Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Went summer shoe shopping with the boys
My oldest brings me this 79 dollars lighr up shoe. The clerk was like he can change the lights via bluetooth on his phone.
Im like my man this kid is 7 .... The shoe also had a usb port so they could charge



My daughter got these rose gold pair that has the port in it to charge them.

They actually came with the cord too.

Button on the tounge to change the light colors.

Straight LEDs.

I always take her to Shoe Carnival when I decide to let her pick her own shoes because she be wanting the buttest ****.

I could line up some neon 95s, spacejames and some cold new balances, and she picking some light ups and sandals 9/10
when my boy was about 3, we started letting him choose his own shoes at footlocker. i would always try and push some retro and hype it up but he actually chose like 3 pairs of lebrons in a row :lol:
used to frustrate the hell outta me :smh:
My oldest (turned 5 today) was in 95th percentile for height and weight for the longest time but a lot of kids have caught up to her in the past year

My second is still big (2.5 years old), probably biggest kid her age in daycare

My little one (4 months) is pretty average with a small head at 25th percentile

I’m 5’ 11.5” and my wife is 5’ 8” for reference

Took my oldest out to breakfast this morning for her birthday

Oh man! I'm 5'7 and my wife is 4'11.

both are kids are gonna be short! LOL... looks like i'm teaching my daughter golf!

I don't know what to teach my son yet though, he only 9 months... i got time.....
^sorry to hear that but it sounds like your daughter will be average Filipino Nurse height:lol:
Scary moment time...

So we were at a friend's house for their daughter's birthday party. The party was in the back yard, where there was a pool and a hot tub off to the side. There was nothing around the pool, but you could tell that there used to be a fence from looking at the holes in the ground. My son (2 and a half) has been in love with the water since he was born, so most of the time I had to keep telling him to back up from the pool. He would listen and back up and we'd all be good. There are other kids at the party of course, a few older ones as well. He thinks he's as big as they are and start running around with them. They actually let him hang out too. They're having fun playing with the balls and balloons hanging around. One of the older kids decides to sit by the hot tub and put his feet in. All of the other kids begin to do the same. My son wants to follow suit, so I go and sit down in front of the tub so I can watch him. He's sitting there enjoying the water and kicking it all around. One of my shoes are untied, so I bend over to tie it. Then I hear the three words:


I look up, and my son is now underwater.

I hop in, scoop him up and put him on the ground. My wife grabs him and starts patting him on the back. He coughs a bit. He looked more startled than anything. He goes,"All wet!" He's going to be alright. Needless to say, we leave the party. My wife is nothing but smiles towards him while we put him in the car, but breaks down and cries on the ride. He may have been in the water 5 seconds at the most, but it seemed like forever. Dry drowning says we should watch him for 24 hours to make sure he's all good. That's almost up, so I'm sure he's good.

Thank God I was right there.
Son getting ready for frosh Football. Got a text 150 for practice uniforms. Practice uniforms?? **** that lol. I’ll pay when you guys start hitting.
Scary moment time...

So we were at a friend's house for their daughter's birthday party. The party was in the back yard, where there was a pool and a hot tub off to the side. There was nothing around the pool, but you could tell that there used to be a fence from looking at the holes in the ground. My son (2 and a half) has been in love with the water since he was born, so most of the time I had to keep telling him to back up from the pool. He would listen and back up and we'd all be good. There are other kids at the party of course, a few older ones as well. He thinks he's as big as they are and start running around with them. They actually let him hang out too. They're having fun playing with the balls and balloons hanging around. One of the older kids decides to sit by the hot tub and put his feet in. All of the other kids begin to do the same. My son wants to follow suit, so I go and sit down in front of the tub so I can watch him. He's sitting there enjoying the water and kicking it all around. One of my shoes are untied, so I bend over to tie it. Then I hear the three words:


I look up, and my son is now underwater.

I hop in, scoop him up and put him on the ground. My wife grabs him and starts patting him on the back. He coughs a bit. He looked more startled than anything. He goes,"All wet!" He's going to be alright. Needless to say, we leave the party. My wife is nothing but smiles towards him while we put him in the car, but breaks down and cries on the ride. He may have been in the water 5 seconds at the most, but it seemed like forever. Dry drowning says we should watch him for 24 hours to make sure he's all good. That's almost up, so I'm sure he's good.

Thank God I was right there.
Worst fear is burying my kids. They suppose to bury me. Werd to John Q.
Scary moment time...

So we were at a friend's house for their daughter's birthday party. The party was in the back yard, where there was a pool and a hot tub off to the side. There was nothing around the pool, but you could tell that there used to be a fence from looking at the holes in the ground. My son (2 and a half) has been in love with the water since he was born, so most of the time I had to keep telling him to back up from the pool. He would listen and back up and we'd all be good. There are other kids at the party of course, a few older ones as well. He thinks he's as big as they are and start running around with them. They actually let him hang out too. They're having fun playing with the balls and balloons hanging around. One of the older kids decides to sit by the hot tub and put his feet in. All of the other kids begin to do the same. My son wants to follow suit, so I go and sit down in front of the tub so I can watch him. He's sitting there enjoying the water and kicking it all around. One of my shoes are untied, so I bend over to tie it. Then I hear the three words:


I look up, and my son is now underwater.

I hop in, scoop him up and put him on the ground. My wife grabs him and starts patting him on the back. He coughs a bit. He looked more startled than anything. He goes,"All wet!" He's going to be alright. Needless to say, we leave the party. My wife is nothing but smiles towards him while we put him in the car, but breaks down and cries on the ride. He may have been in the water 5 seconds at the most, but it seemed like forever. Dry drowning says we should watch him for 24 hours to make sure he's all good. That's almost up, so I'm sure he's good.

Thank God I was right there.

Damn, bro. That's good to hear. I know how scary that can be.

When my daughter was 1, my wife was holding her hand walking along the shore. I was about 20 yards away with my niece a little further in the water. Long story short, I saw a wave come up behind my wife and daughter and as soon as my wife screamed, I was already bolting her way and left my niece alone.

I'll never forget my daughters surprised face under the water and as she was being pulled in but luckily, I was able to grab her. Once I had her, I was like oh ****, I just left my niece all alone too. By the time I turned around, her dad was walking towards me and mumbled, "fielder's choice, huh". I could only say "yo" and shrugged. We have a good laugh about it now whenever we see each other but still, one of the scariest moments of my life. Ever!
Damn, bro. That's good to hear. I know how scary that can be.

When my daughter was 1, my wife was holding her hand walking along the shore. I was about 20 yards away with my niece a little further in the water. Long story short, I saw a wave come up behind my wife and daughter and as soon as my wife screamed, I was already bolting her way and left my niece alone.

I'll never forget my daughters surprised face under the water and as she was being pulled in but luckily, I was able to grab her. Once I had her, I was like oh ****, I just left my niece all alone too. By the time I turned around, her dad was walking towards me and mumbled, "fielder's choice, huh". I could only say "yo" and shrugged. We have a good laugh about it now whenever we see each other but still, one of the scariest moments of my life. Ever!

That's a crazy story! I'm glad everyone was safe. I would've left the niece too honestly.

Man, it just happened so fast. I'm just glad that it wasn't the pool. I would have still jumped in, but I, unfortunately, can't swim(not enough to confidently save someone if needed). I am currently looking up swim classes for ALL of us. We'll all be good to go by the end of the summer.
That's a crazy story! I'm glad everyone was safe. I would've left the niece too honestly.

Man, it just happened so fast. I'm just glad that it wasn't the pool. I would have still jumped in, but I, unfortunately, can't swim(not enough to confidently save someone if needed). I am currently looking up swim classes for ALL of us. We'll all be good to go by the end of the summer.

Yeah, that'll definitely help. I'm not a big fan of swimming myself, but I can hold my own. My wife loves it though and our neighbors constantly throw pool parties so it's inevitable we'll always be around water and they might as well learn how to swim as early as possible.

My little girl is 2.5 now and she can actually "swim" by herself with floaties on and stuff. I'm still a nervous wreck but she was legit doing laps in the pool this weekend. With that said, I went to the beach yesterday and left her home. I'm not that comfortable yet with her being that fearless in the water right now:lol:
a year ago, my wife jumped in the pool during a swimming lesson for my son because the instructor was yawning, not paying attention, and looked like he had a hangover. i wasn't there but some of our friends were and dude told me my son was going down and started to panic and the instructor wasn't looking. we pulled him out of that swim school and he went back to his old one. my boy can swim across the short way in the pool no problem and he does ok at the beach even when it’s a little rough. i let him take tumbles and swallow a little water. we live on an island so he better know how to swim.
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My nephew was face down in the water for about 2 seconds yesterday, but it felt like an eternity ... I was reading a book by the pool and all I hear is O MY GOD ... I look up and dive in the water almost simultaneously off some Michael Phelps type **** ... When I got to him he didn't have much water in his mouth and wasn't choking that badly ... Almost as if he held his breath ... Everything seems cool a day later but pools are dangerous AF ...
Wife decided to take a pregnancy test after work today since her period was late but I really didn't think much of it.

Test came back Positive and I really don't know what it is but I'm still having a hard time believing it's real. She been sittin' here stunned and emotional and I'm still operating like her test fell into that 3% chance of being wrong :lol:

This feeling of "naaaaah, I'ma wake up and this won't be real!" gotta be normal right? I feel like that "this is fine" meme right now - mad weird.
We’ve gone through quite a few strollers with my son who turns three in August, bugaboo buffalo then the donkey. Look up the prices if you’d like lol I think it’s crazy. My wife was on this stroller craze wanting to assemble a fleet and on forums :lol:. We ended up selling those, I would complain how they were multiple pieces and took up too much space in our car on trips (we have a highlander, even with that space it was annoying). Anyways ended up selling both now we have a BOB and I like it the most out of all the strollers we’ve had. Only complaint is undercarriage storage is pretty small, still can fit his backpack and a sweater or two folded up just for reference.

Recently found out we’re expecting baby number two!!! My wife is 10 weeks tomorrow I can’t wait to find out the sex, anticipation is killing me!!!

Ultrasound yesterday and it’s a girl!! Hyped as hell man, and I’m not gonna lie I’m a little more emotional finding out the gender this time around. Been a minute since I checked out this thread, but keep up the good work fellas :nthat:
Wife decided to take a pregnancy test after work today since her period was late but I really didn't think much of it.

Test came back Positive and I really don't know what it is but I'm still having a hard time believing it's real. She been sittin' here stunned and emotional and I'm still operating like her test fell into that 3% chance of being wrong :lol:

This feeling of "naaaaah, I'ma wake up and this won't be real!" gotta be normal right? I feel like that "this is fine" meme right now - mad weird.

Congrats man
4 year old son got hand foot mouth on Thursday. he has sores all down his throat. then he fell on his face and pushed his tooth back yesterday...taking him to the dentist this afternoon. plus our 4 month daughter is teething...have to :lol: so i can keep it together...
Dad had a stroke, in hospital now getting tests done
Speech is a bit slurred, but physical functions are fine

Shoutout to all the dads in here
Crazy how just one incident makes you reassess everything

:emoji_fingers_crossed: hope everything works out for you...strokes can be scary thing
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