonna be bummed if my daughter doesn't get accepted into his school :lol: she's been in daycare from about 1 year old. the CARES act has something where they pay pretty much the whole daycare cost so she has been almost free so far. that's been really helpful. no salary cap either.

daycare has been really good for our kids but i think it all depends on who's watching the kids at home, what kind of daycare you're looking at, and how well the teachers bond with the kids. we pulled my son out of the really expensive daycare cause he ended up with a crappy teacher at the age of 2. put him in another that was pricey and pulled him cause his teacher (who was really good) got sick and the sub was crappy. he got into a preschool for hawaiian/part-hawaiian kids and that was dirt cheap. that was the best place for him. the teachers loved and encouraged him. he really shined there.
Never thought i’d be asking this.

How long does it / did it take to get pregnant? We stopped using protection in January and still nothing. We’re not super young (I’m 36 she’s 32) and it’s stressing me out a bit. I think last month we finally got it right with the whole prime set of days to get down. Before last month we just randomly did it every few days.
Never thought i’d be asking this.

How long does it / did it take to get pregnant? We stopped using protection in January and still nothing. We’re not super young (I’m 36 she’s 32) and it’s stressing me out a bit. I think last month we finally got it right with the whole prime set of days to get down. Before last month we just randomly did it every few days.
It took my wife and I almost a year after she discontinued hormonal birth control to get pregnant. She was 27 and me 37.
Never thought i’d be asking this.

How long does it / did it take to get pregnant? We stopped using protection in January and still nothing. We’re not super young (I’m 36 she’s 32) and it’s stressing me out a bit. I think last month we finally got it right with the whole prime set of days to get down. Before last month we just randomly did it every few days.

tough to say, theres not real time unless you guys see a fertility dr and get on that ovulation calendar
we're kinda on the same boat my girl is very irregular on her monthly so getting her pregnant is like a needle ina haystack
my girl started taking some prenatals to give her hormones a lil boost, but def should see a Dr if you guys havent
Never thought i’d be asking this.

How long does it / did it take to get pregnant? We stopped using protection in January and still nothing. We’re not super young (I’m 36 she’s 32) and it’s stressing me out a bit. I think last month we finally got it right with the whole prime set of days to get down. Before last month we just randomly did it every few days.
Older I get the more blessed I feel. It’s definitely not as easy as I thought now that I’m a bit older and see others struggling or having to look at other options.

Most we did were those ovulation strips from Amazon. Worked.
Good to hear. My Nephew was the same way. Didnt talk at all until like 4 and now at 12 he wont stop talking lol. My Son is 2 years old and is not talking, he was recently diagnosed with Autism as well. Just got him enrolled in ABA Therapy yesterday so looking forward to the improvements that should bring
You got it famb. I’m familiar with manding hand over hand and all dat (ex behavior tech). Just keep talking to him and don’t worry about a response. He always hears you
Good to hear. My Nephew was the same way. Didnt talk at all until like 4 and now at 12 he wont stop talking lol. My Son is 2 years old and is not talking, he was recently diagnosed with Autism as well. Just got him enrolled in ABA Therapy yesterday so looking forward to the improvements that should bring
we have a referral for the autism and development medical center...I know it cost over a grand just to walk through those doors :emoji_expressionless:
Never thought i’d be asking this.

How long does it / did it take to get pregnant? We stopped using protection in January and still nothing. We’re not super young (I’m 36 she’s 32) and it’s stressing me out a bit. I think last month we finally got it right with the whole prime set of days to get down. Before last month we just randomly did it every few days.
it'll happen, at least you're getting a lot of practice in 🤷‍♂️

we thought it would take awhile because my wife had been on birth control for years but it was the opposite...pregnant the first time she ovulated once we started trying

we didn't realize that when on birth control, once you come off it you're more prone to becoming I'm told

my one buddy, supposedly that's what his doc had them do and it worked cause it to them awhile

second one took a little bit longer

third was unplanned, she didn't want to start taking birth control again because she would sometimes forget and she had been on it for a long time in the past so she peed on an ovulation strip to see if it was safe to just blow one in her or not...she thought it was good but then did the strip again in the morning and said she may have been wrong

9 months later, my son was born


That’s one shot kid
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