Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

is your kid socialized?

we put all of our kids in daycare at the age of 6 weeks cause we both work and my wife's job doesn't offer maternity leave

it does cost a grip for sure, there are definitely some benefits especially if you put them in a scholastic based daycare

but if you don't put them in daycare just make a point to get them around other kids their age
We make it a point to take our child…she’s almost two to the park every other week so she can be outside at least. Me and the lady both work from home…well I do. She has to go in twice a week. Anyways she also has first cousins couple years older that she’s around a lot. My mom is a retired teacher that educational toys for her whenever i drop my kid off. But yea I know daycare isn’t the only option. Just didn’t know if it was necessary.
my boy is terrible at sports lol. we stopped trying to force him to do stuff he doesn’t enjoy but we expose him to enough to not be totally embarrassed in p.e. class. he’s pretty good at swimming though. we have a teacher come to our condo on saturdays to work with my son and she does a little with my baby girl. i think she’s gonna be the athletic one.
When my son was little like 2-3 years old took him to the soccer field just to tire him out so he could sleep better 🤣 I love basketball but never pushed it in on him, we go shoot around a couple times a week. Fast forward to when he was 7 he ended up wanting to play more basketball since his friends in the neighborhood played it. He’s 12 now and made the school basketball team this past winter. The only 6th grader to make it out of 24 seventh & eighth graders! He actually was starter for most of the season! Haha moral of the story is just keep him ready I’m sure he’ll get more interested once his friends start playing a certain sport.
Never thought i’d be asking this.

How long does it / did it take to get pregnant? We stopped using protection in January and still nothing. We’re not super young (I’m 36 she’s 32) and it’s stressing me out a bit. I think last month we finally got it right with the whole prime set of days to get down. Before last month we just randomly did it every few days.
For our first son it took over 15 months for us to finally conceive. It’s all science for sure. With our newest child it took less than 6 months and we weren’t necessarily trying as much. I feel like the middle of the prime days works best than the first or last day if that makes sense.

Just for age context (I’m 37 and she’s 35). I was 35 when our first son was born in 2020..
Thanks for all the replies - very helpful to hear.

I screwed up last night lol think it was prime time but the wifey was tired and fell asleep. Had to fire off the boys solo to calm down so i could sleep. Of course she wakes up a little later and wakes me up at 2 am saying she used that ovulation strip and we should do it lol. Was like i’m out of bullets nothing left for tnite 😂
My girl and I have honestly been pretty careless when it comes to birth control. Kind of amazed we didn’t get pregnant earlier on. She’s been off and on different ones over the past 6 years. Late 2020, she started one, didn’t like it, and stopped taking it pretty fast.

We got busy on, after we were done, she looks at her phone app and says “im ovulating, let’s hope I don’t get pregnant.”

Fast forward a year and a half roughly and we now have an amazing 6 month old daughter who is the best thing to happen to either of us.

I guess what I’m trying to say, make sure you don’t miss that ovulation window 😭
Thanks for all the replies - very helpful to hear.

I screwed up last night lol think it was prime time but the wifey was tired and fell asleep. Had to fire off the boys solo to calm down so i could sleep. Of course she wakes up a little later and wakes me up at 2 am saying she used that ovulation strip and we should do it lol. Was like i’m out of bullets nothing left for tnite 😂
Get this stuff from Amazon called Fertilaid and then there's a Motility supplement as part of the stack iirc called Count Boost from the same brand, or a diff one called Conception and check ebay for anything with shilajit in it
Never thought i’d be asking this.

How long does it / did it take to get pregnant? We stopped using protection in January and still nothing. We’re not super young (I’m 36 she’s 32) and it’s stressing me out a bit. I think last month we finally got it right with the whole prime set of days to get down. Before last month we just randomly did it every few
Thanks for all the replies - very helpful to hear.

I screwed up last night lol think it was prime time but the wifey was tired and fell asleep. Had to fire off the boys solo to calm down so i could sleep. Of course she wakes up a little later and wakes me up at 2 am saying she used that ovulation strip and we should do it lol. Was like i’m out of bullets nothing left for tnite 😂
All that timed or scheduled sex looks like it’s giving you anxiety. You need to do it the old school way 😂 like when you’re first dating and not trying to get pregnant 😆
datznasty datznasty bruh, he's don't work like that no more :lol:

he needs 12 hours to reload 💦

it aint like it was when you're in your 20's :lol:
Yea this will make his boys more voluminous and more powerdul whenever it do go down. 12 hrs is long for refractory too, I'm hella obese and can just take a nap and be right back at it say 4-5 hours. If you need to, get some bluechew. Go for the as daily cialis. **** will have a foot print and a heart beat, scheduled or not she won't be able to keep her hands off. And stop wasting the baby batter. Good luck
I pay 2.5K for my 11 y/o club volleyball season. Not including various tourney fees, transportation, hotels, and not even counting how we sacrifice entire weekends for tournaments. Add in costs for private lessons, tourney tickets for me+wife, we prob drop 4-5K for volleyball.
Last year was her first year and he team is so good, she really didn’t play so that was 2.5K-4K charged to the game.

Anyway the club is gonna do the AAU nationals tourney after the season which is a 3 night hotel trip and we gotta register for the tournament. That MF is $400 each player. I’m just in sticker shock right now 😭 😭 my wallet and my feelings hurt 😭

And we’re gonna put my youngest daughter in it next year when she’s 8. Club sports is expensive as hell man.
Alright I got clarification that the fee goes towards extending the season for 5-6 more weeks with 3x a week practice (2 hr practice). So that’s not bad now haha. Still though. **** is not cheap
I pay 2.5K for my 11 y/o club volleyball season. Not including various tourney fees, transportation, hotels, and not even counting how we sacrifice entire weekends for tournaments. Add in costs for private lessons, tourney tickets for me+wife, we prob drop 4-5K for volleyball.
Last year was her first year and he team is so good, she really didn’t play so that was 2.5K-4K charged to the game.

Anyway the club is gonna do the AAU nationals tourney after the season which is a 3 night hotel trip and we gotta register for the tournament. That MF is $400 each player. I’m just in sticker shock right now 😭 😭 my wallet and my feelings hurt 😭

And we’re gonna put my youngest daughter in it next year when she’s 8. Club sports is expensive as hell man.
Fam with the gas from these games being all over like a 90 minute radius every direction, the equipment, entry fee all 3 or 2 days of the tournament, the fact we're there all day so you have to hit concession stands hella times when its 80+ and our girls played 7 games today, yea that **** blatantly hits the pockets and creepily does too.

But we'll take that 1st place and alibaba dollar tree *** medal. And the time, we were literally there 12 hours yesterday. And today they have league games, a 6pm and an 820pm so to get here there an hr early for the first one means we'll be there 4 hours tonight and we go to July its going to be 100 degrees then. But if thats what my girl wants I'm there.

my 8 year old got herself in some **** and doesn't know it yet...didn't bring it up this morning for the sake of being able to get through the morning without too much stress

my wife realized last night she had some unauthorized charges from apple on her credit card...looked a little harder and it has been going on since the beginning of the year

she called to file disputes and as she was doing that started wondering if maybe our daughter did it on her phone (which I never thought she should have had in the first place but my wife insisted when there was an incident where I went to pick her up from the after school program and she wasn't at her sisters school yet...she takes a bus from her school to her sisters school)

when she was sleeping I put her finger on the home button to view subscriptions and purchases and there was a bunch of Roblox charges, apple music, etc.

not sure how she was able to purchase because the cvv code is not saved in the phone from what we could se and my wife lost the physical card months ago and only uses it for online purchases

:angry::smh:my daughter made over $400 in purchases for apple crap over the course of three and tablet for this kid is done for a long time

not sure what a fit punishment would be outside of that would be

these companies know what they're doing with that crap. you can put all kinda protections in place but kids are smart and vulnerable to the lure of game bonuses.
don't know what exact punishment she is going to receive yet

my wife let her know she is not going to her friends birthday party now

me and her started watching Big with Tom Hanks Friday night when everyone else went to bed and we talked about finishing it last night but it got too late...I told her to ask me tonight but I'm gonna have to tell her that it's not happening for awhile as much as I wanted to finish watching it with her
you right.

i was on paternity leave for 6 weeks of my allowed 12. i got shamed by my female bosses and female coworkers to come back after my 6. that's a whole different story though.

Did they seriously or jokingly get on you for that? THe hell did they say?

I mean did you go back because of THEM?
Did they seriously or jokingly get on you for that? THe hell did they say?

I mean did you go back because of THEM?
my coworkers...jokingly.
i work at a children's hospital about 85% women and my coworkers (mostly all mothers) made jokes like, "damn why do you need so much time off? did your vagina break? :lol: "
"your wife had the baby not you." stuff like that. now we def are cool enough that we can make these kinds of jokes to each other so i wasn't offended. but they all had to pick up the slack of me being off and although they were joking, they really did want me back.
my immediate boss didn't really shame me. she made jokes too but actually defended my time off. she more so just told me how everyone was complaining to her and asking her when i was coming back. manipulative...
now my boss's boss was trying to say things to me like, "you know most dads only take 2 weeks off." stuff like that even though that has absolutely nothing to do with me.
you can tell the chicks felt some type of way about a dad getting the same amount of time off for a baby as a mom does.

i didn't solely come back because of them but hearing these things def influenced my decision to come back sooner than i was allowed and it def doesn't help.
Yea, sorry you had to go through that.

I get you feeling like not wanting to be a bad teammate but I am wondering how I would have dealt with that.

I am at the point in life where I wouldn't let anyone else steal my peace especially if it means I have to go back to work early leaving my baby/wife behind.

Yea, sorry you had to go through that.
Yea, sorry you had to go through that.
Yea, sorry you had to go through that.
i didn't solely come back because of them but hearing these things def influenced my decision to come back sooner than i was allowed and it def doesn't help.

I hate our society's lack of support towards father's roles in kids' lives. It's like when you go shopping with just you and your infant and someone is like "Oh, babysitting for the night?" No, I'm parenting, goofy.

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